This time of year, I get so excited! I always have!
When I was a little kid, Christmas time was so enchanting! Lighting up the house with Christmas lights, and putting up the tree with my family! Then, on Christmas morning, my siblings and I sneaking down the stairs long before our parents were awake to just get a glimpse of all the presents waiting for us! :)
I remember the year that I didn't feel that same epic feeling about Christmas, presents and all that...and, I remember it made me a little sad at first! Soon after though, I began to realize the reason I truly love this season as an adult is because it is one of the only times in my year that I am able to be with my whole family. No one missing! Even if it's just for a short visit, it is always the best moments and what I look forward to each and every year.
I know that I've been blessed beyond measure to have been placed in this family by God. I am eternally thankful and know how much of a privilege it is to be in the situation I am in. I definitely do not take it for granted & as we approach my families Christmas gathering {this coming Friday!} I have this thankfulness fresh in my heart!
God, I love my family! Thank you so much for them :)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Oh, the places we'll go...
This past week, my church had a special visit from our Pastor and his family who run the feeding station we have in Guatemala. I love this family soo much! I have had the chance to go to Guatemala City and minister there with them a few years ago...and whenever I get a small taste of another culture, country or way of life...I just get so restless!! I remember the reasons I LOVE being in other countries, and the reasons why I know I was made to live in other places besides the United States.
I mean no disrespect at all, I love my home, the United States is an amazing place and I know I am blessed beyond measure, but there's another part of me that knows I am made for something else.
So, now, here I am...with my little travelers bug, and all I can think about is trying to sell my car so I can get away with living somewhere else without any crazy bills. Haha. I know right now it's nuts. But if I had it my way, I'd be boarding a plane tomorrow :)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Time for Christmas!!!
Have you ever noticed the escalating tendency in our culture to rush the holidays as quickly as possible?!
I mean, seriously... October 31st, midnight...Halloween is over, we wake up November 1st & BAMMM, Thanksgiving is taking over the world. Very similar to what we experience the moment Thanksgiving is over...CHRISTMAS takes over the TV, department stores, and the world! Just wait though...once Christmas/New Years is done with it'll be Valentines Day before we even blink an eye!!
So on and so forth, is the way we experience holidays year after year. I think maybe, just maybe...we all collectively need to work on simply savouring each holiday as it comes and not worry so much about rushing on to the next.
I'm not saying all this to say there is anything wrong with the excitement and anticipation people may feel towards the coming holiday! I just think we should enjoy each day, and moment for what it brings us, and not only look forward to the next.
Anyhow, I need to finish decorating my Christmas Tree with my Mommy (hehe!) And then just enjoy it...for the next month :)
I mean, seriously... October 31st, midnight...Halloween is over, we wake up November 1st & BAMMM, Thanksgiving is taking over the world. Very similar to what we experience the moment Thanksgiving is over...CHRISTMAS takes over the TV, department stores, and the world! Just wait though...once Christmas/New Years is done with it'll be Valentines Day before we even blink an eye!!
So on and so forth, is the way we experience holidays year after year. I think maybe, just maybe...we all collectively need to work on simply savouring each holiday as it comes and not worry so much about rushing on to the next.
I'm not saying all this to say there is anything wrong with the excitement and anticipation people may feel towards the coming holiday! I just think we should enjoy each day, and moment for what it brings us, and not only look forward to the next.
Anyhow, I need to finish decorating my Christmas Tree with my Mommy (hehe!) And then just enjoy it...for the next month :)
Merry Christmas (ALMOST!!) to everyone! And remember the reason we even celebrate this holiday to begin with. Our sweet Saviour was born, to give us life and freedom & to make a way for us to enter the Holy place with the one and only God.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Being Thankful!
It seemed appropriate to me, that this being the week of Thanksgiving, I should take a few minutes to say a little bit about how good God is! :) & state how thankful I am for that goodness!
This Thanksgiving, some of my dearest friends in the world, trekked here from Chicago to spend this week with my family & I! I love when Thanksgiving is spent with people who are truly precious in my life, it makes it such a rich time :) Also, we have a few more wonderful friends spending the day with us as well!
Another huge thing I am thankful for, is that last week I was hired on at our local Hobby Lobby!! I am stoked!! It was a good season at Qdoba, but I was ready to move on, and get into a new scene with work! One thing I love about this company, Hobby Lobby, is that it's a Christian establishment, and they're closed on Sundays to allow their employees a time of worship and a day to spend with their families! Something I rarely have gotten on Sundays, so I am extremely thankful!
Lastly, the semester is winding down, and I am thankful to be finishing the current classes I am in, and moving on to better ones! :)
All in all, I know I've got a lot to be thankful for, and I know so many others do to! I hope everyone has a blessed time with their families this week, and cherishes every moment.
P.s. I miss Jason & Michelle!
This Thanksgiving, some of my dearest friends in the world, trekked here from Chicago to spend this week with my family & I! I love when Thanksgiving is spent with people who are truly precious in my life, it makes it such a rich time :) Also, we have a few more wonderful friends spending the day with us as well!
Another huge thing I am thankful for, is that last week I was hired on at our local Hobby Lobby!! I am stoked!! It was a good season at Qdoba, but I was ready to move on, and get into a new scene with work! One thing I love about this company, Hobby Lobby, is that it's a Christian establishment, and they're closed on Sundays to allow their employees a time of worship and a day to spend with their families! Something I rarely have gotten on Sundays, so I am extremely thankful!
Lastly, the semester is winding down, and I am thankful to be finishing the current classes I am in, and moving on to better ones! :)
All in all, I know I've got a lot to be thankful for, and I know so many others do to! I hope everyone has a blessed time with their families this week, and cherishes every moment.
P.s. I miss Jason & Michelle!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Echoes in Eternity...
In my Philosophy class this semester we've gotten to do some pretty legit things, such Troy! And at the moment we're watching Gladiator. I've always liked this movie because I went to Teen Mania, and all the men there LOVE it, and love the main character Maximus (played by Russel Crowe) and how he is a man filled with integrity and just epic manliness. I definitely share the same sentiment towards his character, and one thing he says in this movie just catches me every time, this is what he says:
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."
It is a powerful statement in my mind, it is thought provoking and even convicting.
I absolutely want to live my life with eternity in mind. When you think about it, this life is so short and fragile- such a tiny part of our entire existence. It makes logical sense to me, to be living this life with eternity in mind, because that is where the real living will be happening, on the permanent level.
Jesus Christ is the one and only way to the eternity that people are going to want. Reflect on His love for you, and the price He paid to buy you from the chains of sin, and live out of that understanding.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."
It is a powerful statement in my mind, it is thought provoking and even convicting.
I absolutely want to live my life with eternity in mind. When you think about it, this life is so short and fragile- such a tiny part of our entire existence. It makes logical sense to me, to be living this life with eternity in mind, because that is where the real living will be happening, on the permanent level.
Jesus Christ is the one and only way to the eternity that people are going to want. Reflect on His love for you, and the price He paid to buy you from the chains of sin, and live out of that understanding.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Teen Mania Ministries
In the past week I've seen all this craziness on Twitter about Teen Mania, The Honor Academy and that ministry in general. I've been researching MSNBC and the other news sources who have done articles on this whole "Mind Over Mania" program.
I want to begin by stating that I love Teen Mania Ministries. I spent a year there as an intern at The Honor Academy <The Honor Ring!> and it was a wonderful, pivotal and essential part of my maturing in Christ and as an individual who was set on living my life for Jesus Christ. I think the people coming against this ministry are coming against something that God has established and would do well to back off now. The fruit of TMM far outweighs the handful of disgruntled individuals and I think that alone speaks for itself enough. Ron Luce, David Hasz and the other leaders involved at TMM are some of the most integrity filled, honorable men of God that I have ever had the privilege of learning under even for just a short season of my life.
I understand that people get hurt. It's a normal part of life, as hard as that may be for some people to cope with and handle. No ministry is perfect, and unfortunately no one can stop ill effects that certain situations have upon people. I have personally been in ministry for the past 5 years since I graduated from The Honor Academy. I know firsthand that no ministry is perfect, but that when the hearts of the leaders are set on God and HIS best for their mission, good comes from it.
It is the responsibility of the hurting individual to seek out restoration and reconciliation with those who offended, BIBLICAL TRUTH. And from what I am reading, and from the integrity I know resides in the leadership at TMM I know they have done all they can do to make things right; and I am only saddened by the unresponsive hearts of those coming against TMM.
I pray this all ends well, and I will only continue to uplift the ministry that God began through Ron Luce and I pray that the general reaction to all of this would be of the same nature. I also pray for those who have been hurt, and I sincerely hope that they find forgiveness within their hearts and that they would be restored to right relationship with TMM and its leadership.
I want to begin by stating that I love Teen Mania Ministries. I spent a year there as an intern at The Honor Academy <The Honor Ring!> and it was a wonderful, pivotal and essential part of my maturing in Christ and as an individual who was set on living my life for Jesus Christ. I think the people coming against this ministry are coming against something that God has established and would do well to back off now. The fruit of TMM far outweighs the handful of disgruntled individuals and I think that alone speaks for itself enough. Ron Luce, David Hasz and the other leaders involved at TMM are some of the most integrity filled, honorable men of God that I have ever had the privilege of learning under even for just a short season of my life.
