Thursday, April 5, 2012


I am sitting here thinking about what I should blog about. Attempting to write something relevant or encouraging...and the person who came to mind was Him. Jesus.

In Him all things live and move and breath, and have their being. What an incredible God we have, who cares so deeply for every aspect of our lives. My heart simply aches for all creation to know Him. I ache to know Him better.

When I watch the Narnia movies, I get so caught up in Aslan's character. I know that when C.S. Lewis wrote those stories (or at least The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe) he meant it to be a sort of allegory to Christ and the church. It's so deep.

Thinking about God as this fierce lion, who sings over his creation (Aslan does in the books!), fights for them, creates for them, dies for them to redeem their life from death-it just moves my heart.

I know it moves my heart because it's the ultimate truth in my life, but I think it also moves my heart because I am such a visual learner. I've heard stories about Jesus all my life, and known what salvation is about. Then when I see someone take their gift of writing, and turn this epic love story into something so simple, and even childlike, it causes aspects to come alive inside my heart; and I love that.

There's no sweeter name than the name of Jesus.

There is a link to a song below!

It is one of my favorite artists, Shawn McDonald. I love this album, and especially this song :)
It's so beautiful! Jesus is soo beautiful.

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