Until recently, I haven't really [sorry to say it!] been this super "Patriotic" person or anything. But I feel like I am realizing more and more lately that I am incredibly blessed to live in a country that allows it citizens input on where the country goes.
I'm not here to rant and rave about political parties, or who is right or wrong...because the bottom line is, is that it's still really awesome to have that privilege- regardless of the outcome. And I know that sounds kind of nuts, because all most people care about this time of year are the outcomes of the election; which I care about too. I was mostly just taking a moment to reflect though on the process we are invited to have a say in with in our nation.
Soo, all that to say...
I hope you did too! :)
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sooo, not sure know if you know this or not, but I love missions and overseas travel :)
Over the past 5 years I've had the
opportunity to travel to Mexico, Israel and Guatemala. Each of those
trips were basically just given to me- and God provided for me to be
able to have those amazing experiences of traveling and being a
missionary in a short term sense.
I recently have become acquainted with several people who work with a ministry in Evansville, Indiana whose primary mission is to reach the people of Myanmar. Uncharted International has been working in Myanmar for more than a decade, and has been bringing the people in that country to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. This is a small excerpt from the ministries web site about their work in Myanmar:
"Myanmar is a country located in Southeast Asia. Buddhism is the major religion practiced there, 90% of the Burmese people are Buddhist; 4% are Muslim. It is also has portions of the country listed as one of the top 10 least reached areas of the world. Myanmar is a country with one of the fewest number of foreign missionaries living there. Myanmar is the poorest Asian country with the average yearly income at $1900. There are about 1,700,000 orphans in the country and Myanmar has the highest number of children in the sex trafficking trade."
The ministry being done in Myanmar
To win the lost, make disciples of Christ and raise up new leaders to multiply churches. We hope to have 1,000 house churches by 2018.
I was excited to learn about Uncharted International because I love missions, I love traveling and most importantly I love telling people about Jesus and sharing His love with them! And on top of all of that, I have a family who is basically giving me half of the cost for a trip to to to Myanmar in May 2013!
When I first heard about the trip in May, I was excited but pretty much assumed I wouldn't be able to go, because it is about $3000. Then when I was told half the cost would be covered if I could find a way to come up with the other half, I began getting really excited!
Between working about 30 hours a week, and going to school full time- it's been really difficult for me to sit down and organize some formal fund raising events. I am normally very opposed to support letters, because I hate soliciting people for something that I want! But as I prayed and thought about it, I realized the only way I'd be able to go on this trip is if I did choose to step out, and see if there were some people who would want to come beside me and help to make this happen! I definitely do not say that to pressure anyone in any way, because if people are unable to financially give, I know that there will be support from people in prayer which is equally important!
So, if you find yourself reading this little blog post, all I ask is that you'd prayerfully consider helping me make this trip a reality! I need to raise/make $1600 total, and then the trip would be fully covered! If there is any more information you would like about the trip, or the missions organization, please don't hesitate to ask! And thank you for taking the time to read this! I am very excited to see if God opens up this door for me to be able to travel to Myanmar!
Blessings and love!
I recently have become acquainted with several people who work with a ministry in Evansville, Indiana whose primary mission is to reach the people of Myanmar. Uncharted International has been working in Myanmar for more than a decade, and has been bringing the people in that country to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. This is a small excerpt from the ministries web site about their work in Myanmar:
"Myanmar is a country located in Southeast Asia. Buddhism is the major religion practiced there, 90% of the Burmese people are Buddhist; 4% are Muslim. It is also has portions of the country listed as one of the top 10 least reached areas of the world. Myanmar is a country with one of the fewest number of foreign missionaries living there. Myanmar is the poorest Asian country with the average yearly income at $1900. There are about 1,700,000 orphans in the country and Myanmar has the highest number of children in the sex trafficking trade."
The ministry being done in Myanmar
- 8 orphanages with over 363 orphans
- 1 Bible College with 82 students and 12 faculty teachers
- A clothing factory to provide skills for our high school and college students.
- 13 church planters with over 100 house churches….and this grows every year!!
To win the lost, make disciples of Christ and raise up new leaders to multiply churches. We hope to have 1,000 house churches by 2018.
I was excited to learn about Uncharted International because I love missions, I love traveling and most importantly I love telling people about Jesus and sharing His love with them! And on top of all of that, I have a family who is basically giving me half of the cost for a trip to to to Myanmar in May 2013!
When I first heard about the trip in May, I was excited but pretty much assumed I wouldn't be able to go, because it is about $3000. Then when I was told half the cost would be covered if I could find a way to come up with the other half, I began getting really excited!
Between working about 30 hours a week, and going to school full time- it's been really difficult for me to sit down and organize some formal fund raising events. I am normally very opposed to support letters, because I hate soliciting people for something that I want! But as I prayed and thought about it, I realized the only way I'd be able to go on this trip is if I did choose to step out, and see if there were some people who would want to come beside me and help to make this happen! I definitely do not say that to pressure anyone in any way, because if people are unable to financially give, I know that there will be support from people in prayer which is equally important!
So, if you find yourself reading this little blog post, all I ask is that you'd prayerfully consider helping me make this trip a reality! I need to raise/make $1600 total, and then the trip would be fully covered! If there is any more information you would like about the trip, or the missions organization, please don't hesitate to ask! And thank you for taking the time to read this! I am very excited to see if God opens up this door for me to be able to travel to Myanmar!
Blessings and love!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
...5 Months Later!
Oh, hey there! That's right, I have a blog! :)
Let's have a quick recap of the past 5 months!!
(In chronological order!)
First off! Summer break!!! :D
Which happily means....
But, still spent the majority of my time in this lovely place!
It's really not so bad once you get to know everyone ;)
Then August rolled around, which meant:
It would have been nice to say no more work, but that's a lie!
I also moved to Evansville, just after the school semester began!
Good timing, I know. But it was definitely one of those "right place, right time" kind of deals!
LOVEE my new place and new housemates!
Also, met a pretty great guy over the summer!
(Sadly, not us in this pic, cuz it's an awesome pic!)
But, that's been fun so far!
And this last picture is more about what I have to look forward to!
Family vacation out to California for Thanksgiving this year!
Prettttty stoked, can't lie!
So, there you have it!
I won't be another 5 months before updating again!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
....So, what now?
So this has been an interesting couple of weeks for me. Certain things happened/stuff was said which caused me to want to reflect upon my life and so some soul searching (so to say...) and the conclusions that were reached were super interesting....
I have no clue what I really want to do with my life.
Yep. It's true.
At first I was pretty alarmed at this realization...Then I concluded that many people my age (or around it) feel the exact same way. I mean, granted, I always seem to find myself around a lot of people who have these epic visions for their lives, awesome plans and like every step basically mapped out... But, I guess I'm just not that kind of person. Not that having life all sorted before it happens wouldn't be nice in certain situations, cuz, really, it probably would rock.
I think the consensus I came to though was this....
I know that God has plans for me. I know that He has really carefully considered my life, and who I am (the gifts He gave me, the desires in my heart, the things I love and don't love as much), and since He has taken these things into consideration...I feel pretty free to do whatever comes my way, as long as it's honoring Him. I know that He will work everything out in the perfect way and time, and I truly hold firmly to the belief that God wants us to have fun! He wants us to pursue the things that make our hearts come alive...so, once I figure out exactly what those things are, I'm set :)
All in all...awesome couple weeks. I can't wait to see the rest of life unfold. I know it's going to rock!
So this has been an interesting couple of weeks for me. Certain things happened/stuff was said which caused me to want to reflect upon my life and so some soul searching (so to say...) and the conclusions that were reached were super interesting....
I have no clue what I really want to do with my life.
At first I was pretty alarmed at this realization...Then I concluded that many people my age (or around it) feel the exact same way. I mean, granted, I always seem to find myself around a lot of people who have these epic visions for their lives, awesome plans and like every step basically mapped out... But, I guess I'm just not that kind of person. Not that having life all sorted before it happens wouldn't be nice in certain situations, cuz, really, it probably would rock.
I think the consensus I came to though was this....
I know that God has plans for me. I know that He has really carefully considered my life, and who I am (the gifts He gave me, the desires in my heart, the things I love and don't love as much), and since He has taken these things into consideration...I feel pretty free to do whatever comes my way, as long as it's honoring Him. I know that He will work everything out in the perfect way and time, and I truly hold firmly to the belief that God wants us to have fun! He wants us to pursue the things that make our hearts come alive...so, once I figure out exactly what those things are, I'm set :)
All in all...awesome couple weeks. I can't wait to see the rest of life unfold. I know it's going to rock!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Some awesome guys I've known for a while now are most likely going to be famous pretty soon! ;)
They're such awesome men of God, and so talented and I know they're being used in so many ways to change this world!!
But anyhow!! Here is their song "Redemption"!! Listen!!! It's super good!!
Tim & Nate's Song!!!
They're such awesome men of God, and so talented and I know they're being used in so many ways to change this world!!
But anyhow!! Here is their song "Redemption"!! Listen!!! It's super good!!
Tim & Nate's Song!!!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Yeah. That's right. FOUR dollars.
That's the amount of money I have left from my paycheck after paying bills and stuff.
I've gotta get a money tree- or something.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Dave Hasz is Leaving?! :(
A few days ago I found out some sad news! And by sad I mean, this will be a great loss to Teen Mania and The Honor Academy, but I know God is leading these people on to what He has next in their lives!
But Dave Hasz, the amazing director of The Honor Academy is transitioning out of that leadership position! :(
I was an Intern at the HA from 2004-2005, and this man is so incredible. His dedication to the Lord, to excellence and to sweeping the idols out of young peoples' lives is just remarkable. I know his presence and leadership abilities will be missed by the TM family.
Here's a little more info on his departure from his blog! [click below!]
Dave's Blog!
Mr. Hasz, you're amazing!! God bless you in this next season He is leading you and your family into! Also, I vote you continue to blog :)
But Dave Hasz, the amazing director of The Honor Academy is transitioning out of that leadership position! :(
I was an Intern at the HA from 2004-2005, and this man is so incredible. His dedication to the Lord, to excellence and to sweeping the idols out of young peoples' lives is just remarkable. I know his presence and leadership abilities will be missed by the TM family.
Here's a little more info on his departure from his blog! [click below!]
Dave's Blog!
Mr. Hasz, you're amazing!! God bless you in this next season He is leading you and your family into! Also, I vote you continue to blog :)
Monday, May 7, 2012
catch me [if you can]
Last night I watch this movie with a friend! Movies like this [oddly enough] seem to inspire within me the desire to try to get away with some epic scheme....haha!
Clearly, I would never really follow through with it, because I value my life and would prefer to not spend it in prison.
