Sunday, February 19, 2012


Yes, 1855. That is the year that I wish I had been born in! Before you decide I am a lunatic, let me explain. This whole line of thinking has come from reading a book called "Redeeming Love". The book is set in the 1850's, about the time of the California Gold Rush. As I read through the pages, I decided their way of life totally rocked!! I am sure that the book made it sound a lot cooler than it really was, but I am just going to go that it was amazing!

Think about it, you pretty much just claim whatever piece of land that you want, free of charge. And by you I mean, the beastly, attractive man that you're married to...Then you build a house, and the whole family pitches in with planting the crops, and helping to harvest them once they've grown! Then everyone just takes trips to the nearest big city (which hopefully would be about 30 miles away!) and sell your produce to them in order to make some money!

Of course we'd own horses and once the community was big enough, have a little school house where the women would all meet to teach the children, as the men do their work! Then in the evenings, the family comes together again, shares a meal and then just spends  time together. It would be so great!!

In all sincerity, I know I might not last in a lifestyle like that (maybe I would! Who knows!!), however, what I do love is the simplicity.  Life wasn't too complicated back then. You were born, married a wonderful person, took care of your husband (or wife, for the guys!), had some children, taught them to love the Lord, tended to your property and everything on it, and enjoyed the community of people you lived with. It just sounds so great!

I know I try to make all these great and epic plans for my life, and they're all things that are truly in my heart to do, and it is good to have a vision to go after. I do think though that my heart mostly longs for peace and simplicity, along with begin surrounded forever by those I love, and who love me.

To me, that's a great life!

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