I understand that people get hurt. It's a normal part of life, as hard as that may be for some people to cope with and handle. No ministry is perfect, and unfortunately no one can stop ill effects that certain situations have upon people. I have personally been in ministry for the past 5 years since I graduated from The Honor Academy. I know firsthand that no ministry is perfect, but that when the hearts of the leaders are set on God and HIS best for their mission, good comes from it.
It is the responsibility of the hurting individual to seek out restoration and reconciliation with those who offended, BIBLICAL TRUTH. And from what I am reading, and from the integrity I know resides in the leadership at TMM I know they have done all they can do to make things right; and I am only saddened by the unresponsive hearts of those coming against TMM.
I pray this all ends well, and I will only continue to uplift the ministry that God began through Ron Luce and I pray that the general reaction to all of this would be of the same nature. I also pray for those who have been hurt, and I sincerely hope that they find forgiveness within their hearts and that they would be restored to right relationship with TMM and its leadership.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Office.
If you know me, you knew this had to be coming.
There is no way that I could not write a blog dedicated to one of the single best shows ever made on planet earth...
Yes. That is right. The Office. Despite the sometimes crude humor in this series, it is filled with some of the most witty, hilarious, ridiculous humor I've encountered in my mere 25 years of life.
When the show premiered I knew that I was destined to be a fan! Then a few short years later, I moved and got involved with ministry in an intense way, and basically never watched TV and missed 5-6 seasons in the midst of it...only to be able to catch up on the happenings in this hysterical little world in the recent months of life. I must say, I loved every moment of that catching up!
Regardless of Season 8 now plowing ahead without my personal favorite, Michael Scott, it has still proven to keep it's wit and humor--even though in my opinion he was an irreplaceable part of the show. So, there you have it! For all you Office fans, and even for those of you that aren't!! ;) (My Mom! :)) Hehe!
There is no way that I could not write a blog dedicated to one of the single best shows ever made on planet earth...
Yes. That is right. The Office. Despite the sometimes crude humor in this series, it is filled with some of the most witty, hilarious, ridiculous humor I've encountered in my mere 25 years of life.
When the show premiered I knew that I was destined to be a fan! Then a few short years later, I moved and got involved with ministry in an intense way, and basically never watched TV and missed 5-6 seasons in the midst of it...only to be able to catch up on the happenings in this hysterical little world in the recent months of life. I must say, I loved every moment of that catching up!
Regardless of Season 8 now plowing ahead without my personal favorite, Michael Scott, it has still proven to keep it's wit and humor--even though in my opinion he was an irreplaceable part of the show. So, there you have it! For all you Office fans, and even for those of you that aren't!! ;) (My Mom! :)) Hehe!
Monday, October 24, 2011
The Word Became Flesh
I was having a conversation with a dear friend this morning. We were talking about how we both desire to make sure we're putting a strong emphasis on getting into the Word of God on a daily basis.
It's so strange how something so simple can bring so much life into our physical beings. I mean, literally, reading the Word of God physically nourishes our bodies. I know that sounds a little crazy, but it is true.

There have been seasons where I am so faithful to reading the Word. In those seasons I constantly feel
encouraged, my emotions are balanced and full of joy, and life just seems so great. Then there are those seasons where I've allowed my heart to be distracted be any number of things, and stray from my daily time in the Word. It's during those seasons when I feel the most dissatisfied with life, and unhappy with where I am and where I am going. It's like I just lose my sight of Him and the perspective that He gives me when I stay close to His words.
I strikes me as odd too, that I even have these ups & downs when the key to being in that satisfied place is so simple. I know life has it's seasons, however, when it's something as essential and basic as this I know that I have the ability to choose to remain in a place where I am overflowing with life constantly.
I do not want to be simply a hearer of the Word, I am going to be one who acts upon it.
.Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22.
And in order to do that, I need to be in the Word I can see what it says.
It's so strange how something so simple can bring so much life into our physical beings. I mean, literally, reading the Word of God physically nourishes our bodies. I know that sounds a little crazy, but it is true.

There have been seasons where I am so faithful to reading the Word. In those seasons I constantly feel
encouraged, my emotions are balanced and full of joy, and life just seems so great. Then there are those seasons where I've allowed my heart to be distracted be any number of things, and stray from my daily time in the Word. It's during those seasons when I feel the most dissatisfied with life, and unhappy with where I am and where I am going. It's like I just lose my sight of Him and the perspective that He gives me when I stay close to His words.
I strikes me as odd too, that I even have these ups & downs when the key to being in that satisfied place is so simple. I know life has it's seasons, however, when it's something as essential and basic as this I know that I have the ability to choose to remain in a place where I am overflowing with life constantly.
I do not want to be simply a hearer of the Word, I am going to be one who acts upon it.
.Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22.
And in order to do that, I need to be in the Word I can see what it says.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Indian Paintbrush Photography
Hey everyone!
It's kind of funny, but the majority of my close girl friends all ended up with the same profession...and they're all extremely talented at what they do as well...
So, I just wanted to give a quick shout out to one of my best friends in the world, and spread her new business!
Bekah's Photography Site! < click there!! To see some of the work she has done! And if you're reading this and in the Chicago Land area, and happen to be getting married, having a baby, or graduating high school, or just want epic pictures of yourself, give her a jingle! :)
It's kind of funny, but the majority of my close girl friends all ended up with the same profession...and they're all extremely talented at what they do as well...
So, I just wanted to give a quick shout out to one of my best friends in the world, and spread her new business!
Bekah's Photography Site! < click there!! To see some of the work she has done! And if you're reading this and in the Chicago Land area, and happen to be getting married, having a baby, or graduating high school, or just want epic pictures of yourself, give her a jingle! :)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
I will wait for You.
This is so amazing, that I just wanted to dedicate a whole post to this!
Listen to it!
Click Here!
Thank you God for truth!
Listen to it!
Click Here!
Thank you God for truth!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Are You A Chip Person?
I'm a chip person! You know when people want to splurge a little, they may get a snickers bar, a blizzard from DQ...or some other form of sugary goodness. I'm the one who'd pass up ice cream [almost] any day for some good chips!
...And these, my friends, are the chips to dominate all other chips ever made!! They're AMAZING! On top of that, they're not even bad for you!! They're made from 1oo% whole grain and brown rice, gluten free and a lot of other healthy ingredients for a happy, healthy little treat! :D The only downside to their goodness, is I can't find a bag big enough to last me for too long! Hehe!
So...check them out!! Next time you're at Walmart or wherever you shop! You should see them there! I don't think you'll regret it!!
...And these, my friends, are the chips to dominate all other chips ever made!! They're AMAZING! On top of that, they're not even bad for you!! They're made from 1oo% whole grain and brown rice, gluten free and a lot of other healthy ingredients for a happy, healthy little treat! :D The only downside to their goodness, is I can't find a bag big enough to last me for too long! Hehe!
So...check them out!! Next time you're at Walmart or wherever you shop! You should see them there! I don't think you'll regret it!!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Jesus Christ IS the Gospel.
If there was one thing I wish Jesus Himself would just step down from heaven for a moment to show the church; it would be that HE is the way, the truth & the life. That there is NO way to the Father accept through Him. There are many good things we've striven to learn, but have we forsaken the very means that is our only way to true understanding and knowledge?! Within the Word of God lies all understanding, instruction and wisdom [1 John 5:20, James 1:5]
I mean no offense in saying these things. I just think that the ultimate truth in which we draw our conclusions of life, living, love & everything really, must be drawn from the Word of God. He is our solid rock. He is the reason we are able to not be swayed when we're told things that may not be truth.
I want to fill my life with the reality of who God is.
Fully. To be alive fully in His truth.
I want that for the Body of Christ as well.
I mean no offense in saying these things. I just think that the ultimate truth in which we draw our conclusions of life, living, love & everything really, must be drawn from the Word of God. He is our solid rock. He is the reason we are able to not be swayed when we're told things that may not be truth.
I want to fill my life with the reality of who God is.
Fully. To be alive fully in His truth.
I want that for the Body of Christ as well.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I've gone through a lot of phases in life [as I'm sure most people do] as I tried to figure out what I was placed on this earth for. You know, what my destiny and purpose was. However through each phase there was always the one common thing, the binding core to what I knew I was here to do; I've always known I am here simply to devote my life to God and to His purposes.
It started off in my younger years, thinking that all I wanted to do was be "a youth pastors wife" [whatever I thought that meant!]....I think I probably just thought it was the only thing to do if you wanted to be in "ministry"! Haha, so it sounded good to me! :)
Then at 16, I went on my first missions trip to Jamaica [which I received ridicule for, btw, just cuz it's Jamaica doesn't mean they don't need Jesus!! ;)] That trip opened up my "American-suburban" mind to a whole new world, which I am sure I never knew existed previous to this trip. At which point, I got all fired up about missions for a season, and went an another trip during High School before going to an internship straight out of HS.
At that point, I don't know what I wanted to do with my life, I can't remember. I know mixed in there though that I thought being a counselor sounded really cool, then I thought of being a lawyer [after seeing Legally Blond one or two many times!]...
Thennnn I got pretty involved with the whole "prayer room" movement and I don't think I ever thought that it was what I was called to for a life long calling, I couldn't handle the thought of being stuck in one room for that long! Regardless, it was a great season!
That season pretty much brings us up to the present where I finally have decided to go to get an English degree. I never would have pinned myself as this major 4 or even 3 years ago, but like always, God literally directs out paths, he directs our feet. And after allllll of my pondering and scheming, this is where I've arrived, and it seems like it's basically right where I began.