At one point in the movie though, towards the end...Hanks' character is following DiCaprio through an airport as he's trying to run one last time...[which, at that point to the audience seems absurd, because he has just been pardoned from his massive sentence to prison, and offered a job at the FBI]...yet, he continues to run.
And Hanks' leaves him with a statement something like- I'm goning to let you run this time- you know, after a while it is easier to live a lie. But, nobody is chasing you Frank, nobody is chasing you.
Sometimes I feel like we play this little "catch me if you can" game with God. That sometimes, it's just easier settling for what we've become because of the convenience or luxury of life after those choices. And all the while, God is after our hearts, He is chasing us down, and wants us to understand the gravity of the choices we make, and ultimately just wants us with Him and to be safe. [Altho in the movie, I am sure there were other things the FBI wanted! Haha!]
But it's like after running from Him for so long, each time He's getting closer, and just about to really get to the bottom of what's going on in us, we've already moved on to the next facade for our lives.
I'm not trying to draw crazy over-spiritualized parallels from this movie to our walks with God, but as I was just sitting here thinking about that statement, "It's easier to live a lie" & it just keeps ringing true. I guess in our cases, the truth of our lives lie in Christ. That truth lies in the finished work of the cross, all we are or hope to ever become lies in that truth of who He is. And, the lie [that we can settle for second rate, we don't have to uphold the standards of purity & excellence for the name of Christ] sometimes is easier to live. Just being real.
In this movie, when Frank [DiCaprio] was in deep with his defrauding the government, he was loaded!! He had everything he thought he could have ever wanted!! But, every Christmas he'd call Hanks'...he was ultimately unsatisfied with what he had become, he was sick of living a lie. He just didn't know any other way since he had gotten so deep in it.
The same goes for us. The lie is easier maybe in ways. But I am positive it will leave a gaping hole in our hearts. We were made with something to live for, for something to die for, God is that something. This is it. To live, breathe and die for this Love.
Ultimately, it is time for us to just let Him catch us.
No more running. No more hiding.
We are children of the light.
Clearly, I would never really follow through with it, because I value my life and would prefer to not spend it in prison.
And Hanks' leaves him with a statement something like- I'm goning to let you run this time- you know, after a while it is easier to live a lie. But, nobody is chasing you Frank, nobody is chasing you.
Sometimes I feel like we play this little "catch me if you can" game with God. That sometimes, it's just easier settling for what we've become because of the convenience or luxury of life after those choices. And all the while, God is after our hearts, He is chasing us down, and wants us to understand the gravity of the choices we make, and ultimately just wants us with Him and to be safe. [Altho in the movie, I am sure there were other things the FBI wanted! Haha!]
But it's like after running from Him for so long, each time He's getting closer, and just about to really get to the bottom of what's going on in us, we've already moved on to the next facade for our lives.
I'm not trying to draw crazy over-spiritualized parallels from this movie to our walks with God, but as I was just sitting here thinking about that statement, "It's easier to live a lie" & it just keeps ringing true. I guess in our cases, the truth of our lives lie in Christ. That truth lies in the finished work of the cross, all we are or hope to ever become lies in that truth of who He is. And, the lie [that we can settle for second rate, we don't have to uphold the standards of purity & excellence for the name of Christ] sometimes is easier to live. Just being real.
In this movie, when Frank [DiCaprio] was in deep with his defrauding the government, he was loaded!! He had everything he thought he could have ever wanted!! But, every Christmas he'd call Hanks'...he was ultimately unsatisfied with what he had become, he was sick of living a lie. He just didn't know any other way since he had gotten so deep in it.
The same goes for us. The lie is easier maybe in ways. But I am positive it will leave a gaping hole in our hearts. We were made with something to live for, for something to die for, God is that something. This is it. To live, breathe and die for this Love.
Ultimately, it is time for us to just let Him catch us.
No more running. No more hiding.
We are children of the light.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Mom's Rock!
Today is this lady's birthday!
I feel like I always say how much I love my family & how I know they're the best family ever.
But, it's cuz they are :)
So thankful God put this Mom in my life!
Happy Birthday, Mum!
Love you!!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Days!
Today has been amazing! Began with sitting out in the yard with my family, getting a nice tan! And killing the bugs that tried to assail me...
Then we went for a nice little hike!
Now, we're making "Hobo Packs"! And Burgers, on the grill!! :)
If you don't know what a Hobo Pack is, you've got to find out and eat one soon!! :) They're amazing!!
The only thing missing is my other brother Jay, and sissy, Michelle!
I miss them!!
Hope everyone has a beautiful, blessed Sunday!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
I am sitting here thinking about what I should blog about. Attempting to write something relevant or encouraging...and the person who came to mind was Him. Jesus.
In Him all things live and move and breath, and have their being. What an incredible God we have, who cares so deeply for every aspect of our lives. My heart simply aches for all creation to know Him. I ache to know Him better.
When I watch the Narnia movies, I get so caught up in Aslan's character. I know that when C.S. Lewis wrote those stories (or at least The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe) he meant it to be a sort of allegory to Christ and the church. It's so deep.
Thinking about God as this fierce lion, who sings over his creation (Aslan does in the books!), fights for them, creates for them, dies for them to redeem their life from death-it just moves my heart.
I know it moves my heart because it's the ultimate truth in my life, but I think it also moves my heart because I am such a visual learner. I've heard stories about Jesus all my life, and known what salvation is about. Then when I see someone take their gift of writing, and turn this epic love story into something so simple, and even childlike, it causes aspects to come alive inside my heart; and I love that.
There's no sweeter name than the name of Jesus.
There is a link to a song below!
It is one of my favorite artists, Shawn McDonald. I love this album, and especially this song :)
It's so beautiful! Jesus is soo beautiful.
In Him all things live and move and breath, and have their being. What an incredible God we have, who cares so deeply for every aspect of our lives. My heart simply aches for all creation to know Him. I ache to know Him better.
When I watch the Narnia movies, I get so caught up in Aslan's character. I know that when C.S. Lewis wrote those stories (or at least The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe) he meant it to be a sort of allegory to Christ and the church. It's so deep.
Thinking about God as this fierce lion, who sings over his creation (Aslan does in the books!), fights for them, creates for them, dies for them to redeem their life from death-it just moves my heart.
I know it moves my heart because it's the ultimate truth in my life, but I think it also moves my heart because I am such a visual learner. I've heard stories about Jesus all my life, and known what salvation is about. Then when I see someone take their gift of writing, and turn this epic love story into something so simple, and even childlike, it causes aspects to come alive inside my heart; and I love that.
There's no sweeter name than the name of Jesus.
There is a link to a song below!
It is one of my favorite artists, Shawn McDonald. I love this album, and especially this song :)
It's so beautiful! Jesus is soo beautiful.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
You want Truth?
There is legitimate power in the name of Jesus Christ.
Power to cast out demons.
Power to heal the sick.
Power to raise the dead.
I believe it.
I am going to do it.
If you believe it, you can too.
The end.
Power to cast out demons.
Power to heal the sick.
Power to raise the dead.
I believe it.
I am going to do it.
If you believe it, you can too.
The end.
Monday, March 26, 2012
I feel like we've been here before...
I don't know how many "I got a new job!!!" posts a person is technically aloud in the time frame of just one year....but, here we are again!!
At this point you are probably thinking I am a super unreliable individual, who doesn't have the ability to actually keep a job. Let me assure you though...you're completely right!!! No, just kidding. I really am a hard worker, and feel quite loyal to places I work...here's the thing though...
All these jobs I have right now, before I graduate college, before I get married, before I get a real job (or, more preferably, leave the country on a overseas mission for a long time!!)...they're just jobs. I don't feel a deep sense of responsibility to stick something out if I'm not really feeling it. You know? I mean, why stay in a job you don't love, when you have the ability to look elsewhere? I don't think it's even a question, if everyone loved their job I think we'd have a lot more happy people out and about in town :)
So, anyhow...all of this to say that I got a job at The Fresh Market!! I hope it's everything I'm anticipating! I was so beyond stoked when this store was built near my town!! I mean, we pretty much only had Wal-Mart and Schnucks! Sooooo. It was a big deal for me, having been used to living so close to Trader Joe's in Cary! I begin the new journey in about a week, and I am just really excited!!
I reallllly felt like God was blessing my job search in these last few weeks. I had heard from Starbucks as well, which is a job I know I'd love, but I wanted to try something else since the option was there! And, I think I'm over the days of waking up at 5am to make the general public's coffee ;)
So, anyways. I got a new job...Again. Lol. I intend on keeping this one for a long time. Or, as long as it's reasonable for the season of life I am in :)
Have a great night!!
At this point you are probably thinking I am a super unreliable individual, who doesn't have the ability to actually keep a job. Let me assure you though...you're completely right!!! No, just kidding. I really am a hard worker, and feel quite loyal to places I work...here's the thing though...
All these jobs I have right now, before I graduate college, before I get married, before I get a real job (or, more preferably, leave the country on a overseas mission for a long time!!)...they're just jobs. I don't feel a deep sense of responsibility to stick something out if I'm not really feeling it. You know? I mean, why stay in a job you don't love, when you have the ability to look elsewhere? I don't think it's even a question, if everyone loved their job I think we'd have a lot more happy people out and about in town :)
So, anyhow...all of this to say that I got a job at The Fresh Market!! I hope it's everything I'm anticipating! I was so beyond stoked when this store was built near my town!! I mean, we pretty much only had Wal-Mart and Schnucks! Sooooo. It was a big deal for me, having been used to living so close to Trader Joe's in Cary! I begin the new journey in about a week, and I am just really excited!!
I reallllly felt like God was blessing my job search in these last few weeks. I had heard from Starbucks as well, which is a job I know I'd love, but I wanted to try something else since the option was there! And, I think I'm over the days of waking up at 5am to make the general public's coffee ;)
So, anyways. I got a new job...Again. Lol. I intend on keeping this one for a long time. Or, as long as it's reasonable for the season of life I am in :)
Have a great night!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Beauty "Vlogging"
Hey guys!!
Today I wanted to give a bit of a shout out to my amazing (and gorgeous, I might add) cousin, Kim! I'll be honest, I'd never heard of a "beauty vlogger" before I began watching Kim's YouTube Channel...but, now that I have..again, gotta be honest...I love it!!
She's so great! Basically, it's super girly, which I love (but sorry guys, you may not want to know this much about make-up!) and I learn soo much from her updates!
I've never really considered myself to be like super in style, cutting edge or anything even close...but I do love to learn how to become more so!
So basically, Kim does make-up tutorials, make-up and fashion reviews, hauls and lot's of other stuff on her channel, and it rocks! Therefore, I wanted to share it on here, cuz I'm a fan :)
Click on this to go to her YouTube Channel!! And check it out!!
Hope everyone has a great night!!
