Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new [life]...

It has officially began!! My life as a real, live, college student!!

The reviews show that's it is better than I ever imagined it would be!! Honestly-- I know I tend the be the dramatic type--but I sincerely love being back in school! Even looking back over the decisions I've made to hold off on school, and pursue ministry first [having done that, and looking back] seems to have been a very beneficial choice. It makes me happy :) All along as I've gone down my little road, and taken the little [or big] turns that I felt God put in front of me I've had all sorts of opinions and feedback from people in my life. Some negative, some positive--all because I am loved and these people only wanted the best for me; I've seen where God has really stepped in and guided me when I needed it [which was a lot! ;)]

Furthermore, I feel that I now have a direction, and a vision [at least partial] for my life! And being where I've been has helped define that so much more clearly than if I just would have jumped into what the normal pattern of life should be. I still don't know exactly what I will do with my BA in Journalism and a Minor in Spanish... but I do know those two put together equal things that I truly love, and things that I know God can and will use for His Kingdom while I am on this earth!

...Now, all I need is a MacBook Pro!! ;)

I can't wait to see what 2011 holds for those of us who are loved by God and called according to His purpose [which is all of us!]!!

Grace & Peace!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm dreaming of a white [sand covered beach]!


Here we are, 2011. We've entered into the dismal part of each year where people scurry around, trying to stay warm, and planning their next trip to some tropical paradise in order to escape the frozen tundra they [so willingly] call home! You know--what is that anyways?? God gives us this earth, right--and on this earth there are places given to the frozen...and places given to those who live in joy & warmth. It seems kind of like a no brainer to me, doesn't it? I mean, let's think here...Alaska or Hawaii?? Michigan or California?? Kentucky or Mexico?? See my point? I'm glad :)

Anyhow...the deeper point. I am ready for summer. I also do not know why I torture myself so; when I should live somewhere that winter is never seen; or even heard of.

None-the-less, I shall press on knowing this winter season brings me a new adventure that I am most joyously looking forward to; COLLEGE! :) Yay! I begin next Tuesday to be exact!! And I am thrilled!! Hopefully it'll cause the cold to pass quickly [I'm honestly pretty spoiled, winter goes till like, March in Kentucky. So I really don't have much to complain about...] and the summer to be upon us all!

Happy New Year to everyone!! This is going to be a good one, I can feel it!!

Keep thinking warm thoughts! :)