After graduating college, I will be able to teach English as a second language in essentially any country I want to be in, to minister the gospel through this profession! And when I am not overseas, I can be a teacher where ever I live, and have a cute little class of 2nd and 3rd graders! :) I am sooo very excited, and I can't wait for the next three years to be finished [that's how much more school I have left!]!
I can't wait to get overseas, or just onto another country for a substantial amount of time.
I know it is partially why I am on this is definitely a piece of this destiny of mine.
It started off in my younger years, thinking that all I wanted to do was be "a youth pastors wife" [whatever I thought that meant!]....I think I probably just thought it was the only thing to do if you wanted to be in "ministry"! Haha, so it sounded good to me! :)
Then at 16, I went on my first missions trip to Jamaica [which I received ridicule for, btw, just cuz it's Jamaica doesn't mean they don't need Jesus!! ;)] That trip opened up my "American-suburban" mind to a whole new world, which I am sure I never knew existed previous to this trip. At which point, I got all fired up about missions for a season, and went an another trip during High School before going to an internship straight out of HS.
At that point, I don't know what I wanted to do with my life, I can't remember. I know mixed in there though that I thought being a counselor sounded really cool, then I thought of being a lawyer [after seeing Legally Blond one or two many times!]...
Thennnn I got pretty involved with the whole "prayer room" movement and I don't think I ever thought that it was what I was called to for a life long calling, I couldn't handle the thought of being stuck in one room for that long! Regardless, it was a great season!
That season pretty much brings us up to the present where I finally have decided to go to get an English degree. I never would have pinned myself as this major 4 or even 3 years ago, but like always, God literally directs out paths, he directs our feet. And after allllll of my pondering and scheming, this is where I've arrived, and it seems like it's basically right where I began.
After graduating college, I will be able to teach English as a second language in essentially any country I want to be in, to minister the gospel through this profession! And when I am not overseas, I can be a teacher where ever I live, and have a cute little class of 2nd and 3rd graders! :) I am sooo very excited, and I can't wait for the next three years to be finished [that's how much more school I have left!]!
I can't wait to get overseas, or just onto another country for a substantial amount of time.
I know it is partially why I am on this is definitely a piece of this destiny of mine.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Big news!! Apparently it wasn't my incompetence in my Spanish class last semester that threw my whole financial status under the bus!! is what happened [or at least what the financial aid office informed me happened!]
...last January I had no idea what I'd be doing once the semester was over! I didn't know if I was going to stay in Kentucky for the summer, go to Chicago, California...etc........sooo, in light of that I had registered for a math class that was held over the summer break. [I decided if I was going to be here, I was going to put it to good use at least!!] Then once I decided to go up to Crystal Lake, I had thought I dropped the class...and went on my merry little way! Then about a month into the summer, I just randomly decided to check my school email, for no reason really....and had gotten a handful of emails from my professor, telling me that she was withdrawing me from the class since I had missed more than 4 already! Much to my shock, I immediately wrote her back informing her I had no idea I was even enrolled in it any longer, and asked her to withdraw me right away! ...................Sooooooooooo......the reason my pell grant fell through this semester was because I had an incomplete because of that class. The finance guy said everything from last semester was just fine and my GPA was fine too, regardless of my Spanish class. Then he told me the really good news!!
All I have to do is write a letter to some people in charge of the grants and explain to them what happened and that I will get the government funding back within just a few weeks!!! [And there was much rejoicing!!!]
Needless to say, it was a wonderful way to begin the semester!! Classes were pretty rockin' too! :)
It's gonna be a great school year for sure, I can feel it!
I am also so thankful that God just worked all this out for me!! It's definitely going to save me some change! :)
...last January I had no idea what I'd be doing once the semester was over! I didn't know if I was going to stay in Kentucky for the summer, go to Chicago, California...etc........sooo, in light of that I had registered for a math class that was held over the summer break. [I decided if I was going to be here, I was going to put it to good use at least!!] Then once I decided to go up to Crystal Lake, I had thought I dropped the class...and went on my merry little way! Then about a month into the summer, I just randomly decided to check my school email, for no reason really....and had gotten a handful of emails from my professor, telling me that she was withdrawing me from the class since I had missed more than 4 already! Much to my shock, I immediately wrote her back informing her I had no idea I was even enrolled in it any longer, and asked her to withdraw me right away! ...................Sooooooooooo......the reason my pell grant fell through this semester was because I had an incomplete because of that class. The finance guy said everything from last semester was just fine and my GPA was fine too, regardless of my Spanish class. Then he told me the really good news!!
All I have to do is write a letter to some people in charge of the grants and explain to them what happened and that I will get the government funding back within just a few weeks!!! [And there was much rejoicing!!!]
Needless to say, it was a wonderful way to begin the semester!! Classes were pretty rockin' too! :)
It's gonna be a great school year for sure, I can feel it!
I am also so thankful that God just worked all this out for me!! It's definitely going to save me some change! :)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya...
Here it is ladies & gentlemen, the day we've [or maybe just me?!] all be waiting for...
[Dun, dun, dun!!!]
School begins tomorrow!!! :D Horray!
I really am so stoked, I just love school! I know that may be a little weird, but I am totally motivated by the end result of not having to have epically lame jobs anymore, doing something that I love to do, and actually making some good money!! So I'm all set!! With my cool new Swiss Army backpack, pink 5Star Binder, and some awesome pens, which I will try not to lose track of this time!! :)
Sad story though... much to my horror, I received a letter from my beloved school just yesterday telling me the worst news. I am not getting my pell grant for this year :/ and, to top it off...I also have to pay back what the pell grant covered from last semester. Needless to say I was a little disturbed, thinking I had it made not having to pay a penny for school till now, only to find out---I was wrong.
You may remember me writing about a certain subject with which I had some unusually bad luck in last semester [no habla espaniol!!!] and I guess that's what finally did me in--in the end. There is hope though, now that I have vowed to never again take any foreign language classes I will not encounter this set-back again, and hopefully get my pell grant back by January...[reallllly hopefully!!!]
'Till then, I shall proceed with my education...beginning tomorrow morning, as well as first thing going to visit my financial advisor, for some advise! :)
[And for a loan!!]
Moral of the story: don't fail, or else they'll take your free money away!!! :)
[Dun, dun, dun!!!]
School begins tomorrow!!! :D Horray!
I really am so stoked, I just love school! I know that may be a little weird, but I am totally motivated by the end result of not having to have epically lame jobs anymore, doing something that I love to do, and actually making some good money!! So I'm all set!! With my cool new Swiss Army backpack, pink 5Star Binder, and some awesome pens, which I will try not to lose track of this time!! :)
Sad story though... much to my horror, I received a letter from my beloved school just yesterday telling me the worst news. I am not getting my pell grant for this year :/ and, to top it off...I also have to pay back what the pell grant covered from last semester. Needless to say I was a little disturbed, thinking I had it made not having to pay a penny for school till now, only to find out---I was wrong.
You may remember me writing about a certain subject with which I had some unusually bad luck in last semester [no habla espaniol!!!] and I guess that's what finally did me in--in the end. There is hope though, now that I have vowed to never again take any foreign language classes I will not encounter this set-back again, and hopefully get my pell grant back by January...[reallllly hopefully!!!]
'Till then, I shall proceed with my education...beginning tomorrow morning, as well as first thing going to visit my financial advisor, for some advise! :)
[And for a loan!!]
Moral of the story: don't fail, or else they'll take your free money away!!! :)
Friday, August 19, 2011
For me? I mean, I can hardly make it through one day with the kind of love that man had in his eyes. And it was his whole existence. The part in the film where he prays for the people who basically hung him on the cross (the Pharisees) blew my mind. I mean, I've known this story my whole life, but it's like it hit a new level inside of me this time. I was fully aware of my own shortcomings in that moment, and fully aware that I needed to work on my love. I mean, Jesus told me to love my enemies and pray for those who PERSECUTE me (Matthew 5:44)...Oh my gosh...I can't even love people who aren't persecuting me at times.
What kind of love is this that he has for me? I mean, I know God is love. Because that's what the Bible says. It's just more than my mind can comprehend though. My pastor was in Africa with a minister once, and they were asking this minister, "How do you love like you do? I want that "download" from Heaven like you have!" And the minister just (I'm sure her eyes gushing with love!) just stated, "It's not a download, it's a choice. And once you make that choice enough times, it just becomes your automatic response."
Love is a choice. I can choose to love even when I don't want to. I can choose to love people who have hurt me. I can choose to love people who are unjust towards me. I can choose to love when I am hated. I can choose to love a n y o n e. It's a choice.
If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)
God is love. If we don't have Him, we have n o t h i n g.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I know my posts are usually more lighthearted and just fun...but right now God has just put before me something that is really heavy upon my heart.
Father's need to rise up in the body of Christ and love young men like they were their own sons.
Mother's need to rise up in the body of Christ and love young women...just like they were their own daughters.
There are people coming to know the Lord through many other avenues than being raised that way by their own parents; consequently leaving them with no father or mother to "show them the way" to say.
This is an arena that is sometimes hard for me to understand because I have parents that love the Lord, and they raised me to do the same. I never really realized how much of an AMAZING blessing that is, and that it is not something that everyone can say they have. For those who don't have what I did, getting saved and learning to hear God, walk with Him, deepen your relationship with Him and all of that without the guidance that was intended to be there can be really difficult.