Today I wanted to give a bit of a shout out to my amazing (and gorgeous, I might add) cousin, Kim! I'll be honest, I'd never heard of a "beauty vlogger" before I began watching Kim's YouTube Channel...but, now that I have..again, gotta be honest...I love it!!
She's so great! Basically, it's super girly, which I love (but sorry guys, you may not want to know this much about make-up!) and I learn soo much from her updates!
I've never really considered myself to be like super in style, cutting edge or anything even close...but I do love to learn how to become more so!
So basically, Kim does make-up tutorials, make-up and fashion reviews, hauls and lot's of other stuff on her channel, and it rocks! Therefore, I wanted to share it on here, cuz I'm a fan :)
Click on this to go to her YouTube Channel!! And check it out!!
Hope everyone has a great night!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tomatoes You Gotta Go!
In the lovely state of Kentucky, the spring time is basically one hazardous storm after another. I mean, really, we're lucky we've come out on top this whole time!!
A few weeks ago though, there were like 5 or 6 tornadoes that apparently "hit" in or around my county. I never see them, so these alleged claims are all I have...BUT, it is what was told to me.
So upon arriving to work that morning, I was greeted with all sorts of security procedures from my manager in the event that a tornado hit. I should tell you, that I am really weird. I LOVE storms, apocalyptic situations, really anything to mix up the normal days work, I find it GREAT! :)
Back to work: we put flashlights on each cash register, in case the power went out, and were told how to inform the customers of severe weather over the intercom, and all that.
There is something I learned that fateful day: "crafters", sewers, artsy folk...basically fear nothing. And by that I mean, the impending doom of a tornado blasting through our store didn't phase anyone. i have even heard stories of people in the past who REFUSED to seek shelter in the store when inclement weather was present, they wanted to keep SHOPPING.... ?!?! Insane. I mean, I know I said I like storms, but literally, if a TORNADO was about to hit where I was, you better believe I'd be running!!
Anyhow, moral of the story: storms are awesome, and some of our customers are certifiably nuts.
In the lovely state of Kentucky, the spring time is basically one hazardous storm after another. I mean, really, we're lucky we've come out on top this whole time!!
A few weeks ago though, there were like 5 or 6 tornadoes that apparently "hit" in or around my county. I never see them, so these alleged claims are all I have...BUT, it is what was told to me.
So upon arriving to work that morning, I was greeted with all sorts of security procedures from my manager in the event that a tornado hit. I should tell you, that I am really weird. I LOVE storms, apocalyptic situations, really anything to mix up the normal days work, I find it GREAT! :)
Back to work: we put flashlights on each cash register, in case the power went out, and were told how to inform the customers of severe weather over the intercom, and all that.
There is something I learned that fateful day: "crafters", sewers, artsy folk...basically fear nothing. And by that I mean, the impending doom of a tornado blasting through our store didn't phase anyone. i have even heard stories of people in the past who REFUSED to seek shelter in the store when inclement weather was present, they wanted to keep SHOPPING.... ?!?! Insane. I mean, I know I said I like storms, but literally, if a TORNADO was about to hit where I was, you better believe I'd be running!!
Anyhow, moral of the story: storms are awesome, and some of our customers are certifiably nuts.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Spring Break!!!
If you have read my blog for a longer period of time now, you may have noticed that I normally get all stoked to go to California to see my sissy, Michelle over Spring Break.
Sadly, this year that will not be occurring. My family is planning on going out there to spend Thanksgiving with her, and, let's be honest, plane tickets aren't what they used to be! Sooo, I am having to fore go my normally sun-filled, wonderful, beautiful, amazing (I could go on....) time in Cali with my amazing sister. However!! I ammm going somewhere, and even though it's farther north than I prefer to venture before April, I think it'll prove to be a good time. Considering the amazing-ness of the friends I am going to be able to see :)
I will journey to the Chicago-land area next Sunday, and get to see some people who I love sooo much! It always feels like it's been too long since I last saw them, even if it wasn't that long ago. There are some friends who come and go, but these few will remain forever. And, I can't wait to see them!
As for the sad fate of not being able to get a good tan this Spring Break, I am working on getting past that. I think I'm almost there! Haha! And, for real, it'll probably be 80 degrees here in a few weeks. I know I always have good ole' Kentucky crazy weather patterns to rely on :)
I hope everyone has had a great weekend! Also, if you have midterms this week, I feel your pain!! And I wish you luck ;) You can do it!! Only another week till break time!!
Grace and peace to anyone reading this!
Have a beautiful Sunday!
Sadly, this year that will not be occurring. My family is planning on going out there to spend Thanksgiving with her, and, let's be honest, plane tickets aren't what they used to be! Sooo, I am having to fore go my normally sun-filled, wonderful, beautiful, amazing (I could go on....) time in Cali with my amazing sister. However!! I ammm going somewhere, and even though it's farther north than I prefer to venture before April, I think it'll prove to be a good time. Considering the amazing-ness of the friends I am going to be able to see :)
I will journey to the Chicago-land area next Sunday, and get to see some people who I love sooo much! It always feels like it's been too long since I last saw them, even if it wasn't that long ago. There are some friends who come and go, but these few will remain forever. And, I can't wait to see them!
As for the sad fate of not being able to get a good tan this Spring Break, I am working on getting past that. I think I'm almost there! Haha! And, for real, it'll probably be 80 degrees here in a few weeks. I know I always have good ole' Kentucky crazy weather patterns to rely on :)
I hope everyone has had a great weekend! Also, if you have midterms this week, I feel your pain!! And I wish you luck ;) You can do it!! Only another week till break time!!
Grace and peace to anyone reading this!
Have a beautiful Sunday!
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Think about it, you pretty much just claim whatever piece of land that you want, free of charge. And by you I mean, the beastly, attractive man that you're married to...Then you build a house, and the whole family pitches in with planting the crops, and helping to harvest them once they've grown! Then everyone just takes trips to the nearest big city (which hopefully would be about 30 miles away!) and sell your produce to them in order to make some money!
Of course we'd own horses and once the community was big enough, have a little school house where the women would all meet to teach the children, as the men do their work! Then in the evenings, the family comes together again, shares a meal and then just spends time together. It would be so great!!
In all sincerity, I know I might not last in a lifestyle like that (maybe I would! Who knows!!), however, what I do love is the simplicity. Life wasn't too complicated back then. You were born, married a wonderful person, took care of your husband (or wife, for the guys!), had some children, taught them to love the Lord, tended to your property and everything on it, and enjoyed the community of people you lived with. It just sounds so great!
I know I try to make all these great and epic plans for my life, and they're all things that are truly in my heart to do, and it is good to have a vision to go after. I do think though that my heart mostly longs for peace and simplicity, along with begin surrounded forever by those I love, and who love me.
To me, that's a great life!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Who are You?
Sometimes we all go through seasons of thinking or wondering who we are, what we're about, what we're here for...Here is what I have learned as I've sought God with these thoughts and questions...
I am God's child for I am born again of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God which lives and abides forever/1 Peter 1:23
I am forgiven of ALL of my sins and washed in the blood of Jesus/ Ephesians 1:7
I am a new creature/2 Corinthians 5:17-19
I am the temple of the Holy Spirit/1 Corinthians 6:19
I am delivered from the power of darkness and transformed into God's Kingdom/Colossians 1:13
I am redeemed from the curse of the law/Galatians 3:13
I am STRONG in the Lord/Ephesians 6:10
I am holy and without blame before Him/Ephesians 1:4
I am accepted in Christ/Ephesians 1:6&7
I am BLESSED/Deuteronomy 28:1-14
I am a saint/Colossians 1:12
I am qualified to share in His inheritance/Colossians 1:12
I am the head and not the tail/Deut.20:13
I am above only and not beneath/Deut.28:13
I am victorious/Revelations 21:7
I am dead to sin/Romans 6:2 & 11
I am elect/Colossians 3:12
I am LOVED with an everlasting love/Jeremiah 31:3
I am established to the end/1 Corinthians 1:8
I am set FREE/John 8:31-33
I am circumcised with the circumcision made without hands/Colossians 2:11
I am crucified with Christ/Galatians 2:20
I am ALIVE with Christ/Ephesians 2:5
I am raised up with Christ and seated in Heavenly places/Colossians 2:12
I am His faithful follower/Ephesians 5:1
I am the light of the world/Matthew 5:14
I am the salt of the earth/Matthew 5:13
I am called of God/2 Timothy 1:9
I am brought near by the blood of Jesus Christ/Ephesians 2:13
I am more than a conqueror/Romans 8:37
I am in Christ Jesus by His doing/1 Corinthians 1:30
I am an ambassador for Christ/2 Corinthians 1:30
I am BELOVED of God/1 Thessalonians 1:4
I am the first fruits among His creation/James 1:18
I am born of God and the evil one does NOT touch me/1 John 5:18
I am a king and a priest unto God/Revelations 1:6
I am a joint heir with Christ/Romans 8:17
I am reconciled to God/2 Corinthians 5:18
I am overtaken with blessings/Deut. 28:2
I am healed by the wounds of Jesus Christ/1 Peter 2:24
I am in the world as He is in Heaven/1 John 4:17
I am a fellow citizen with the saints of the household of God/Ephesians 2:19
I am sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit/Ephesians 1:13
I am COMPLETE in Christ/Colossians 2:10
I am the apple of my Father's eye/Psalm 17:8
I am FREE from condemnation/Romans 8:1
I am the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ/2 Corinthians 5:21
I am chosen/1 Thessalonians 1:4
I am firmly rooted, built up, strengthened in the faith and overflowing with thankfulness/Colossians 2:7
I am a disciple of Christ because I have love for others/John 13:34-35
I am built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself as the Chief cornerstone/Ephesians 2:20
I always triumph in Christ/2 Corinthians 2:14
I show forth His praise/1 Peter 2:9
I am a partaker in His divine nature/2 Peter 1:4
I am God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works/Ephesians 2:10
I am being changed into His image/Philippians 4:19
I am one in Christ! Hallelujah!/John 17:21-23
I have all my needs met by God according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus/Philippians 1:6
I have the mind of Christ/1 Corinthians 2:16
I have everlasting life/John 6:47
I have a guaranteed inheritance/1 John 5:4
I have the peace of God which passes all understanding/Philippians 4:7
I have access to the Father by one Spirit/Ephesians 2:18
I can do ALL things through Jesus Christ/Philippians 4:13
I shall do even greater works than Christ Jesus/John 14:12
I walk in Christ Jesus/Colossians 2:6
I press toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God/Philippians 3:14
I live by the law of the Holy Spirit/Romans 8:2
I know God's voice/John 10:14
Christ is in me, the hope of glory/Colossians 1:27
God loves me just as I am/John 3:16
I have this same love in my heart/Romans 5:5
I am clean, whiter than snow/1 John1:7
I am justified/Romans 3:24
I am sanctified/1 Corinthians 6:4
I am holy and blameless in God's sight/Colossians 1:22
I am at peace with God/Colossians 1:22
I have peace in my heart/John 14:27
I am a vital part of the body of Christ/1 Corinthians 12:27
I have a spiritual gift to encourage other Christians/1 Peter 4:10
I am God's child/John 1:12
I am the temple of God and His spirit dwells in me/1 Corinthians 3:16
I am a complete person/Colossians 1:28
I am God's own handiwork/Ephesians 2:10
I was fearfully and wonderfully made/Psalms 139:14
I am wonderful/Psalms 139:14
I am constantly on God's mind/Psalm139:2
I am secure in my faith/John 10:28-30
I am seated in Heaven/Ephesians2:16
I am free/John 8:36
I am free from ALL fears/Psalms 46:2 & 34:4
I need not fear any man/Psalm 56:11
I am free from slavery to sin/Romans 7:4
I am being renewed to the likeness of Christ/Colossians 3:10
I am free from the Mosaic Law's bondage/Romans 7:4
My thoughts and emotions are FILLED with the will of God/Hebrews 8:10
I am Jesus' sister/Matthew 12:50
I possess the Greater One in me, because greater is He that lives in me, than he that lives in the world/1 John 4:4
I have received the power of the Holy Spirit, power lay hands on the sick and see them recover, power to cast out demons and power over ALL of the powers of the enemy/Mark 16:17
But here is the thing. So are YOU through the Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is who He made us through is undying love and mercy. We are powerful. It is time to believe it.
