Tuesday, October 23, 2012

...5 Months Later!

Oh, hey there! That's right, I have a blog! :) 
Let's have a quick recap of the past 5 months!! 
(In chronological order!)

First off! Summer break!!! :D

Which happily means....

But, still spent the majority of my time in this lovely place! 
It's really not so bad once you get to know everyone ;)

Then August rolled around, which meant: 

It would have been nice to say no more work, but that's a lie!

I also moved to Evansville, just after the school semester began!
Good timing, I know. But it was definitely one of those "right place, right time" kind of deals!
LOVEE my new place and new housemates! 

 Also, met a pretty great guy over the summer! 
(Sadly, not us in this pic, cuz it's an awesome pic!) 
But, that's been fun so far!

And this last picture is more about what I have to look forward to! 
Family vacation out to California for Thanksgiving this year! 
Prettttty stoked, can't lie!

So, there you have it!
I won't be another 5 months before updating again!