This leads me to believe that there really is only one solution to this [aside from the fact that the Holy Spirit can & WILL be that Father if no one stands up] is that we, as the body, need to get out of our chairs, and begin pouring our lives out for the people who are seeking earnestly in their hearts for healing, restoration and love.
Jason Upton is one of my all time favorite worship leaders EVER...and he is constantly singing about father's and mother's....and the heart of God in light of those positions in life that he created the human life to be shaped with. It is how God intended it. And even though relationships like that may have been stolen from some of us...the word of God says that what the devil intended for evil, God WILL use for good. And in this case I believe that good is to rise up from the men and women in the Body of Christ.
It's time to get real and go deep guys. It's now or never.
Father's need to rise up in the body of Christ and love young men like they were their own sons.
Mother's need to rise up in the body of Christ and love young women...just like they were their own daughters.
There are people coming to know the Lord through many other avenues than being raised that way by their own parents; consequently leaving them with no father or mother to "show them the way" to say.
This is an arena that is sometimes hard for me to understand because I have parents that love the Lord, and they raised me to do the same. I never really realized how much of an AMAZING blessing that is, and that it is not something that everyone can say they have. For those who don't have what I did, getting saved and learning to hear God, walk with Him, deepen your relationship with Him and all of that without the guidance that was intended to be there can be really difficult.
This leads me to believe that there really is only one solution to this [aside from the fact that the Holy Spirit can & WILL be that Father if no one stands up] is that we, as the body, need to get out of our chairs, and begin pouring our lives out for the people who are seeking earnestly in their hearts for healing, restoration and love.
Jason Upton is one of my all time favorite worship leaders EVER...and he is constantly singing about father's and mother's....and the heart of God in light of those positions in life that he created the human life to be shaped with. It is how God intended it. And even though relationships like that may have been stolen from some of us...the word of God says that what the devil intended for evil, God WILL use for good. And in this case I believe that good is to rise up from the men and women in the Body of Christ.
It's time to get real and go deep guys. It's now or never.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Eternity's eternal song...
I always find myself getting caught up thinking about eternity. It's going to be so good! It's so crazy to think that this breath we have now is just the beginning. It makes things like death and sadness lessen their sting because I know that those lost to us, are were I can't wait to be. The reason I am thinking about this, is because last October, a precious family that I love so much lost a son and a brother, his name is Luke and he went to be with Jesus then. I remember hearing the news from my Mom while I was at work--she had texted me and told me to pray for Angels' family. Complete shock just swept through my body and once I got home from work I got on facebook [of course!! it's where all the info is!! ;)] and went to his page and the tears began to flow. I wasn't even that close with Luke himself, it was his sister who is a close friend of mine, but I know the Bible speaks about loss and pain as the body enduring it as one...when one is suffering, we all suffer. That day I truly felt the compassion and love of God for my friends, I felt like I had lost a brother with them.
The whole reason I am thinking about all of this is because Angels' family continues to update Luke's facebook page and soo many people continue to write on his wall, telling him & the family how much Luke impacted their life, and what a light and encouragement he was to them. And just to think that he is now in heaven with Jesus, doing...whatever it is we get to do in amazing! The fact that he's in the place where there is no more death, no more pain, no more tears...
It causes me to look at life with a different perspective. To live with eternity in my mind. I have no idea the number of days God has counted for my life here--but the thing I do know, is that once they're up here, that truly doesn't mean anything. Thereafter, I shall live forever. And a much better existence at that! Not because I am not giving my all here, and striving for the very best--but because what could be better than living down the street [literally] from God!? Nothing, in my book :)
With that in heart & mind, when loved ones who know the Lord go to be with him, there certainly is an element of grieving. However when all the tears have run out, and Jesus just begins to bring peace to our souls and understanding to our hearts, we know that they're really in a better place. Even though that's like the most cliche thing to say ever, it is true.
That place is the hope of those who live for Jesus Christ. To be with Him eternally. And until then, I don't think anyone on this side of the fence will grasp it fully...just with faith knowing that what God says is true. He is always faithful.
The whole reason I am thinking about all of this is because Angels' family continues to update Luke's facebook page and soo many people continue to write on his wall, telling him & the family how much Luke impacted their life, and what a light and encouragement he was to them. And just to think that he is now in heaven with Jesus, doing...whatever it is we get to do in amazing! The fact that he's in the place where there is no more death, no more pain, no more tears...
It causes me to look at life with a different perspective. To live with eternity in my mind. I have no idea the number of days God has counted for my life here--but the thing I do know, is that once they're up here, that truly doesn't mean anything. Thereafter, I shall live forever. And a much better existence at that! Not because I am not giving my all here, and striving for the very best--but because what could be better than living down the street [literally] from God!? Nothing, in my book :)
With that in heart & mind, when loved ones who know the Lord go to be with him, there certainly is an element of grieving. However when all the tears have run out, and Jesus just begins to bring peace to our souls and understanding to our hearts, we know that they're really in a better place. Even though that's like the most cliche thing to say ever, it is true.
That place is the hope of those who live for Jesus Christ. To be with Him eternally. And until then, I don't think anyone on this side of the fence will grasp it fully...just with faith knowing that what God says is true. He is always faithful.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Here we go!
I am pleased to announce my employment at the lovely Qdoba!! There
are a few reasons I am so excited about working here!
a. Mexican food is basically my favorite invention ever!! [and I get 1/2 off there now!!]
b. I get to work with a really great buddy of mine there, Josh Turner! He & his wife are amazing friends here and I love them both so much!
c. I am sooooo happy it only took me like a day to find this job with Joshs' help. Job searching is like on my top ten least favorite things to I am so thankful that God opened this door and it was such an easy process!
As for school; I have officially changed my major from Journalism to English, and I have decided to minor in Elementary Education. I am really excited about this and I truly feel like it's the absolute perfect fit for me! I'm glad it only took me one semester to figure all that out also!
As for now--2 weeks left 'til school begins, and it'll be filled with training, buying school stuff I need...and hanging out with my cousins & aunts who are arriving Sunday!! I can't wait!! So excited for this fall! :)
grace & peace!
are a few reasons I am so excited about working here!
a. Mexican food is basically my favorite invention ever!! [and I get 1/2 off there now!!]
b. I get to work with a really great buddy of mine there, Josh Turner! He & his wife are amazing friends here and I love them both so much!
c. I am sooooo happy it only took me like a day to find this job with Joshs' help. Job searching is like on my top ten least favorite things to I am so thankful that God opened this door and it was such an easy process!
As for school; I have officially changed my major from Journalism to English, and I have decided to minor in Elementary Education. I am really excited about this and I truly feel like it's the absolute perfect fit for me! I'm glad it only took me one semester to figure all that out also!
As for now--2 weeks left 'til school begins, and it'll be filled with training, buying school stuff I need...and hanging out with my cousins & aunts who are arriving Sunday!! I can't wait!! So excited for this fall! :)
grace & peace!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
There's no place like home!
I am back home with my family! After scurrying around to get shifts covered at my summer job, I was able to take off a week or so early to spend time with my younger brother who came for a visit. I just love my family so much! :)
This summer was amazing, great & so exactly what I needed before I dive into 3 and a 1/2 more academic years of school! At the end of the break though, I felt ready to come back! I'm ready to get focused, and stay on track and then eventually graduate & get a REAL job and be rich!!!!!!!!!!!!! I basically can't wait!!!!!!!! 'Till then I shall live it up like a college "kid" should ;)
This coming week though...I am thrilled to see these precious faces again!!
My cousins!! :D & my Auntie Paula & Auntie Carol are coming as well! They came last summer for a whole month and it was the best ever!!!! So, needless to say I can't wait to see them again!
Family is such a great thing! It was one of the best ideas God had! ;)
I hope everyone enjoys their last couple weeks of summer before school begins!!!
This summer was amazing, great & so exactly what I needed before I dive into 3 and a 1/2 more academic years of school! At the end of the break though, I felt ready to come back! I'm ready to get focused, and stay on track and then eventually graduate & get a REAL job and be rich!!!!!!!!!!!!! I basically can't wait!!!!!!!! 'Till then I shall live it up like a college "kid" should ;)
This coming week though...I am thrilled to see these precious faces again!!
My cousins!! :D & my Auntie Paula & Auntie Carol are coming as well! They came last summer for a whole month and it was the best ever!!!! So, needless to say I can't wait to see them again!
Family is such a great thing! It was one of the best ideas God had! ;)
I hope everyone enjoys their last couple weeks of summer before school begins!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The End.
I've been in "Chicago-land" now for almost 3 months. Man has it flown by! I am preparing to move back for school with in the week and I can hardly believe it! It's been a good summer! Full of all the things that needed to happen to take me in the next season in my life, so I am thankful.
Surprisingly [or maybe not so much!] I am so stoked about school beginning up again! I think I am motivated just as much by the end result as the idea that I will have something to keep me entertained for the next few months. I really can't wait to get the degree I am going for though, and then get an amazing job with that! I know it'll be worth it in the end, and I am excited about the journey getting there also. As long as I just keep telling myself that, and reminding my heart what my brain knows, I will be able to stay focused.
I can't wait for our wedding day to come. Let me see your face.