I am NOT ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of GOD for the salvation of everyone who believes/Romans 1:16
I am God's child for I am born again of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God which lives and abides forever/1 Peter 1:23
I am forgiven of ALL of my sins and washed in the blood of Jesus/ Ephesians 1:7
I am a new creature/2 Corinthians 5:17-19
I am the temple of the Holy Spirit/1 Corinthians 6:19
I am delivered from the power of darkness and transformed into God's Kingdom/Colossians 1:13
I am redeemed from the curse of the law/Galatians 3:13
I am STRONG in the Lord/Ephesians 6:10
I am holy and without blame before Him/Ephesians 1:4
I am accepted in Christ/Ephesians 1:6&7
I am BLESSED/Deuteronomy 28:1-14
I am a saint/Colossians 1:12
I am qualified to share in His inheritance/Colossians 1:12
I am the head and not the tail/Deut.20:13
I am above only and not beneath/Deut.28:13
I am victorious/Revelations 21:7
I am dead to sin/Romans 6:2 & 11
I am elect/Colossians 3:12
I am LOVED with an everlasting love/Jeremiah 31:3
I am established to the end/1 Corinthians 1:8
I am set FREE/John 8:31-33
I am circumcised with the circumcision made without hands/Colossians 2:11
I am crucified with Christ/Galatians 2:20
I am ALIVE with Christ/Ephesians 2:5
I am raised up with Christ and seated in Heavenly places/Colossians 2:12
I am His faithful follower/Ephesians 5:1
I am the light of the world/Matthew 5:14
I am the salt of the earth/Matthew 5:13
I am called of God/2 Timothy 1:9
I am brought near by the blood of Jesus Christ/Ephesians 2:13
I am more than a conqueror/Romans 8:37
I am in Christ Jesus by His doing/1 Corinthians 1:30
I am an ambassador for Christ/2 Corinthians 1:30
I am BELOVED of God/1 Thessalonians 1:4
I am the first fruits among His creation/James 1:18
I am born of God and the evil one does NOT touch me/1 John 5:18
I am a king and a priest unto God/Revelations 1:6
I am a joint heir with Christ/Romans 8:17
I am reconciled to God/2 Corinthians 5:18
I am overtaken with blessings/Deut. 28:2
I am healed by the wounds of Jesus Christ/1 Peter 2:24
I am in the world as He is in Heaven/1 John 4:17
I am a fellow citizen with the saints of the household of God/Ephesians 2:19
I am sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit/Ephesians 1:13
I am COMPLETE in Christ/Colossians 2:10
I am the apple of my Father's eye/Psalm 17:8
I am FREE from condemnation/Romans 8:1
I am the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ/2 Corinthians 5:21
I am chosen/1 Thessalonians 1:4
I am firmly rooted, built up, strengthened in the faith and overflowing with thankfulness/Colossians 2:7
I am a disciple of Christ because I have love for others/John 13:34-35
I am built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself as the Chief cornerstone/Ephesians 2:20
I always triumph in Christ/2 Corinthians 2:14
I show forth His praise/1 Peter 2:9
I am a partaker in His divine nature/2 Peter 1:4
I am God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works/Ephesians 2:10
I am being changed into His image/Philippians 4:19
I am one in Christ! Hallelujah!/John 17:21-23
I have all my needs met by God according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus/Philippians 1:6
I have the mind of Christ/1 Corinthians 2:16
I have everlasting life/John 6:47
I have a guaranteed inheritance/1 John 5:4
I have the peace of God which passes all understanding/Philippians 4:7
I have access to the Father by one Spirit/Ephesians 2:18
I can do ALL things through Jesus Christ/Philippians 4:13
I shall do even greater works than Christ Jesus/John 14:12
I walk in Christ Jesus/Colossians 2:6
I press toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God/Philippians 3:14
I live by the law of the Holy Spirit/Romans 8:2
I know God's voice/John 10:14
Christ is in me, the hope of glory/Colossians 1:27
God loves me just as I am/John 3:16
I have this same love in my heart/Romans 5:5
I am clean, whiter than snow/1 John1:7
I am justified/Romans 3:24
I am sanctified/1 Corinthians 6:4
I am holy and blameless in God's sight/Colossians 1:22
I am at peace with God/Colossians 1:22
I have peace in my heart/John 14:27
I am a vital part of the body of Christ/1 Corinthians 12:27
I have a spiritual gift to encourage other Christians/1 Peter 4:10
I am God's child/John 1:12
I am the temple of God and His spirit dwells in me/1 Corinthians 3:16
I am a complete person/Colossians 1:28
I am God's own handiwork/Ephesians 2:10
I was fearfully and wonderfully made/Psalms 139:14
I am wonderful/Psalms 139:14
I am constantly on God's mind/Psalm139:2
I am secure in my faith/John 10:28-30
I am seated in Heaven/Ephesians2:16
I am free/John 8:36
I am free from ALL fears/Psalms 46:2 & 34:4
I need not fear any man/Psalm 56:11
I am free from slavery to sin/Romans 7:4
I am being renewed to the likeness of Christ/Colossians 3:10
I am free from the Mosaic Law's bondage/Romans 7:4
My thoughts and emotions are FILLED with the will of God/Hebrews 8:10
I am Jesus' sister/Matthew 12:50
I possess the Greater One in me, because greater is He that lives in me, than he that lives in the world/1 John 4:4
I have received the power of the Holy Spirit, power lay hands on the sick and see them recover, power to cast out demons and power over ALL of the powers of the enemy/Mark 16:17
But here is the thing. So are YOU through the Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is who He made us through is undying love and mercy. We are powerful. It is time to believe it.
I am NOT ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of GOD for the salvation of everyone who believes/Romans 1:16
Monday, February 6, 2012
I am a...
mis·sion·ar·y [mish-uh-ner-ee]
Show IPA noun, plural -ar·ies, adjective noun Also, mis·sion·er.
1. a person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities,as educational or hospital work.
2. a person strongly in favor of a program, set of principles, etc., who attempts to persuade or convert others.
3. a person who is sent on a mission. (definition from dictionary.com)
I am a missionary. Actually, so are you if you're a Christian. According to Matthew 28: 16-20:
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Since a young age, probably 12 or 13, I have known I wanted to be a missionary to other countries. To go to other cultures, live among them, build relationships with them, love them...and share the love of Jesus with them. As I've grown older, I still have the very same desire in my heart. God has shown me I have a calling to a lot of different countries, but He has also shown me the call I have to my own nation. The United States is in desperate need of the love of Jesus, just as much as any other place.
My first "mission" in State has been Kentucky. I didn't realize that is what it was until I had been here for a while, but then He began to show me how this truly was my first "missionary post" so to say. It was away from my family and home (for part of the time) and it was in a place that was different from what I was used to in ways. I learned how to relate to people on a new level, given the different struggles this region holds, and it's been so good!
I know there are more in State missions for me, and as I continue to grow and learn in this one, I hope that I take everything possible and expand my horizons through the process.
I know that every place I go, that my mission is the same. To live a righteous life before God and others. And I know I will fail at times. I have failed at times. But failure is not defeat. There is nothing to fear with God, there is no mountain to big to climb, there is no region too large to overcome with the power of God working through our lives.
Living out the Great Commission is a journey of leading others to the love of Christ through our actions and words spoken into lives. It is an epic journey, and I cannot wait to see more of my destiny unfold in it.
Show IPA noun, plural -ar·ies, adjective noun Also, mis·sion·er.
1. a person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities,as educational or hospital work.
2. a person strongly in favor of a program, set of principles, etc., who attempts to persuade or convert others.
3. a person who is sent on a mission. (definition from dictionary.com)
I am a missionary. Actually, so are you if you're a Christian. According to Matthew 28: 16-20:
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Since a young age, probably 12 or 13, I have known I wanted to be a missionary to other countries. To go to other cultures, live among them, build relationships with them, love them...and share the love of Jesus with them. As I've grown older, I still have the very same desire in my heart. God has shown me I have a calling to a lot of different countries, but He has also shown me the call I have to my own nation. The United States is in desperate need of the love of Jesus, just as much as any other place.
My first "mission" in State has been Kentucky. I didn't realize that is what it was until I had been here for a while, but then He began to show me how this truly was my first "missionary post" so to say. It was away from my family and home (for part of the time) and it was in a place that was different from what I was used to in ways. I learned how to relate to people on a new level, given the different struggles this region holds, and it's been so good!
I know there are more in State missions for me, and as I continue to grow and learn in this one, I hope that I take everything possible and expand my horizons through the process.
I know that every place I go, that my mission is the same. To live a righteous life before God and others. And I know I will fail at times. I have failed at times. But failure is not defeat. There is nothing to fear with God, there is no mountain to big to climb, there is no region too large to overcome with the power of God working through our lives.
Living out the Great Commission is a journey of leading others to the love of Christ through our actions and words spoken into lives. It is an epic journey, and I cannot wait to see more of my destiny unfold in it.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Time for a REAL job!
Coffee Shops.
Home Improvement Stores.
Mexican Grills.
Craft Stores.
Restaurant Jobs.
(...I could go on...sadly.)
