Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tomatoes You Gotta Go!


In the lovely state of Kentucky, the spring time is basically one hazardous storm after another. I mean, really, we're lucky we've come out on top this whole time!!

A few weeks ago though, there were like 5 or 6 tornadoes that apparently "hit" in or around my county. I never see them, so these alleged claims are all I have...BUT, it is what was told to me.

So upon arriving to work that morning, I was greeted with all sorts of security procedures from my manager in the event that a tornado hit. I should tell you, that I am really weird. I LOVE storms, apocalyptic situations, really anything to mix up the normal days work, I find it GREAT! :)

Back to work: we put flashlights on each cash register, in case the power went out, and were told how to inform the customers of severe weather over the intercom, and all that.

There is something I learned that fateful day: "crafters", sewers,  artsy folk...basically fear nothing. And by that I mean, the impending doom of a tornado blasting through our store didn't phase anyone. i have even heard stories of people in the past who REFUSED to seek shelter in the store when inclement weather was present, they wanted to keep SHOPPING.... ?!?! Insane. I mean, I know I said I like storms, but literally, if a TORNADO was about to hit where I was, you better believe I'd be running!!

Anyhow, moral of the story: storms are awesome, and some of our customers are certifiably nuts.


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