Surprisingly [or maybe not so much!] I am so stoked about school beginning up again! I think I am motivated just as much by the end result as the idea that I will have something to keep me entertained for the next few months. I really can't wait to get the degree I am going for though, and then get an amazing job with that! I know it'll be worth it in the end, and I am excited about the journey getting there also. As long as I just keep telling myself that, and reminding my heart what my brain knows, I will be able to stay focused.
However, I have been stuck with my head in the clouds the past week or two as I finish reading the series I am going through this summer. I blogged about it previously [ The Circle Trilogy! ] and attested to it's epicness, by which I stand firmly! The only problem I find myself running into when I read these books is I get bored of this world and wish that I could walk through a Narnia-like spare wardrobe and enter the world that these people live in. I love everything about it-- the way they fight for love, the way Justin never fails them, the way that they romance the person they were destined for, the way that God pursues their hearts so tangibly. There's so much more too--and it simply leaves me longing for eternity, which I suppose in the long run is a really good thing, but it makes me want it now :) I can be patient though, and know that the Kingdom of God really does already live in me, and I have the ability to live in such a way. Jesus teach me how!
I can't wait for our wedding day to come. Let me see your face.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
For some reason that is a mystery to me, I've wanted pumpkin pie for like the past month! [Luckily I am home for a short visit & my mommy made some!!]
I miss the cool, crisp air...the smell of leaves when they fall off of the trees, and then the sound of those fallen leaves on the ground when the wind tosses them about. It really is the best time of the year. If I found a place where it was perpetually autumn, I'd move there in a heart beat. I love wearing my jeans and a warm fuzzy hoodie, and going to a football game and drinking hot apple cider. There are so many things I love about the season and I could go on forever probably...but I think I've made my point ;) I love fall & I can't wait for it to come this year!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
It's been [way] too long!
Hello out there!
The summer is flying by, as I knew it would! Filled with friends, weddings, fun and of course work! Which isn't always the most fun, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do! ;)
As the school year approaches at a rapid speed, I find myself not wanting the summer to end! Not because I don't want to be in school but because I don't know if my school is where I want to be. I am in a place of sincere seeking from the Lord & I just want him to tell me what to do in my life, and where to go. I feel like it's too big of a deal to leave to myself! Soo. I am just walking towards what I thought I should do, and we'll see if anything changes.
The summer is flying by, as I knew it would! Filled with friends, weddings, fun and of course work! Which isn't always the most fun, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do! ;)
As the school year approaches at a rapid speed, I find myself not wanting the summer to end! Not because I don't want to be in school but because I don't know if my school is where I want to be. I am in a place of sincere seeking from the Lord & I just want him to tell me what to do in my life, and where to go. I feel like it's too big of a deal to leave to myself! Soo. I am just walking towards what I thought I should do, and we'll see if anything changes.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Day...[I don't even know] It's been too long to count!
Here I've been, well over a month--and it's been lovely thus far! Nothing like what I'd expected to say the least, however, it's been a refreshing vacation!
About two years ago I ran into a book series called "The Circle Trilogy" by a man named Ted Dekker. It consists of three books called, "Black", "Red", and "White". This summer I've decided to read through them again! This series is without a doubt the most epic books I've ever come across!
It is a gripping allegory of our lives in relation to the unseen realm that the Bible refers to in this verse, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
[2 Cor. 4:18] Along with the verses that speak about how the battles we fight are not with flesh & blood, not against the people or things that we see...but it is against the things that we cannot see with our natural eyes. Just simply that there is a lot more going on in this world than what we can see.
It's a pretty foreign concept to try and grasp in ones mind, and seems so surreal when trying to capture the reality of that internally. The whole idea [& reality] is very compelling, in my opinion. These three books delve into that world of thought in a way I'd never experienced until I was captivated by the words on their pages. The story told, although fictional in aspects, left me with an entirely new perspective and view on all of the things I've known and believed my whole life, encompassed in believing in Jesus Christ as my Savior, and also on the love that God has for me.
So, if anyone is looking for a good book to just kick back, relax and chill this summer, I'd say this is a great place to begin! :)
About two years ago I ran into a book series called "The Circle Trilogy" by a man named Ted Dekker. It consists of three books called, "Black", "Red", and "White". This summer I've decided to read through them again! This series is without a doubt the most epic books I've ever come across!
It is a gripping allegory of our lives in relation to the unseen realm that the Bible refers to in this verse, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
[2 Cor. 4:18] Along with the verses that speak about how the battles we fight are not with flesh & blood, not against the people or things that we see...but it is against the things that we cannot see with our natural eyes. Just simply that there is a lot more going on in this world than what we can see.
It's a pretty foreign concept to try and grasp in ones mind, and seems so surreal when trying to capture the reality of that internally. The whole idea [& reality] is very compelling, in my opinion. These three books delve into that world of thought in a way I'd never experienced until I was captivated by the words on their pages. The story told, although fictional in aspects, left me with an entirely new perspective and view on all of the things I've known and believed my whole life, encompassed in believing in Jesus Christ as my Savior, and also on the love that God has for me.
So, if anyone is looking for a good book to just kick back, relax and chill this summer, I'd say this is a great place to begin! :)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Bieber Fever? [Whaaat?!]
There's something we need to discuss in some depth now. That something [more like someone] is....
For some background on my knowledge of this little guy, I had pretty much never heard one song by him in my life until I moved up here 3 weeks ago! I was simply fortunate [ ;) ] enough to move in with a family who has a 13 year old, girl who adores him. Thus I have been thrust into the world of a Bieber fanatic! Before this though, I had a pretty good impression of the kid because I had read a few articles about his [public] pro-life stance and just that he seemed pretty vocal about being morally upstanding. So I gave him some props right off the bat. And let's just be honest- he's adorable!! If I were 16, I'd definitely have a crush on him. I mean, he plays the piano & guitar, sings and dances like Usher [yeah!]. The whole package is pretty legit!
As I watched his movie "Never Say Never" with Jess [the 13 yr old I live with! Whom I reallllly love a lot, and she's totally become my little buddy!! btw!] I saw the hoards of fans that plagued the streets and venues he had shows at, I was in shock. He actually sold out Madison Square Garden in 22 minutes [which I guess is a pretty big deal!]. I was also disturbed by the amount of little girls who were claiming him as their husband and declaring their undying affection & love for this boy whom they've never even spoken to before. [But I guess that capsulizes being 13 years old.] This world is a strange place- however I will not say that I didn't do the same things when I was that age!
All in all, I find him to be a pretty cool guy--and I even think he is actually talented, in a day & age where they're getting all the little Disney stars to put out CD's when they have basically no talent. I was saddened though, because most kid stars who start off with such massive, world wide, obsessive results normally go insane by the time they're 23 and that makes me sad. And I'm not saying that will happen to him, but I am saying I hope it doesn't...and I hope there are people who continue to come into his life that teach him how to be a good man, and that he uses the billions of dollars he's making to help change the world in a real way.
I guess just to end this little post, here's a little example of Justin Bieber! [click on his name!] rockin it out, cuz if you're like my Mom [or actually literally my Mom!]'ve probably never even heard of him...haha! So enjoy :)
There's something we need to discuss in some depth now. That something [more like someone] is....
Justin Bieber.
As I watched his movie "Never Say Never" with Jess [the 13 yr old I live with! Whom I reallllly love a lot, and she's totally become my little buddy!! btw!] I saw the hoards of fans that plagued the streets and venues he had shows at, I was in shock. He actually sold out Madison Square Garden in 22 minutes [which I guess is a pretty big deal!]. I was also disturbed by the amount of little girls who were claiming him as their husband and declaring their undying affection & love for this boy whom they've never even spoken to before. [But I guess that capsulizes being 13 years old.] This world is a strange place- however I will not say that I didn't do the same things when I was that age!
All in all, I find him to be a pretty cool guy--and I even think he is actually talented, in a day & age where they're getting all the little Disney stars to put out CD's when they have basically no talent. I was saddened though, because most kid stars who start off with such massive, world wide, obsessive results normally go insane by the time they're 23 and that makes me sad. And I'm not saying that will happen to him, but I am saying I hope it doesn't...and I hope there are people who continue to come into his life that teach him how to be a good man, and that he uses the billions of dollars he's making to help change the world in a real way.
I guess just to end this little post, here's a little example of Justin Bieber! [click on his name!] rockin it out, cuz if you're like my Mom [or actually literally my Mom!]'ve probably never even heard of him...haha! So enjoy :)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Day 17...
I somehow knew that when I moved away from Henderson, it would bring me into a new season of my life where I'd be [forced] to learn how to depend on God in lots of new ways! Not that I am resistant to learning that in my life, I just know that sometimes lessons like that come as somewhat of a challenge. Especially when you've had it pretty easy in life and pretty much never had to worry about things like money, food, water...[you know, the essentials!] All toiling aside though, I knew this was something I needed to do in my own life and a lesson I wanted to walk through by myself, not depending on anyone but God.
Regardless of how favorable the conditions I moved into were [no rent, basically no bills but my own stuff]... the first couple of weeks I still found myself getting all caught up in worry & concern about not making enough money, or being able to save enough for the fall when I go back to school- blah blah blah...
Even though the Bible clearly states that I'm not supposed to worry about tomorrow and not to worry about the clothes I wear or the food I'll eat, because God knows what I need, and He takes care of little flowers and birds. So how much more will He take care of me...His own daughter!?