Not that each job didn't have its own little charm and/or great experiences along the way, because, most of them did. HOWEVER...
I am
I don't regret the path I have taken, as in, waiting until I was 24 to begin college, because I know that I gained a lot of valuable lessons internally along the way. It is just in moments like these, where I await my shift at work, and think...
I'll get over it. Well, more like I will persevere! I know I will get there one day. Right now I just need to focus, and work towards that degree.
And who knows, maybe even mix up the whole College experience in a few semesters ;)
We'll just have to wait & see.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Spiritual Hunger
Hey everyone, this is a sermon by a man named John G. Lake. It is amazing, and I wanted to share it on here. There was a disclaimer in this book of sermons that I have, but I couldn't find it...but I wanted to say it in a paraphrased way. In Lake's sermons he speaks of his African American brothers, but in the language of his day, saying Negro wasn't disrespectful. So I just wanted to state that he had the utmost respect and love for his African American brothers and sisters.
Anyhow, this is quite long, but I think if you can get through it, you won't be sorry :)
Spiritual Hunger
Sermon given: December 11, 1924
Portland, Oregon
By: John G. Lake
The text tonight is: Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6
Hunger is a mighty good thing. It is the greatest persuader I know of. It is a marvelous mover. Nations have learned that you can do most anything with people until they get hungry. But when they get hungry you want to watch out. There is a certain spirit of desperation that accompanies hunger.
I wish we all had it spiritually. I wish to God we were desperately hungry. Wouldn't it be glorious? Somebody would get filled before this meeting is over. It would be a strange thing if we were all desperately hungry for God got only one or two got filled in a service.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Righteousness is just the rightness of God- the rightness of God in your spirit; the rightness of God in your soul; the rightness of God in your body; the rightness of God in your affairs, in your home, in your business, everywhere.
God is an all-around God. His power operated from every side. The artists put a halo around the head of Jesus to show that there is a radiation of glory in His person. They might just as well put it around His feet or any part of His person. It is the radiant glory of the indwelling God, radiating out through the personality.
There is nothing more wonderful than the indwelling of God in the human life. The supremest marvel that God ever performed was when he took possession of those who are hungry.
Blessed are they which do hunger.
I will guarantee to you that after the crucifixion of Jesus there was a hundred-and-twenty mighty hungry folks at Jerusalem. I do not believe if they had not been mightily hungry they would have gotten so gloriously filled. It was because they were hungry that they were filled.
We are sometime inclined to think of God as mechanical; as though God set a date for this event or that to occur. But my opinion is that one of the works of the Holy Ghost is that of preparer. He comes and prepares the heart of men in advance by putting a strange hunger for that event that has been promised by God until it comes to pass.
The more I study history and prophecy the more I am convinced that when Jesus was born into the world He was born in answer to a tremendous heart cry on the part of the world. The world needed God desperately. They wanted a manifestation of God tremendously, and Jesus Christ as the Deliverer and Savior came in answer to their soul cry.
Many look forward to the second coming of Jesus- His coming again- as though mechanically, on a certain date, when certain events come to pass, Jesus is going to arrive. I do not see it that way. I see on the other hand that there must be a tremendous hunger, an overwhelming hunger, for the Lord's coming in the hearts of men, so that a prayer such as was never prayed in the world before for Christ to come will rise to heaven. And, bless God, when it rises to heaven on the part of sufficient souls, it will take Jesus Christ himself off the throne and bring Him down to earth.
Daniel says that he was convinced by the study of the books of prophecy, especially that of Jeremiah, that the time had come when they ought to be delivered from captivity in Babylon. The seventy years was fulfilled but there was no deliverance. So he diligently set his face to pray it into being (Daniel 9).
Here is what I want you to get. If it was going to come to pass mechanically, by a certain date, there would not have been any necessity for Daniel to get that hunger in his soul, so that he fasted and prayed in sackcloth and ashes that deliverance might come.
No sir, God's purposes come to pass when your heart and mine gets the real God cry, and the real God prayer comes into out spirit and, the real God yearning gets our nature. Something is going to happen then. No difference what it may be your soul is coveting or desiring, if it becomes in your life the supreme cry-- not the secondary matter, or third, or the fourth, or fifth or tenth, but the first thing; the supreme desire of your soul, the paramount issue- all the powers and energies of your spirit, of your soul, and of your body are reaching out and crying to God for the answer. It is going to come, it is going to come, it is going to come.
I lived in a family where for thirty-two years they never were without an invalid in the home. Before I was twenty-four years of age we had buried four brothers and four sisters, and four other members of the family were dying, hopeless and helpless invalids. I set up my own home; married a beautiful woman. Our first son arrived. It was only a short time until I saw that same devilish train of sickness that followed my father's family had come into mine. My wife became an invalid, my son was a sickly child.
Out of it all one thing developed in my nature- a cry for deliverance. I did not know any more about the subject of healing than an Indian, notwithstanding I was a Methodist evangelist. But my heart was crying for deliverance; my soul had come to the place where I had vomited up dependence on man. My father spent a fourtune on the family, to no avail, as if there was no stoppage to the hell. And let me tell you, there is no human stoppage because the thing settled deep in the nature of man; too deep for any material remedy to get at it. It takes the Almighty God and the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ to get down into the depths of man's nature and find the real difficulty that is there and destroy it.
My brother, I want to tell you, if you are a sinner tonight and away from God, your heart is longing and your spirit asking and your soul crying for God's deliverance. He will be on hand to deliver. You will not have to cry very long until you see that the mountains are being moved, and the angel of deliverance will be there.
I finally go to that place where my supreme most cry was for deliverance. Tears were shed for deliverance for three years before the healing of God came to us. I could hear the groans and cried and sobs and feel the wretchedness of our family's soul. My heart cried, my soul sobbed, my spirit wept tears. I did not know enough to call directly on God for it. Isn't it a strange thing that men do not have enough sense enough to have faith in God for all their needs; do not know enough to call directly on God for physical difficulties, as well as spiritual ones? But I did not.
But bless God, one thing matured in my heart-- a real hunger. And the hunger of a man's soul must be satisfied. It must be satisfied. It is a law of God; that law of God is in the depth of the Spirit. God will answer the heart that cries. God will answer the soul that asks. Christ Jesus comes to us with divine assurance and invites us when we are hungry to pray, to believe, to take from the Lord that which our soul covets and our heart asks for.
So one day the Lord of heaven come our way and in a little while the cloud of darkness, that midnight of hell, that curse of death, was lifted and the light of God shone into our life and into our home, just the same as it existed in other men's lives and other men's homes. We learned the truth of Jesus and was able to apply the divine power of God. We were healed of the Lord.
Blessed are they which do hunger.
Brethren, begin to pray to get hungry.
At this point I want to tell you a story. I was out on a snow-shoe trip at St. Marie, Michigan, where they used to have four and five feet of snow. I tramped for thirty miles on my snow shoes. I was tired and weary. I arrived home and found my wife had gone away to visit, so I went over to my sister's home. I found they were also out. I went into the house and began to look for something to eat. I was nearly starved. I found a great big sort of cake that looked like corn bread. It was quite warm and smelled good. I ate it all.
I thought it was awful funny stuff, and it seemed to have lumps in it. I did not just understand the combination, and I was not much of a cool. About the time I had finished it my sister and her husband came in.
She said, "My, you must be awful tired and hungry."
I said, "I was, but I just found a corn cake and ate the whole thing."
She said, "My goodness John, you did not eat that?"
I said, "What was it, Irene?"
"Why that was a kind of cow bread, we grind up cobs and all."
You see it depends on the character and degree of your hunger. Things taste mighty good to a hungry man.
If you wanted to confer a peculiar blessing on men at large, it would not be to give them pie, but to make them hungry, and then everything that came their way, it would taste everlastingly good.
I love to tell this story because it is the story of a hungry man. A short while after, I went to South Africa and God had begun to work very marvelously in the city of Johannesburg. A butcher who lived in the suburbs was advised by his physicians that he had developed such a tubercular state that he might not live more than nine months. He wanted to make provision that his family would be cared for after he was gone, so he bought a farm and undertook to develop it, so that when he died his family would have a means of existence.
One day he received a letter from friends at Johannesburg, telling of the coming of what they spoke of as "the American brethren" and of the wonderful things that were taking place. Of how So-and-so, a terrible drunkard, had been converted; of his niece, who had been an invalid in a wheelchair for five years, had been healed of God. How one of this other relatives had been baptized in the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues; other friends and neighbors had been baptized and healed, of the powerful change that had come in the community,and all the marvels a vigorous work for God produces.
Dan Von Vuuren took the letter and crawled under an African thorn tree. He spread the matter out before God and began to discuss it with the Lord. He said, "God in heaven, if You could come to Mr. So-and-so, a drunkard and deliver him from his drunkenness, save his soul and put the joy of God in him; if You could come to this niece of mine, save her soul and heal her body and send her out to be a blessing instead of a weight and burden upon her friends; if You could come to So-and-so, so they were baptized in the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues; Lord, if You can do these things in Johannesburg, You can do something for me too."
And he knelt down, put his face to the ground, and cried to God that God would do something for him. And don't forget it, friends, I have a conviction that that morning Don Von Vuuren was so stirred by the reading of that letter that his desire to be made whole got bigger than anything else in his consciousness. His heart reached for God, and bless God, that morning his prayer went through to heaven and God came down into his life. In ten minutes he took all the break he wanted. The pain was gone. The tuberculosis disappeared. He was a whole man.
But that was not all. He not only received a great physical healing, but God had literally come in and taken possession of the man's life until he did not understand himself anymore. In telling me he said, "Brother, a new prayer from heaven is in my spirit. I had prayed for my wife's salvation for eighteen years, but I could never pray through. But that morning I prayed through. It was all done when I got to the house. She stood and looked at me for two minutes, until it dawned in her that I was gloriously healed of God. She never asked a question as to how it took place, but fell on her knees, threw her hands up to heaven, and said, "Pray for me, Dan. For God's sake pray for me. I must find God today," and God came to that soul."
He had eleven children, splendid young folks. The mother and he went to praying inside of a week the whole household of thirteen had been baptized in the Holy Ghost. He went to his brother's farm, told the wonder of what God had done, prayer through and in a little while nineteen families were baptized in the Holy Ghost.
God so filled his life with His glory that one morning God said to him, "Go to Pretoria. I am going to send you to the different members of Parliament." He was admitted into the presence of Premier Louis Botha. Botha told me about it afterward. He said, "Lake, I had known Von Vurren from the time he was a boy. I had known him as reckless, rollicking fellow. But that man come into my office and stood ten feet away from my desk. I looked up, and before he commenced to speak, I began to shake and rattle in my chair. I knelt down. I had to put my head under my desk and cry to God. Why he looked like God; he talked liked God."
