Clearly, I would never really follow through with it, because I value my life and would prefer to not spend it in prison.
And Hanks' leaves him with a statement something like- I'm goning to let you run this time- you know, after a while it is easier to live a lie. But, nobody is chasing you Frank, nobody is chasing you.
Sometimes I feel like we play this little "catch me if you can" game with God. That sometimes, it's just easier settling for what we've become because of the convenience or luxury of life after those choices. And all the while, God is after our hearts, He is chasing us down, and wants us to understand the gravity of the choices we make, and ultimately just wants us with Him and to be safe. [Altho in the movie, I am sure there were other things the FBI wanted! Haha!]
But it's like after running from Him for so long, each time He's getting closer, and just about to really get to the bottom of what's going on in us, we've already moved on to the next facade for our lives.
I'm not trying to draw crazy over-spiritualized parallels from this movie to our walks with God, but as I was just sitting here thinking about that statement, "It's easier to live a lie" & it just keeps ringing true. I guess in our cases, the truth of our lives lie in Christ. That truth lies in the finished work of the cross, all we are or hope to ever become lies in that truth of who He is. And, the lie [that we can settle for second rate, we don't have to uphold the standards of purity & excellence for the name of Christ] sometimes is easier to live. Just being real.
In this movie, when Frank [DiCaprio] was in deep with his defrauding the government, he was loaded!! He had everything he thought he could have ever wanted!! But, every Christmas he'd call Hanks'...he was ultimately unsatisfied with what he had become, he was sick of living a lie. He just didn't know any other way since he had gotten so deep in it.
The same goes for us. The lie is easier maybe in ways. But I am positive it will leave a gaping hole in our hearts. We were made with something to live for, for something to die for, God is that something. This is it. To live, breathe and die for this Love.
Ultimately, it is time for us to just let Him catch us.
No more running. No more hiding.
We are children of the light.
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