All comforting verses aside, I was increasingly irritated at my meager 1 or 2 shifts a week at my new job- and becoming all anxious about the bills that were due in just a few weeks. Then!! The miracle occurred!! Just a few short mornings ago, I woke up and checked my bank account to see when exactly all my stuff was due to be paid...and I saw it!!! A check from LOWE'S!!! I had not gotten paid for the last few shifts I had there and I had completely forgotten!!!
My response of course was something like "THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!! This is TOTALLY saving my life!!!!!!!" Then the more I thought about the previous days I spent worrying and not trusting what I already knew was true, I realized that God really isn't going to just leave me hanging. He knew I'd be freaking out when I didn't get enough hours at work, and He knew I had enough money coming in to cover everything I need before I knew it! He just knew, and all I needed to do was wait on Him & trust what He told me.
So-- once the miracle occurred I proceeded to feel like a huge nerd for letting myself get all crazy over nothing, but was thankful for the lesson :) I know it's just a baby lesson, but I know that it's all just part of my walk with God and Him teaching me & showing me that I can completely trust my life to Him.
Regardless of how favorable the conditions I moved into were [no rent, basically no bills but my own stuff]... the first couple of weeks I still found myself getting all caught up in worry & concern about not making enough money, or being able to save enough for the fall when I go back to school- blah blah blah...
Even though the Bible clearly states that I'm not supposed to worry about tomorrow and not to worry about the clothes I wear or the food I'll eat, because God knows what I need, and He takes care of little flowers and birds. So how much more will He take care of me...His own daughter!?
All comforting verses aside, I was increasingly irritated at my meager 1 or 2 shifts a week at my new job- and becoming all anxious about the bills that were due in just a few weeks. Then!! The miracle occurred!! Just a few short mornings ago, I woke up and checked my bank account to see when exactly all my stuff was due to be paid...and I saw it!!! A check from LOWE'S!!! I had not gotten paid for the last few shifts I had there and I had completely forgotten!!!
My response of course was something like "THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!! This is TOTALLY saving my life!!!!!!!" Then the more I thought about the previous days I spent worrying and not trusting what I already knew was true, I realized that God really isn't going to just leave me hanging. He knew I'd be freaking out when I didn't get enough hours at work, and He knew I had enough money coming in to cover everything I need before I knew it! He just knew, and all I needed to do was wait on Him & trust what He told me.
So-- once the miracle occurred I proceeded to feel like a huge nerd for letting myself get all crazy over nothing, but was thankful for the lesson :) I know it's just a baby lesson, but I know that it's all just part of my walk with God and Him teaching me & showing me that I can completely trust my life to Him.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 13 on the [alien] planet.
I've been back in my "hometown" area now for almost two weeks! Just for the record, I say "alien planet" in the best way it can possibly mean, encompassing the fact that I've loved every moment spent with the loved ones I have here-however- internally being painfully aware that I am sooo not used to this culture, pace or area any longer.
I told one of my closest friends before I arrived here that I literally did feel like I was moving to a new planet. It's weird when you're entire life is lived with in the same twenty mile radius for four years straight. The way of living that I became so accustomed to began to be something that I truly fell in love with. I just didn't realize it while I was living through it, I simply had a romanticized picture in my head of how my life used to be, and thought that's what I wanted instead. Whoever said "The grass is always greener".....blah blah blah.....whatever!!
It is how our human minds tend to work at times though. We always think there's something better out there- which is a good perspective to have in certain situations. Another perspective to have though, is to be happy & content in every season of life- and get every ounce out of it while you can, before you can't have it again.
Luckily for me, I will be returning back to this place my heart misses quite soon! least close enough!
In the fall I shall return to continue my studies at the lovely USI :) until then, I am going to love every minute I spend here!
I told one of my closest friends before I arrived here that I literally did feel like I was moving to a new planet. It's weird when you're entire life is lived with in the same twenty mile radius for four years straight. The way of living that I became so accustomed to began to be something that I truly fell in love with. I just didn't realize it while I was living through it, I simply had a romanticized picture in my head of how my life used to be, and thought that's what I wanted instead. Whoever said "The grass is always greener".....blah blah blah.....whatever!!
It is how our human minds tend to work at times though. We always think there's something better out there- which is a good perspective to have in certain situations. Another perspective to have though, is to be happy & content in every season of life- and get every ounce out of it while you can, before you can't have it again.
Luckily for me, I will be returning back to this place my heart misses quite soon! least close enough!
In the fall I shall return to continue my studies at the lovely USI :) until then, I am going to love every minute I spend here!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Here we are!
Well- it actually happened. I moved! :o
For those of you who have had to sit & listen to me talk through all of my "plan making" and scheming, you understand how big of a deal this is!
I am proud of myself--but I am also thinking of what a silly girl I am, because I've only been here for about 20 hours and I am so homesick! I know I'll get past it--and that the first couple days on a new planet is always the most rough. It just makes me laugh though, because the 4 years I was in Henderson, I tried soo many times to make plans to go on some new adventure and do something different--and it'd never work out. And here I am now, everything worked out perfectly, and I actually followed through with it--and I miss my little Henderson town-- and all the people there so badly.
Enough whining though. I am sure this new season has many wonderful and amazing things awaiting their discovery, and I am definitely determined to make the best of it! It helps that I am living with the best family next to mine, and have some great friends here already :)
Soo--on with this new adventure!
For those of you who have had to sit & listen to me talk through all of my "plan making" and scheming, you understand how big of a deal this is!
I am proud of myself--but I am also thinking of what a silly girl I am, because I've only been here for about 20 hours and I am so homesick! I know I'll get past it--and that the first couple days on a new planet is always the most rough. It just makes me laugh though, because the 4 years I was in Henderson, I tried soo many times to make plans to go on some new adventure and do something different--and it'd never work out. And here I am now, everything worked out perfectly, and I actually followed through with it--and I miss my little Henderson town-- and all the people there so badly.
Enough whining though. I am sure this new season has many wonderful and amazing things awaiting their discovery, and I am definitely determined to make the best of it! It helps that I am living with the best family next to mine, and have some great friends here already :)
Soo--on with this new adventure!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I'm really excited! After a semester of college, I've pretty much been able to narrow down exactly what I want to do for the rest of my "college career"!!
I quickly found out that Spanish was not a strength [and that's putting it nicely] of mine, and that it would definitely be in my best interest to NOT minor in it! Just to save my GPA & all that! ;)
I haven't entirely lost hope though, and I am still quite determined to become fluent in it one day!
I quickly found out that Spanish was not a strength [and that's putting it nicely] of mine, and that it would definitely be in my best interest to NOT minor in it! Just to save my GPA & all that! ;)
![]() |
No Comprende. |
I haven't entirely lost hope though, and I am still quite determined to become fluent in it one day!
As for the Journalism major I declared in January...It was a good thought and I think I was beginning to get on the right track with all of that, but as the semester progressed and I realized the class I liked the best was my English one- I began to reevaluate my decisions a little bit.
I mean it's weird, but I actually LOVED my English class. I was literally excited about the 5 papers I had to write [practically back to back!]! Not only did I love it but I actually did it well also!! Which was a really exciting thing for me! I've never been the "school-ish" "academic" type, which is a big reason it took me so long to become motivated to go to college in the first place. The thing I didn't realize though was that if I were to be studying for a degree in something I legitly loved it would make a big difference!! The truth is out there now and it is very plain for me to see that a big passion of mine is writing! And even though I don't know exactly when [or where] I will be attending college this fall--I know I can't wait to get my BA in English!!! :)
Monday, April 25, 2011
In my English class this past semester I wrote an observation essay on a YouTube video called, “Evolution”. I really wanted to put this on here though because I think the content is very relevent in our society today & wanted to share my thoughts on it. I'd love feedback about the topic or about whether or not people enjoyed reading it! Thanks everyone :)
So, this Evolution [link is at the bottom of the page too, if you want to watch it!] clip is a profound commercial that the cosmetic company “Dove” put out. The video is conveying how the make-up industry portrays beauty as being flawless and unblemished. I believe that this false perception that has been created has had a very negative effect on our culture as a whole and on specific individuals' lives. At the very end of the 1 minute and 15 second clip on YouTube, these words come up on the screen, "No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted." Through this observation I hope to communicate how strongly advertising, specifically in this industry, has affected the lives of men and women in our culture and society.
At the very beginning of the clip, you see a woman enter the screen from the left in a plain white tank top and she is being escorted by a woman in a brown dress, most likely one of the make-up artists. The camera closes in on her face, and you see an average woman. She is not unattractive, just ordinary. Her hair looks a little too flat, she's not exactly stick thin, and she doesn't have any make up on. Overall though, she is pretty. Then it begins; the clip starts to play in fast forward mode as the make-up artists and hair stylists rush to get her face picture perfect for the photo shoot. They tweeze her eye brows, apply a load of make-up, and do up her hair so that it looks perfect and even put fake eye lashes on her. The end result is very pretty. Suddenly the photo shoot begins and they take several beautiful shots. Then as if all of the work they had put into her face just moments ago wasn't enough; the screen takes you to a computer editing program where they begin digitally enhancing the picture they decided will go on the add.
Her face is thinned out, compliments of Adobe Photoshop [or whatever editing program they used], her lips are made to appear fuller, they edit the placement of her eyes, and they also enlarge her eyes so that they are more catching. They slightly “fix” the placement of her ear lobes along with elongating and thinning out her neck to have the appearance of a perfect person. The end result is a woman who is gorgeous- yet fake. I imagine if you saw the model they used for the premise of that picture walk by that billboard where "her" picture was displayed, odds are you may not even know that it was the same woman walking by you.