He had the majesty of God. He was super-humanly wonderful. Then he went to the office of the Secretary of State, the to the Secretary of the Treasury. Almost the same thing took place in every instance. For eighteen days God kept him going from this one and that one; lawyers, judges, and officials in the land, until every high official knew there was a God and a Christ and a Savior and a baptism of the Holy Spirit, because Don Van Vurren had really hungered after God.
Blessed are they which do hunger.
I was sitting here tonight before the meeting and began reading an old sermon I spoke to a men's club at Spokane, Washington, either years ago, entitled "The Calling of the Soul." In it I observed I recounted the story of the original people who came to the Parham School in 1900 and whom in answer to the cry of their soul God came and baptized them in the Holy Ghost. All the Apostolic Faith Churches and Missions, Assemblies of God, and other movements are the result.
I knew Brother Parham's wife and his sister-in-law, Lillian Thistleweight. She was the woman that brought the light of God for real sanctification to my heart. It was not her preaching or her words. I sat in Fred Bosworth's home one night before a night of preaching the Gospel. I listened to that woman telling of the Lord and His love and sanctifying grace and power and what real holiness was. It was not arguments or logic; it was herself. It was the divine holiness that came from her soul. It was the living Spirit of God that came out of the woman's life.
I went back in the room, as far away as I could get. I was self-satisfied, doing for the world, well in the world, prosperous with all the accomplishments that go with successful business, but that night my heart got so hungry that I fell on my knees, and those who were present will tell you that they never heard anyone pray as I prayed. Bosworth said long afterward, "Lake, there is one instance that I shall always remember in your life; that was the night you prayed in my home until the rafters shook, until God came and sanctified our hearts." All the devils in hell and out of hell could not believe there is not a real sanctified experience in Jesus Christ; when God comes in and makes your heart pure and takes self out of your nature and gives you divine triumph over sin and self, blessed be the name of the Lord!
Blessed are they which do hunger.
Beloved, pray to get hungry.
Getting back to Von Vurren. For several years before I left Africa, he went up and down the land life a burning fire. Everywhere he went sinners were saved and healed. Men and women were baptized in the Holy Ghost, until he set the districts on fire with the power of God; and he is still going.
Here is a point I want to bring to you. As I talked with Lillian Thistleweight, I observed that one supreme thing in that woman's soul was the consciousness of holiness. She said, "Brother, that is what we prayed for, that is what the baptism brought to us."
Later, Brother Parham was preaching in Texas. A colored man came into his meeting, by the name of Seymour. In a hotel in Chicago he related his experience to Brother Tom and myself. I want you to see the hunger in that colored man's soul. He said he was a waiter in a restaurant and preaching to a church of colored people. He knew God as Savior, as the sanctifier. He knew the power of God to heal. But as he listened to Parham he became convicted of a bigger thing- the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He went on to Los Angeles without receiving it, but he said he was determined to preach all of God he knew to the people.
He said, "Brother, before I met Parham, such a hunger to have more of God was in my heart that I prayed for five hours a day for two and a half years. I got to Los Angeles, and when I got there the hunger was not less but more. I prayed, 'God what can I do?' And the Spirit said, 'Pray more.'" He said, "I am praying for five hours a day now. I increased my hours of prayer to seven, and prayed on for a year and a half more. I prayed God to give me what Parham preached, the real Holy Ghost and fire with tongues and love and power of God like the apostles had."
There are better things to be had in spiritual life, but they must be sought out with faith and prayer. I want to tell you God Almighty had put the hunger into that Negro's heart, that when the fire of God came it glorified. I do not believe that any other man in modern times had a more wonderful deluge in his life than God gave to that dear fellow. Brother Seymour preached to my congregation, to ten thousand people, when the glory and power of God was upon his preaching when men shook and trembled and cried to God. God was in him.
Blessed are they which do hunger for they shall be filled.
I wonder, what we are hungering for? Have we a real divine hunger, something our heart is asking for? If you have, God will answer. God will answer. By every law of the Spirit that men know, the answer is due to come. It will come! Bless God, it will come. It will come in more ways than you ever dreamed of. God is not given to manifesting Himself in tongues and interpretation alone. His life in man is rounded.
When I was a lad, I accompanied my father on a visit to the office of John A. McCall, the great insurance man. We were taken to McCall's office in his private elevator. It was the first time I had ever been in a great office building and ridden in an elevator, and I remember holding my breath until the thing stopped. Then we went into his office, the most beautiful office I had ever beheld. The rugs were so thick I was I was afraid I would go through the floor when I stepped on them. His desk was a marvel, pure mahogany, and on the top of his desk, inlaid in mother of pearl was his name, written in script. It was so magnificent, that in my boyish attitude, I said, "I am going to have an office just like this and a desk like that with my name on it when I am a man."
I did not know how much of an asking it was in my nature, and i t seemed sometimes my desire had drifted away until I was in my thirtieth year. I was invited to come to Chicago to join an association of men who were establishing a life insurance association. They said, "Lake, we want you to manage this association." We dickered about the matter for three weeks until they came to my terms, and finally the president said, "Step into this office until we show you something. We have a surprise for you." And I stepped into an office just exactly the duplicate of John McCall's office, and there in the center was a desk of pure mahogany and instead of the name of John A. McCall it was John G. Lake, in mother of pearl. I had never spoken of that soul desire to a person in the world.
Friends, there is something in the call of the soul that is creative. It brings things to pass. Don't you know that when the supreme desire of your heart is to know God, that all the spiritual energy of your nature and the powers of God given to you begin to concentrate and work alone that certain line and form, and there comes by the unconscious creative exercise of faith into being that our soul calls for. That is the creative action of faith, you and God together, evidencing the power of creative desire.
INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES: Mrs.James Wilson--Brother Myreen
You shall receive the desire of your hear if you come before Me in prater and supplication, for I am a God that answers My children. Go ye forward in the battle for I shall be with you and fulfill the desire of your heart. Yea, pray that ye may become hungry.
Call and I shall answer, for I am a God that hears. I shall answer your call. Be diligent before Me, and pray, yea, be ye in prayer and supplication, for you are living in the last days, and My Spirit shall not always strive with men. But ye who humble yourselves before Me will know I shall be your God, I shall strengthen you on the right hand and on the left, and ye shall understand and know that I am your living God.
As Moses stood at the Red Sea he tried to back out of that relationship God was establishing and tried to throw the responsibility back on God. HE was overwhelmed. It was too marvelous. Surely God mist not have meant it, but God knew. When he began to recognize himself as an individual and God as another it was offensive to God. He thought he could back up and pray for God to do something for him the same as God did in the old relationship. He could not do it. When he got down to pray, in the mind of God the idea of Moses not backing water and getting out of that close place, that inner relationship, that divine symphony of Moses' soul and God's, it was offensive to him. And God said,
Wherefore criest thou unto me?
In other words, shut up your praying. Get up out of there.
Lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it. --Exodus 14:15-16
God did not say, "Moses, you stretch forth your hand, and I will divide the sea." But He said,
Stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it.
You and I are one, stretch forth your hand and divide the sea. You have there is of Me and I have all there is of you. We are one and indivisible. God and man becomes one. The heart of man, the mind of man, the soul of man enters into God, God into him. The divine fires of the eternal Christ, by the Holy Ghost, come from heaven, and the lightnings of Jesus flash through the life, bless God, and the powers of Christ invigorate and manifest and demonstrate through that relationship.
God revealed that to my soul in the says when I first when to Africa, within six weeks after my feet touched the soil, and before God had given me a white church to preach in. I said, "Lord, when You give me a church in which to preach this Gospel, I will preach the highest and holiest thing God's Spirit reveals to my heart. I do not care if anybody else believes it or sees it; I am going to preach the vision the Son of God puts in my soul."
Bless God, He put the high vision of the glorified Christ and the glorified Christian- not a man simply saved from sin, but a man saved from sins, sanctified by power, infilled with His Spirit, recreated with and in Jesus Christ- on in nature, character, and substance. My heart began to preach it, and my mouth gave the message and my soul sent forth the word, and my spirit called such that wanted to be the character of man to come to the feet of the Son of God and receive His blessing and receive His power. And, beloved, I tell you that in all the modern world there was another hundred and twenty-five preachers who went out of a church to proclaim the power of God with greater power than that first hundred and twenty-five preachers. The thing that was in my soul fired Don Van Vurren's soul and kindled the faith of the people. Wherever it spread it set men on fire for God.
Friends, we need a coming up into God. This church, and the church around, need to come up into God. We have been traveling around in a circle, digging out nosed into the ground, and we have had out eyes on the ground instead of in the clouds, instead of up at the throne. Look up to the glorified One! I want to see His bleeding hands, look to heaven where He is to see them. Do not go back to Calvary to see Him. He is risen, regnant, glorified Son of God; risen with all power and all authority, with the keys of hell and of death! He is the divine authority, the eternal overcoming, the divine manifestation of God. And you and the regnant, glorified Christ as one, are the divine manifestation of God. Come up to the throne, dear ones. Let the throne life, and the throne love and the throne power and the throne spirit and the Holy Ghost in heaven possess you, and you will be a new man in Christ Jesus! And your tread will be the march of the conqueror and your song the song of victory and your crown the crown of glory and your power the power of God.
Edited by
Wilford H. Reidt
1220 S. Beech
Kennewick, Washington
Anyhow, this is quite long, but I think if you can get through it, you won't be sorry :)
Sermon given: December 11, 1924
Portland, Oregon
By: John G. Lake
The text tonight is: Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6
Hunger is a mighty good thing. It is the greatest persuader I know of. It is a marvelous mover. Nations have learned that you can do most anything with people until they get hungry. But when they get hungry you want to watch out. There is a certain spirit of desperation that accompanies hunger.
I wish we all had it spiritually. I wish to God we were desperately hungry. Wouldn't it be glorious? Somebody would get filled before this meeting is over. It would be a strange thing if we were all desperately hungry for God got only one or two got filled in a service.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Righteousness is just the rightness of God- the rightness of God in your spirit; the rightness of God in your soul; the rightness of God in your body; the rightness of God in your affairs, in your home, in your business, everywhere.
God is an all-around God. His power operated from every side. The artists put a halo around the head of Jesus to show that there is a radiation of glory in His person. They might just as well put it around His feet or any part of His person. It is the radiant glory of the indwelling God, radiating out through the personality.
There is nothing more wonderful than the indwelling of God in the human life. The supremest marvel that God ever performed was when he took possession of those who are hungry.
Blessed are they which do hunger.
I will guarantee to you that after the crucifixion of Jesus there was a hundred-and-twenty mighty hungry folks at Jerusalem. I do not believe if they had not been mightily hungry they would have gotten so gloriously filled. It was because they were hungry that they were filled.
