Monday, March 28, 2011


[proh-kras-tuh-neyt, pruh-]
verb, -nat·ed, -nat·ing. 
–verb (used without object)
1. to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
–verb (used with object)
2. to put off till another day or time; defer; delay. we are the end of March--speedily making our way towards the end of the semester! Despite what many school dwellers and graduates told me, I'm still not sick of school; in fact I'm still enjoying classes as much today as I was January 6th, when I began! :)

However...I am noticing a trend in myself. I wait a realllly long time to do my homework now. Or wait excessive amounts of time to begin [3] papers that are due tomorrow later this week!! Ahh! It's no good! It's just that every time I sit down to focus and be diligent my phone rings, or I get a text, or I go on facebook where I proceed to have an hour long [hilarious, yet deterring] conversation with one of my siblings or friends. Or I think...Jonah needs fresh water in his little bowl. What I am seeing is that this school work is causing me to be super on top of everything else in life- you know socially and in regards to housework, but I think I'm missing the bigger picture!

Therefore, I have resolved in my heart [and head!] that right now [after I finish this post]--
I shall be diligent, and my papers shall be written!!
[Unless I find something else that distracts me!]

Happy Spring to everyone!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Are you who you wanna be?

I've been thinking a lot lately. Well, actually, I normally think a lot. I blame it on a season I spent with some highly deep thinkers [you know who you are ;)!!]--and before then I was perfectly content just letting life be and not really caring if I had much thought or say in little things. However--now I think, analyze, ponder....etc. etc. etc....constantly!!  I actually irritate myself with it in moments!

Getting to the point...

I don't like clones. You know, like little sub-cultures of people who are defined by what they wear, or the music they listen to, how they cut their hair, stuff like that. I want to wear what I want to wear, cut my hair how I like it and be who I am darn it!! ;)

I don't want to be like anyone else. I actually think I've been pretty successful so far too. I'm a little weird honestly! But here's the thing, I like who I am better when I am just being myself then when I'm in a situation where I feel a little awkward or kind of just blend into the surroundings because I don't feel comfortable.

I think I began realizing this in the last few months- and I honestly like who God made me. I'm still learning to be comfortable in that at all times, because there are still a few remnants of F.O.M. [fear of man!] in me that say if I want friends or whatever, I've got to be a certain way, act a certain way, dress a certain way or...[blah, blah, blah]. It is all nonsense. [Now I am not saying I want to be a bum or not dress nicely and all that...] I just don't want to be defined or categorized by those things or to have the shallow judgement that those things make up who I am inside.

One thing that brought all this thought on is that I am moving back to my hometown [or pretty close] in May. I'm going to get to spend some time with friends who I haven't really been around in like 4 years [some of them not as long...] & it got me thinking like all self-consciously for some reason. Like, oh my gosh. I hope I'm well liked, I hope I don't feel awkward hanging out with all these people who hardly know my anymore....[blah, blah, blah...more nonsense]. I just began to really stress over it. I've changed a lot since I've lived in Kentucky and have become so confidant as a leader in this sphere here but it was like I felt incapable of having that new found confidence go with me where I went, which is just so silly.

I know who I am and I know my Father well, and I know He created me with such an amazing destiny and purpose--and when it comes down to it, even if someone along the way doesn't really think I'm all that [;)] then that is okay. Just like my clothes & hair-- that [doesn't] shouldn't define me either.

My confidence will continue to be more deeply grounded in Christ as I keep walking this path of life--and I can at least rest in the fact that I know He will never throw anything at me that I can't handle. Which is awesome! :)

So be free to BE YOU! You're the only one---so you've got to do it well and to the fullest! The world will be missing out if you don't!

Friday, March 11, 2011

California love!

I've been in the lovely state of California for 5 days now, and it's been glorious! I can't imagine living in a place like this. Waking up to such epic beauty every day would be so insane!

Even though it's been a vacation I feel like I've gotten some things accomplished! I went and saw a school I'm interested in a few days ago and toured the breathtaking campus! How could I not transfer out here?? was my question once the tour was over!

I took ton of great pics which I will upload once I get home!! So there's no shortage in that department!!
I also got some tanning in... in my complimentary Concordia t-shirt that I received! :)

We went to the beach too, and sorry to say I got burnt to a crisp one day! Ha! I won't put that pic up though! I'll wait till it fades to a lovely tan!

It's been such a good time though, and I'm so thankful that I've been able to take this time to get away and just relax.

I am so excited for this next season. God has been stirring up so many things within me and I just feel them on the brink of exploding. He has so many good things for His children. He is so amazing and creative and awesome and we have the capability to walk in all of that in such huge ways because we are His children! We need to pick up this new way of living and run with it!  I'm definitely unsure of where this new season will take me and I am definitely in a season of stepping out in faith more drastically than I've ever been in before; but I feel like He's taken me by the hand and prepared every little thing so that I come to the place where I know I can do anything with Him. I really believe that too.

There's something new that is about to be unleashed in this world and we're a part of it. A huge part.
Oh Jesus I can't wait for all that you have planned. Prepare our hearts, minds and spirits God.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Officially official!


I know the Bible says [somewhere] to not boast about tomorrow or say that you will go here or there, instead say if it is the Lords will, then we will do this or that, for no one knows what the future holds...

Soooo...with that in mind. It's officially official that I am aiming [walking towards with the understanding that God can turn my any way at any moment!] to be back up in the Chicago-land area at the end of my semester here at school!

This picture is kind of a falsification, since I am aiming to live in the suburbs, quite close to where I grew up!

I am excited! It's time for a new season and a new adventure. I honestly feel like this stop in the north will just be a little resting post until God reveals the bigger plan. Until He does though, I am happy to be spending time with friends who I have not been with in 4 years.

I honestly sometime can't figure out this life of mine. Sincerely. I have like no clue where I could be in a few years. There is an exciting aspect to that along with a slightly nervous feeling! I know though, that in all things God works together all things for my good. He will lead and guide me exactly where I need to be at the exact moment I need to be there. I guess I am just on the portion of my journey where I get to really test that faith department out! I know He won't let me down, because He never has before :)