Nearing the end of the clip two young girls walk past the billboard and look up at it. This may not seem like a big deal but if you look closely at those girls you will see a few things about them. First of all, they appear to be somewhat young I'd say no older than 10th grade, a very influential age. Secondly, they both appear to be thin girls themselves, perhaps as a result of what society has infiltrated their minds with in regards to how they "should" look. Lastly, since I'm a woman, I know what goes on in girls’ minds and I can imagine the thoughts these two have as they look up at that massive, flawless advertisement. They're thinking how perfect and beautiful that woman looks. How impeccable her thin and attractive face is; and how piercing her light blue eyes appear. Odds are they're also comparing themselves to that woman, thinking that they wish they were as beautiful as her. Even though it is but a brief moment in which they encounter this specific advertisement, the thought process may go on in their minds for the entire day. Not to mention all the other places those two girls may go that day or what magazines they will look at, all having the same theory of "flawless beauty" being thrown at them from every direction. While everything they’re seeing and hearing from these sources are all lies.
Looking at this from a different perspective we can see how this has affected the male gender as well. While the women are encouraged to become thin, somewhat emaciated creatures, the men are bombarded with the opposite approach to look built and “ripped”. Their magazines are filled with men who are most likely in the three percentile of anyone who looks like them and most likely just as digitally enhanced as our first specimen. They’re under just as much pressure from society as the women are. There is a poster right in this school that says that more men in my age group suffer from eating disorders than women. It’s not just affecting females.
I feel this entire matter alone has become one of the biggest flaws in American culture and society in this day and age. Hollywood, People Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and other forms of media and advertising have begun dictating to all generations how we should look, and even act if we want to be accepted and seen as beautiful or attractive. In my opinion this false perception has been widely accepted, especially by the younger generation. They have embraced the shallow judgment that they're not beautiful or handsome unless they're thin, or in astounding shape looking like an “American Eagle”, “Hollister” or “Abercrombie” model. They’re being told they’re not accepted if they’re not wearing the "in style" clothing, or applying their make-up the same way their favorite actress does, or guys mimicking the trends of their favorite actors or sports idols.
The real tragedy in all of this though is that all these young men and women are living life day in and day out, wearing themselves out to attain this standard that's not even real. Now as a result we're seeing so many young people caught up in eating disorders, getting plastic surgery to make their bodies look like these pictures, and basically selling their souls in attempt to keep up with what our culture is telling them is “popular today”. However in reality I think it is destroying the self-esteems of my generation and causing a generalized feeling of dissatisfaction with their lives because they are constantly chasing after this standard that is virtually impossible to attain.
When I think of people I have known and still do know I can see the difference between the ones who have been sculpted by this type of advertising, and the ones who never took the time to pay attention to that kind of thing. There is a different kind of confidence that exudes from individuals who have not spent their entire lives comparing themselves to the "Hollywood" standard, or striving to live up to the flawless models that are thrust in their faces day after day. People who have lived in that shadow are worn out and seem to always be grasping for this impossible goal, they strive to be popular and accepted based off of the wrong values and just end up being discouraged because the very thing that they're trying to attain is not even real.
As I've observed all types of individuals, I have come to the conclusion that these types of thought processes and marketing schemes need to be revealed for what they are. People need to know that they've put themselves up against a giant that is unable to be defeated unless they’re willing to go to extreme measures to live up to it. I honestly do not think anybody truly wants to live that way. I think that most human beings just wish to be accepted for who they are, all make-up and body fat indexes aside. I also think that most men and women don't want to be compared to this image of perfection and flawless beauty that our society esteems so highly. When people focus on the internal wellbeing of their person instead of focusing all of their time on the external, they'd see that their lives are slowly becoming much less like a beauty pageant, and much more like a meaningful existence that is not so self-centered and shallow. I don't mean to sound harsh in all of this either, because I don't really think most people mean to become so absorbed in their hair, face and body being perfect, but the influence that they've been surrounded with and infiltrated by since a very young age, suggests that it is a normal fixation to fill your life with doing such things. As such, that mindset has been accepted as normal conduct in our nation. I just hope that people can one day see through all of that and realize that we were meant to live for so much more.
In conclusion, as I watched this "Dove" campaign commercial that they produced for the exact reasons I've been discussing, I think what I observed so deeply was human nature, and how easily we evolve as a society. I also think I saw very clearly the strategy that the marketing companies, Hollywood and other ad agencies use to lure people in so they can make money. Granted, everyone has to make a living, but it just seems sad to do it at the expense of another person’s internal and external wellbeing. I believe that this false perception that has been created has had a very negative effect on our culture as a whole and on specific individuals' lives. At the very end of that 1 minute 15 second clip I think it rings very true to say, "No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted." Through this observation I hope I have discerningly communicated how strongly advertising in the fashion, make-up and entertainment industries have affected the lives of men and women in our culture and society.
Watch "Evolution"
So, this Evolution [link is at the bottom of the page too, if you want to watch it!] clip is a profound commercial that the cosmetic company “Dove” put out. The video is conveying how the make-up industry portrays beauty as being flawless and unblemished. I believe that this false perception that has been created has had a very negative effect on our culture as a whole and on specific individuals' lives. At the very end of the 1 minute and 15 second clip on YouTube, these words come up on the screen, "No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted." Through this observation I hope to communicate how strongly advertising, specifically in this industry, has affected the lives of men and women in our culture and society.
At the very beginning of the clip, you see a woman enter the screen from the left in a plain white tank top and she is being escorted by a woman in a brown dress, most likely one of the make-up artists. The camera closes in on her face, and you see an average woman. She is not unattractive, just ordinary. Her hair looks a little too flat, she's not exactly stick thin, and she doesn't have any make up on. Overall though, she is pretty. Then it begins; the clip starts to play in fast forward mode as the make-up artists and hair stylists rush to get her face picture perfect for the photo shoot. They tweeze her eye brows, apply a load of make-up, and do up her hair so that it looks perfect and even put fake eye lashes on her. The end result is very pretty. Suddenly the photo shoot begins and they take several beautiful shots. Then as if all of the work they had put into her face just moments ago wasn't enough; the screen takes you to a computer editing program where they begin digitally enhancing the picture they decided will go on the add.
Her face is thinned out, compliments of Adobe Photoshop [or whatever editing program they used], her lips are made to appear fuller, they edit the placement of her eyes, and they also enlarge her eyes so that they are more catching. They slightly “fix” the placement of her ear lobes along with elongating and thinning out her neck to have the appearance of a perfect person. The end result is a woman who is gorgeous- yet fake. I imagine if you saw the model they used for the premise of that picture walk by that billboard where "her" picture was displayed, odds are you may not even know that it was the same woman walking by you.
Nearing the end of the clip two young girls walk past the billboard and look up at it. This may not seem like a big deal but if you look closely at those girls you will see a few things about them. First of all, they appear to be somewhat young I'd say no older than 10th grade, a very influential age. Secondly, they both appear to be thin girls themselves, perhaps as a result of what society has infiltrated their minds with in regards to how they "should" look. Lastly, since I'm a woman, I know what goes on in girls’ minds and I can imagine the thoughts these two have as they look up at that massive, flawless advertisement. They're thinking how perfect and beautiful that woman looks. How impeccable her thin and attractive face is; and how piercing her light blue eyes appear. Odds are they're also comparing themselves to that woman, thinking that they wish they were as beautiful as her. Even though it is but a brief moment in which they encounter this specific advertisement, the thought process may go on in their minds for the entire day. Not to mention all the other places those two girls may go that day or what magazines they will look at, all having the same theory of "flawless beauty" being thrown at them from every direction. While everything they’re seeing and hearing from these sources are all lies.
Looking at this from a different perspective we can see how this has affected the male gender as well. While the women are encouraged to become thin, somewhat emaciated creatures, the men are bombarded with the opposite approach to look built and “ripped”. Their magazines are filled with men who are most likely in the three percentile of anyone who looks like them and most likely just as digitally enhanced as our first specimen. They’re under just as much pressure from society as the women are. There is a poster right in this school that says that more men in my age group suffer from eating disorders than women. It’s not just affecting females.
I feel this entire matter alone has become one of the biggest flaws in American culture and society in this day and age. Hollywood, People Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and other forms of media and advertising have begun dictating to all generations how we should look, and even act if we want to be accepted and seen as beautiful or attractive. In my opinion this false perception has been widely accepted, especially by the younger generation. They have embraced the shallow judgment that they're not beautiful or handsome unless they're thin, or in astounding shape looking like an “American Eagle”, “Hollister” or “Abercrombie” model. They’re being told they’re not accepted if they’re not wearing the "in style" clothing, or applying their make-up the same way their favorite actress does, or guys mimicking the trends of their favorite actors or sports idols.
The real tragedy in all of this though is that all these young men and women are living life day in and day out, wearing themselves out to attain this standard that's not even real. Now as a result we're seeing so many young people caught up in eating disorders, getting plastic surgery to make their bodies look like these pictures, and basically selling their souls in attempt to keep up with what our culture is telling them is “popular today”. However in reality I think it is destroying the self-esteems of my generation and causing a generalized feeling of dissatisfaction with their lives because they are constantly chasing after this standard that is virtually impossible to attain.