We are sometime inclined to think of God as mechanical; as though God set a date for this event or that to occur. But my opinion is that one of the works of the Holy Ghost is that of preparer. He comes and prepares the heart of men in advance by putting a strange hunger for that event that has been promised by God until it comes to pass.
The more I study history and prophecy the more I am convinced that when Jesus was born into the world He was born in answer to a tremendous heart cry on the part of the world. The world needed God desperately. They wanted a manifestation of God tremendously, and Jesus Christ as the Deliverer and Savior came in answer to their soul cry.
Many look forward to the second coming of Jesus- His coming again- as though mechanically, on a certain date, when certain events come to pass, Jesus is going to arrive. I do not see it that way. I see on the other hand that there must be a tremendous hunger, an overwhelming hunger, for the Lord's coming in the hearts of men, so that a prayer such as was never prayed in the world before for Christ to come will rise to heaven. And, bless God, when it rises to heaven on the part of sufficient souls, it will take Jesus Christ himself off the throne and bring Him down to earth.
Daniel says that he was convinced by the study of the books of prophecy, especially that of Jeremiah, that the time had come when they ought to be delivered from captivity in Babylon. The seventy years was fulfilled but there was no deliverance. So he diligently set his face to pray it into being (Daniel 9).
Here is what I want you to get. If it was going to come to pass mechanically, by a certain date, there would not have been any necessity for Daniel to get that hunger in his soul, so that he fasted and prayed in sackcloth and ashes that deliverance might come.
No sir, God's purposes come to pass when your heart and mine gets the real God cry, and the real God prayer comes into out spirit and, the real God yearning gets our nature. Something is going to happen then. No difference what it may be your soul is coveting or desiring, if it becomes in your life the supreme cry-- not the secondary matter, or third, or the fourth, or fifth or tenth, but the first thing; the supreme desire of your soul, the paramount issue- all the powers and energies of your spirit, of your soul, and of your body are reaching out and crying to God for the answer. It is going to come, it is going to come, it is going to come.
I lived in a family where for thirty-two years they never were without an invalid in the home. Before I was twenty-four years of age we had buried four brothers and four sisters, and four other members of the family were dying, hopeless and helpless invalids. I set up my own home; married a beautiful woman. Our first son arrived. It was only a short time until I saw that same devilish train of sickness that followed my father's family had come into mine. My wife became an invalid, my son was a sickly child.
Out of it all one thing developed in my nature- a cry for deliverance. I did not know any more about the subject of healing than an Indian, notwithstanding I was a Methodist evangelist. But my heart was crying for deliverance; my soul had come to the place where I had vomited up dependence on man. My father spent a fourtune on the family, to no avail, as if there was no stoppage to the hell. And let me tell you, there is no human stoppage because the thing settled deep in the nature of man; too deep for any material remedy to get at it. It takes the Almighty God and the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ to get down into the depths of man's nature and find the real difficulty that is there and destroy it.
My brother, I want to tell you, if you are a sinner tonight and away from God, your heart is longing and your spirit asking and your soul crying for God's deliverance. He will be on hand to deliver. You will not have to cry very long until you see that the mountains are being moved, and the angel of deliverance will be there.
I finally go to that place where my supreme most cry was for deliverance. Tears were shed for deliverance for three years before the healing of God came to us. I could hear the groans and cried and sobs and feel the wretchedness of our family's soul. My heart cried, my soul sobbed, my spirit wept tears. I did not know enough to call directly on God for it. Isn't it a strange thing that men do not have enough sense enough to have faith in God for all their needs; do not know enough to call directly on God for physical difficulties, as well as spiritual ones? But I did not.
But bless God, one thing matured in my heart-- a real hunger. And the hunger of a man's soul must be satisfied. It must be satisfied. It is a law of God; that law of God is in the depth of the Spirit. God will answer the heart that cries. God will answer the soul that asks. Christ Jesus comes to us with divine assurance and invites us when we are hungry to pray, to believe, to take from the Lord that which our soul covets and our heart asks for.
So one day the Lord of heaven come our way and in a little while the cloud of darkness, that midnight of hell, that curse of death, was lifted and the light of God shone into our life and into our home, just the same as it existed in other men's lives and other men's homes. We learned the truth of Jesus and was able to apply the divine power of God. We were healed of the Lord.
Blessed are they which do hunger.
Brethren, begin to pray to get hungry.
At this point I want to tell you a story. I was out on a snow-shoe trip at St. Marie, Michigan, where they used to have four and five feet of snow. I tramped for thirty miles on my snow shoes. I was tired and weary. I arrived home and found my wife had gone away to visit, so I went over to my sister's home. I found they were also out. I went into the house and began to look for something to eat. I was nearly starved. I found a great big sort of cake that looked like corn bread. It was quite warm and smelled good. I ate it all.
I thought it was awful funny stuff, and it seemed to have lumps in it. I did not just understand the combination, and I was not much of a cool. About the time I had finished it my sister and her husband came in.
She said, "My, you must be awful tired and hungry."
I said, "I was, but I just found a corn cake and ate the whole thing."
She said, "My goodness John, you did not eat that?"
I said, "What was it, Irene?"
"Why that was a kind of cow bread, we grind up cobs and all."
You see it depends on the character and degree of your hunger. Things taste mighty good to a hungry man.
If you wanted to confer a peculiar blessing on men at large, it would not be to give them pie, but to make them hungry, and then everything that came their way, it would taste everlastingly good.
I love to tell this story because it is the story of a hungry man. A short while after, I went to South Africa and God had begun to work very marvelously in the city of Johannesburg. A butcher who lived in the suburbs was advised by his physicians that he had developed such a tubercular state that he might not live more than nine months. He wanted to make provision that his family would be cared for after he was gone, so he bought a farm and undertook to develop it, so that when he died his family would have a means of existence.
One day he received a letter from friends at Johannesburg, telling of the coming of what they spoke of as "the American brethren" and of the wonderful things that were taking place. Of how So-and-so, a terrible drunkard, had been converted; of his niece, who had been an invalid in a wheelchair for five years, had been healed of God. How one of this other relatives had been baptized in the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues; other friends and neighbors had been baptized and healed, of the powerful change that had come in the community,and all the marvels a vigorous work for God produces.
Dan Von Vuuren took the letter and crawled under an African thorn tree. He spread the matter out before God and began to discuss it with the Lord. He said, "God in heaven, if You could come to Mr. So-and-so, a drunkard and deliver him from his drunkenness, save his soul and put the joy of God in him; if You could come to this niece of mine, save her soul and heal her body and send her out to be a blessing instead of a weight and burden upon her friends; if You could come to So-and-so, so they were baptized in the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues; Lord, if You can do these things in Johannesburg, You can do something for me too."
And he knelt down, put his face to the ground, and cried to God that God would do something for him. And don't forget it, friends, I have a conviction that that morning Don Von Vuuren was so stirred by the reading of that letter that his desire to be made whole got bigger than anything else in his consciousness. His heart reached for God, and bless God, that morning his prayer went through to heaven and God came down into his life. In ten minutes he took all the break he wanted. The pain was gone. The tuberculosis disappeared. He was a whole man.
But that was not all. He not only received a great physical healing, but God had literally come in and taken possession of the man's life until he did not understand himself anymore. In telling me he said, "Brother, a new prayer from heaven is in my spirit. I had prayed for my wife's salvation for eighteen years, but I could never pray through. But that morning I prayed through. It was all done when I got to the house. She stood and looked at me for two minutes, until it dawned in her that I was gloriously healed of God. She never asked a question as to how it took place, but fell on her knees, threw her hands up to heaven, and said, "Pray for me, Dan. For God's sake pray for me. I must find God today," and God came to that soul."
He had eleven children, splendid young folks. The mother and he went to praying inside of a week the whole household of thirteen had been baptized in the Holy Ghost. He went to his brother's farm, told the wonder of what God had done, prayer through and in a little while nineteen families were baptized in the Holy Ghost.
God so filled his life with His glory that one morning God said to him, "Go to Pretoria. I am going to send you to the different members of Parliament." He was admitted into the presence of Premier Louis Botha. Botha told me about it afterward. He said, "Lake, I had known Von Vurren from the time he was a boy. I had known him as reckless, rollicking fellow. But that man come into my office and stood ten feet away from my desk. I looked up, and before he commenced to speak, I began to shake and rattle in my chair. I knelt down. I had to put my head under my desk and cry to God. Why he looked like God; he talked liked God."
He had the majesty of God. He was super-humanly wonderful. Then he went to the office of the Secretary of State, the to the Secretary of the Treasury. Almost the same thing took place in every instance. For eighteen days God kept him going from this one and that one; lawyers, judges, and officials in the land, until every high official knew there was a God and a Christ and a Savior and a baptism of the Holy Spirit, because Don Van Vurren had really hungered after God.
Blessed are they which do hunger.
I was sitting here tonight before the meeting and began reading an old sermon I spoke to a men's club at Spokane, Washington, either years ago, entitled "The Calling of the Soul." In it I observed I recounted the story of the original people who came to the Parham School in 1900 and whom in answer to the cry of their soul God came and baptized them in the Holy Ghost. All the Apostolic Faith Churches and Missions, Assemblies of God, and other movements are the result.
I knew Brother Parham's wife and his sister-in-law, Lillian Thistleweight. She was the woman that brought the light of God for real sanctification to my heart. It was not her preaching or her words. I sat in Fred Bosworth's home one night before a night of preaching the Gospel. I listened to that woman telling of the Lord and His love and sanctifying grace and power and what real holiness was. It was not arguments or logic; it was herself. It was the divine holiness that came from her soul. It was the living Spirit of God that came out of the woman's life.
I went back in the room, as far away as I could get. I was self-satisfied, doing for the world, well in the world, prosperous with all the accomplishments that go with successful business, but that night my heart got so hungry that I fell on my knees, and those who were present will tell you that they never heard anyone pray as I prayed. Bosworth said long afterward, "Lake, there is one instance that I shall always remember in your life; that was the night you prayed in my home until the rafters shook, until God came and sanctified our hearts." All the devils in hell and out of hell could not believe there is not a real sanctified experience in Jesus Christ; when God comes in and makes your heart pure and takes self out of your nature and gives you divine triumph over sin and self, blessed be the name of the Lord!
Blessed are they which do hunger.
Beloved, pray to get hungry.
Getting back to Von Vurren. For several years before I left Africa, he went up and down the land life a burning fire. Everywhere he went sinners were saved and healed. Men and women were baptized in the Holy Ghost, until he set the districts on fire with the power of God; and he is still going.
Here is a point I want to bring to you. As I talked with Lillian Thistleweight, I observed that one supreme thing in that woman's soul was the consciousness of holiness. She said, "Brother, that is what we prayed for, that is what the baptism brought to us."
