<< Let's hope the Mayans weren't correct in assuming that this is our last year all together on planet earth. But, if they were, then...that's that :)
For real though...I can't believe a whole year has gone by again! I've never really been a "new years resolution" person or anything, mostly because everyone always makes them and never fulfills them, so I figure why even bother. I did however, recently make a 5 year plan. They're definitely more like guidelines though, in that, some may be out of my control but I want to aim for something at least...
Without a vision the people perish. Proverbs 29.18. Thus, I aim to have a vision.
This morning in church the teaching was about leaving what is in the past in the past. That basically, and obviously what is done is done and at this point there is nothing we can do about anything that we said or didn't say in 2011...but what we do have is today. And we have the chance to learn from our pasts and strive for better in our futures. It was a very timely word for me, and I guess for the world in general because people tend to think of these kind of things when a new year is upon us.
So...let's all seize the day (and days) ahead of us, and aim to be walking in the will of the Lord for each of our individual lives!
Happy New Year to everyone!! Carpe Diem!
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