Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Calm...

I have t-minus four days before my new life/schedule begins! I am soaking in every moment of it too! :) 
I mean, trust me, I am so excited for my new job!!

I'm going to be a bank teller!! 

And, even though right now I'm kinda dreading it...I am attempting to get myself excited about hitting the books again!!
I'm super excited though for the fact that my boyfriend and I are on the same schedule now, because he got an amazing new job [super proud of him!!], and we're both going to have evenings and [most] every weekend free! Aaaand, he's someone I'm becoming pretty fond of, if I do say so myself ;) So, I can't wait to have so much free time with him!
All in all, 2013 is starting off amazingly, and I basically expect it to get even better! :)
God is so good to me, and to those around me! I am very thankful!!

And, til it all begins, I am enjoying myself, drinking coffee, watching Boy Meets World and getting stuff done around the house! It's a good life!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

As we [Journey] on this Path of Life.

I love life! I always have! I feel like God has blessed me incredibly in this life through my family and the friends He has brought around me. Each season brings its new friends, lessons, challenges and opportunities to grow up a little more. I think that for someone who is 26, in moments I feel like I don't have too much life experience & need quite a bit more of growing up to happen in my mindsets, and just in the way I view life, the world, and my relationship with God. The thing is though, is that there is always grace for that process. Which makes me happy, and it also lets me chill out for a second every now and then...realizing that I don't have to have every little step figured out before I get there. I can trust the Lord to lead me and guide me in the way of righteousness, and I know He will teach me and show me everything I need to know for life and Godliness in it's time. The word of God even says so! :)

2 Peter 1:3
[ Confirm Your Calling and Election ] His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence...

I am thankful for this season in life that I've come to. I am thankful for the new friends and the old friends, and I am excited to see what is in store for this coming year. I know that I can rest and trust in the plans that my Lord has for me...and that alone is enough for me to have the assurance and peace I need for this life.