Later, Brother Parham was preaching in Texas. A colored man came into his meeting, by the name of Seymour. In a hotel in Chicago he related his experience to Brother Tom and myself. I want you to see the hunger in that colored man's soul. He said he was a waiter in a restaurant and preaching to a church of colored people. He knew God as Savior, as the sanctifier. He knew the power of God to heal. But as he listened to Parham he became convicted of a bigger thing- the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He went on to Los Angeles without receiving it, but he said he was determined to preach all of God he knew to the people.
He said, "Brother, before I met Parham, such a hunger to have more of God was in my heart that I prayed for five hours a day for two and a half years. I got to Los Angeles, and when I got there the hunger was not less but more. I prayed, 'God what can I do?' And the Spirit said, 'Pray more.'" He said, "I am praying for five hours a day now. I increased my hours of prayer to seven, and prayed on for a year and a half more. I prayed God to give me what Parham preached, the real Holy Ghost and fire with tongues and love and power of God like the apostles had."
There are better things to be had in spiritual life, but they must be sought out with faith and prayer. I want to tell you God Almighty had put the hunger into that Negro's heart, that when the fire of God came it glorified. I do not believe that any other man in modern times had a more wonderful deluge in his life than God gave to that dear fellow. Brother Seymour preached to my congregation, to ten thousand people, when the glory and power of God was upon his preaching when men shook and trembled and cried to God. God was in him.
Blessed are they which do hunger for they shall be filled.
I wonder, what we are hungering for? Have we a real divine hunger, something our heart is asking for? If you have, God will answer. God will answer. By every law of the Spirit that men know, the answer is due to come. It will come! Bless God, it will come. It will come in more ways than you ever dreamed of. God is not given to manifesting Himself in tongues and interpretation alone. His life in man is rounded.
When I was a lad, I accompanied my father on a visit to the office of John A. McCall, the great insurance man. We were taken to McCall's office in his private elevator. It was the first time I had ever been in a great office building and ridden in an elevator, and I remember holding my breath until the thing stopped. Then we went into his office, the most beautiful office I had ever beheld. The rugs were so thick I was I was afraid I would go through the floor when I stepped on them. His desk was a marvel, pure mahogany, and on the top of his desk, inlaid in mother of pearl was his name, written in script. It was so magnificent, that in my boyish attitude, I said, "I am going to have an office just like this and a desk like that with my name on it when I am a man."
I did not know how much of an asking it was in my nature, and i t seemed sometimes my desire had drifted away until I was in my thirtieth year. I was invited to come to Chicago to join an association of men who were establishing a life insurance association. They said, "Lake, we want you to manage this association." We dickered about the matter for three weeks until they came to my terms, and finally the president said, "Step into this office until we show you something. We have a surprise for you." And I stepped into an office just exactly the duplicate of John McCall's office, and there in the center was a desk of pure mahogany and instead of the name of John A. McCall it was John G. Lake, in mother of pearl. I had never spoken of that soul desire to a person in the world.
Friends, there is something in the call of the soul that is creative. It brings things to pass. Don't you know that when the supreme desire of your heart is to know God, that all the spiritual energy of your nature and the powers of God given to you begin to concentrate and work alone that certain line and form, and there comes by the unconscious creative exercise of faith into being that our soul calls for. That is the creative action of faith, you and God together, evidencing the power of creative desire.
INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES: Mrs.James Wilson--Brother Myreen
You shall receive the desire of your hear if you come before Me in prater and supplication, for I am a God that answers My children. Go ye forward in the battle for I shall be with you and fulfill the desire of your heart. Yea, pray that ye may become hungry.
Call and I shall answer, for I am a God that hears. I shall answer your call. Be diligent before Me, and pray, yea, be ye in prayer and supplication, for you are living in the last days, and My Spirit shall not always strive with men. But ye who humble yourselves before Me will know I shall be your God, I shall strengthen you on the right hand and on the left, and ye shall understand and know that I am your living God.
As Moses stood at the Red Sea he tried to back out of that relationship God was establishing and tried to throw the responsibility back on God. HE was overwhelmed. It was too marvelous. Surely God mist not have meant it, but God knew. When he began to recognize himself as an individual and God as another it was offensive to God. He thought he could back up and pray for God to do something for him the same as God did in the old relationship. He could not do it. When he got down to pray, in the mind of God the idea of Moses not backing water and getting out of that close place, that inner relationship, that divine symphony of Moses' soul and God's, it was offensive to him. And God said,
Wherefore criest thou unto me?
In other words, shut up your praying. Get up out of there.
Lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it. --Exodus 14:15-16
God did not say, "Moses, you stretch forth your hand, and I will divide the sea." But He said,
Stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it.
You and I are one, stretch forth your hand and divide the sea. You have there is of Me and I have all there is of you. We are one and indivisible. God and man becomes one. The heart of man, the mind of man, the soul of man enters into God, God into him. The divine fires of the eternal Christ, by the Holy Ghost, come from heaven, and the lightnings of Jesus flash through the life, bless God, and the powers of Christ invigorate and manifest and demonstrate through that relationship.
God revealed that to my soul in the says when I first when to Africa, within six weeks after my feet touched the soil, and before God had given me a white church to preach in. I said, "Lord, when You give me a church in which to preach this Gospel, I will preach the highest and holiest thing God's Spirit reveals to my heart. I do not care if anybody else believes it or sees it; I am going to preach the vision the Son of God puts in my soul."
Bless God, He put the high vision of the glorified Christ and the glorified Christian- not a man simply saved from sin, but a man saved from sins, sanctified by power, infilled with His Spirit, recreated with and in Jesus Christ- on in nature, character, and substance. My heart began to preach it, and my mouth gave the message and my soul sent forth the word, and my spirit called such that wanted to be the character of man to come to the feet of the Son of God and receive His blessing and receive His power. And, beloved, I tell you that in all the modern world there was another hundred and twenty-five preachers who went out of a church to proclaim the power of God with greater power than that first hundred and twenty-five preachers. The thing that was in my soul fired Don Van Vurren's soul and kindled the faith of the people. Wherever it spread it set men on fire for God.
Friends, we need a coming up into God. This church, and the church around, need to come up into God. We have been traveling around in a circle, digging out nosed into the ground, and we have had out eyes on the ground instead of in the clouds, instead of up at the throne. Look up to the glorified One! I want to see His bleeding hands, look to heaven where He is to see them. Do not go back to Calvary to see Him. He is risen, regnant, glorified Son of God; risen with all power and all authority, with the keys of hell and of death! He is the divine authority, the eternal overcoming, the divine manifestation of God. And you and the regnant, glorified Christ as one, are the divine manifestation of God. Come up to the throne, dear ones. Let the throne life, and the throne love and the throne power and the throne spirit and the Holy Ghost in heaven possess you, and you will be a new man in Christ Jesus! And your tread will be the march of the conqueror and your song the song of victory and your crown the crown of glory and your power the power of God.
Edited by
Wilford H. Reidt
1220 S. Beech
Kennewick, Washington
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
When Will the Maddness End?!
The new years celebrations have come and gone, and now I'm left with the remedial tasks like going to work everyday, and school on the opposite days...simply waiting for Spring to finally arrive. Every year I get to this point where I am like--AHH, seriously, NO MORE WINTER!! And, this year, literally, has been the wimpiest winter I've pretty much ever witnessed!! (Thankfully!!) I am still ready for the warm breezes of Spring to blow in though, for sure.
I feel like a lot has happened already this year, even though we're only a mere 18 days into it. I am excited to see what the coming days and months bring for my family and I, and for the people in my life. I think this is going to be an awesome year, in fact, I'm just going to say it, this IS going to be a totally kick-butt year! I am ready to begin seeing dreams fulfilled, goals accomplished, and friendships to be deepened! It is going to be a goooood one! :)
One thing I am REALLLY looking forward to this year, is my entire family going to California for our Thanksgiving week, and spending it with Michelle at her place, instead of her coming here! I've been out there to see her a few times, but the whole family hasn't been there together, so I know it's going to be soo much fun!! I also am reallllllly hoping I am able to continue my little tradition of going to see Shell over my Spring Break (if I can afford it!), it is always such a wonderful, relaxing break in between the semester, soo, hoping I can make that happen!
Anyhow, I pray blessings over everyone who is reading this, and your families in this new year! May God prove Himself faithful in many ways! And think warm, happy thoughts...Spring will soon be upon us! (At least 'us' here...where I live! Hehe!)
I feel like a lot has happened already this year, even though we're only a mere 18 days into it. I am excited to see what the coming days and months bring for my family and I, and for the people in my life. I think this is going to be an awesome year, in fact, I'm just going to say it, this IS going to be a totally kick-butt year! I am ready to begin seeing dreams fulfilled, goals accomplished, and friendships to be deepened! It is going to be a goooood one! :)
One thing I am REALLLY looking forward to this year, is my entire family going to California for our Thanksgiving week, and spending it with Michelle at her place, instead of her coming here! I've been out there to see her a few times, but the whole family hasn't been there together, so I know it's going to be soo much fun!! I also am reallllllly hoping I am able to continue my little tradition of going to see Shell over my Spring Break (if I can afford it!), it is always such a wonderful, relaxing break in between the semester, soo, hoping I can make that happen!
Anyhow, I pray blessings over everyone who is reading this, and your families in this new year! May God prove Himself faithful in many ways! And think warm, happy thoughts...Spring will soon be upon us! (At least 'us' here...where I live! Hehe!)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
The Official 1st of 2012.
<< Let's hope the Mayans weren't correct in assuming that this is our last year all together on planet earth. But, if they were, then...that's that :)
For real though...I can't believe a whole year has gone by again! I've never really been a "new years resolution" person or anything, mostly because everyone always makes them and never fulfills them, so I figure why even bother. I did however, recently make a 5 year plan. They're definitely more like guidelines though, in that, some may be out of my control but I want to aim for something at least...
Without a vision the people perish. Proverbs 29.18. Thus, I aim to have a vision.
This morning in church the teaching was about leaving what is in the past in the past. That basically, and obviously what is done is done and at this point there is nothing we can do about anything that we said or didn't say in 2011...but what we do have is today. And we have the chance to learn from our pasts and strive for better in our futures. It was a very timely word for me, and I guess for the world in general because people tend to think of these kind of things when a new year is upon us.
So...let's all seize the day (and days) ahead of us, and aim to be walking in the will of the Lord for each of our individual lives!
Happy New Year to everyone!! Carpe Diem!
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–adjective [wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe. ] [leading an unsettled ...
mis·sion·ar·y [mish-uh-ner-ee] Show IPA noun, plural -ar·ies, adjective noun Also, mis·sion·er. 1. a person sent by a church into an are...