When I think of people I have known and still do know I can see the difference between the ones who have been sculpted by this type of advertising, and the ones who never took the time to pay attention to that kind of thing. There is a different kind of confidence that exudes from individuals who have not spent their entire lives comparing themselves to the "Hollywood" standard, or striving to live up to the flawless models that are thrust in their faces day after day. People who have lived in that shadow are worn out and seem to always be grasping for this impossible goal, they strive to be popular and accepted based off of the wrong values and just end up being discouraged because the very thing that they're trying to attain is not even real.
As I've observed all types of individuals, I have come to the conclusion that these types of thought processes and marketing schemes need to be revealed for what they are. People need to know that they've put themselves up against a giant that is unable to be defeated unless they’re willing to go to extreme measures to live up to it. I honestly do not think anybody truly wants to live that way. I think that most human beings just wish to be accepted for who they are, all make-up and body fat indexes aside. I also think that most men and women don't want to be compared to this image of perfection and flawless beauty that our society esteems so highly. When people focus on the internal wellbeing of their person instead of focusing all of their time on the external, they'd see that their lives are slowly becoming much less like a beauty pageant, and much more like a meaningful existence that is not so self-centered and shallow. I don't mean to sound harsh in all of this either, because I don't really think most people mean to become so absorbed in their hair, face and body being perfect, but the influence that they've been surrounded with and infiltrated by since a very young age, suggests that it is a normal fixation to fill your life with doing such things. As such, that mindset has been accepted as normal conduct in our nation. I just hope that people can one day see through all of that and realize that we were meant to live for so much more.
In conclusion, as I watched this "Dove" campaign commercial that they produced for the exact reasons I've been discussing, I think what I observed so deeply was human nature, and how easily we evolve as a society. I also think I saw very clearly the strategy that the marketing companies, Hollywood and other ad agencies use to lure people in so they can make money. Granted, everyone has to make a living, but it just seems sad to do it at the expense of another person’s internal and external wellbeing. I believe that this false perception that has been created has had a very negative effect on our culture as a whole and on specific individuals' lives. At the very end of that 1 minute 15 second clip I think it rings very true to say, "No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted." Through this observation I hope I have discerningly communicated how strongly advertising in the fashion, make-up and entertainment industries have affected the lives of men and women in our culture and society.
Watch "Evolution"
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sometimes it's hard to say goodbye...
I put my two weeks notice in at my job yesterday! I guess it sorta made me feel like all this was really sinking in. I mean, I've been thinking & praying about this move for months now--and have been excitedly awaiting it's arrival--but now that it's here I don't want to say goodbye. It's one of those things that I just know I have to do though, you know? Like one of those life altering choices-- and if I didn't take this path right now then maybe I wouldn't get to the next step I am destined to take.
Fate & destiny aside though, as I've been thinking about the four years I've spent here and all the amazing people I have encountered & who have changed my life-- I feel so blessed. This truly was Gods best for me in these past years and in the seasons when I embraced it--life was beautiful. There were also seasons where I wanted to just run away from it all--but God gave me the grace I needed to endure and continue on--and I am so thankful that He did. It was worth every minute of it.
If I'm going to be honest, I feel like I am moving to a new planet!! I've lived in the same like 20 mile radius for a long time now--and I guess I kinda forgot that there's a whole, massive world out there--just waiting for someone to explore it. So, I am ready to conquer it. Or--at least begin that process!
As I begin to pack up my room & get everything I am taking with me sorted-- I just want to soak in the last two weeks I have here; with my family and friends who I love so much.
Getting ready for this new adventure!!
Fate & destiny aside though, as I've been thinking about the four years I've spent here and all the amazing people I have encountered & who have changed my life-- I feel so blessed. This truly was Gods best for me in these past years and in the seasons when I embraced it--life was beautiful. There were also seasons where I wanted to just run away from it all--but God gave me the grace I needed to endure and continue on--and I am so thankful that He did. It was worth every minute of it.
If I'm going to be honest, I feel like I am moving to a new planet!! I've lived in the same like 20 mile radius for a long time now--and I guess I kinda forgot that there's a whole, massive world out there--just waiting for someone to explore it. So, I am ready to conquer it. Or--at least begin that process!
As I begin to pack up my room & get everything I am taking with me sorted-- I just want to soak in the last two weeks I have here; with my family and friends who I love so much.
Getting ready for this new adventure!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new [life]... [Part 2]

Pretty much in exactly one month I'll have my car loaded up, Jonah secured in the front seat & the gas tank full--heading north on Rt. 41!! I can hardly believe it's coming so soon. Honestly the overall theme I feel as this approaches is one of bittersweet excitement. I've lived in this sweet little town for 4 years. This place has become a part of me; I feel like I went through the most molding seasons of my life right here. There are sooo many people who I just love with all of my heart and the thought of them not being in my everyday life any longer just seems surreal. Like it can't even be true.
At the same time--the life & friends I just picked up and left 4 years ago [almost to the day!!] have been a huge something that I've missed in these years. It's just so crazy. Life can be so unpredicable--and in moments I truly don't know where the wind will blow me next. I've learned though--it usually takes you somewhere good--somewhere that changes your life forever.
Therefore. In this moment--I don't know what to expect. All I know is that there's a deep excitement inside of me--and I know there are so many good things to come. I can't wait to taste them all--and see what precious moments God will bring me into next.
Such a beautiful place & full of beautiful people!
God it's been a beautiful journey.
I already miss it.
Monday, March 28, 2011
[proh-kras-tuh-neyt, pruh-]
verb, -nat·ed, -nat·ing.
–verb (used without object)
1. to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
–verb (used with object)
2. to put off till another day or time; defer; delay. we are the end of March--speedily making our way towards the end of the semester! Despite what many school dwellers and graduates told me, I'm still not sick of school; in fact I'm still enjoying classes as much today as I was January 6th, when I began! :)
However...I am noticing a trend in myself. I wait a realllly long time to do my homework now. Or wait excessive amounts of time to begin [3] papers that are duetomorrow later this week!! Ahh! It's no good! It's just that every time I sit down to focus and be diligent my phone rings, or I get a text, or I go on facebook where I proceed to have an hour long [hilarious, yet deterring] conversation with one of my siblings or friends. Or I think...Jonah needs fresh water in his little bowl. What I am seeing is that this school work is causing me to be super on top of everything else in life- you know socially and in regards to housework, but I think I'm missing the bigger picture!
Therefore, I have resolved in my heart [and head!] that right now [after I finish this post]--
I shall be diligent, and my papers shall be written!!
[Unless I find something else that distracts me!]
Happy Spring to everyone!
verb, -nat·ed, -nat·ing.
–verb (used without object)
1. to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
–verb (used with object)
2. to put off till another day or time; defer; delay. we are the end of March--speedily making our way towards the end of the semester! Despite what many school dwellers and graduates told me, I'm still not sick of school; in fact I'm still enjoying classes as much today as I was January 6th, when I began! :)
However...I am noticing a trend in myself. I wait a realllly long time to do my homework now. Or wait excessive amounts of time to begin [3] papers that are due
Therefore, I have resolved in my heart [and head!] that right now [after I finish this post]--
I shall be diligent, and my papers shall be written!!
Happy Spring to everyone!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Are you who you wanna be?
I've been thinking a lot lately. Well, actually, I normally think a lot. I blame it on a season I spent with some highly deep thinkers [you know who you are ;)!!]--and before then I was perfectly content just letting life be and not really caring if I had much thought or say in little things. However--now I think, analyze, ponder....etc. etc. etc....constantly!! I actually irritate myself with it in moments!
Getting to the point...
I don't like clones. You know, like little sub-cultures of people who are defined by what they wear, or the music they listen to, how they cut their hair, stuff like that. I want to wear what I want to wear, cut my hair how I like it and be who I am darn it!! ;)
I don't want to be like anyone else. I actually think I've been pretty successful so far too. I'm a little weird honestly! But here's the thing, I like who I am better when I am just being myself then when I'm in a situation where I feel a little awkward or kind of just blend into the surroundings because I don't feel comfortable.
I think I began realizing this in the last few months- and I honestly like who God made me. I'm still learning to be comfortable in that at all times, because there are still a few remnants of F.O.M. [fear of man!] in me that say if I want friends or whatever, I've got to be a certain way, act a certain way, dress a certain way or...[blah, blah, blah]. It is all nonsense. [Now I am not saying I want to be a bum or not dress nicely and all that...] I just don't want to be defined or categorized by those things or to have the shallow judgement that those things make up who I am inside.
One thing that brought all this thought on is that I am moving back to my hometown [or pretty close] in May. I'm going to get to spend some time with friends who I haven't really been around in like 4 years [some of them not as long...] & it got me thinking like all self-consciously for some reason. Like, oh my gosh. I hope I'm well liked, I hope I don't feel awkward hanging out with all these people who hardly know my anymore....[blah, blah, blah...more nonsense]. I just began to really stress over it. I've changed a lot since I've lived in Kentucky and have become so confidant as a leader in this sphere here but it was like I felt incapable of having that new found confidence go with me where I went, which is just so silly.
I know who I am and I know my Father well, and I know He created me with such an amazing destiny and purpose--and when it comes down to it, even if someone along the way doesn't really think I'm all that [;)] then that is okay. Just like my clothes & hair-- that [doesn't] shouldn't define me either.
My confidence will continue to be more deeply grounded in Christ as I keep walking this path of life--and I can at least rest in the fact that I know He will never throw anything at me that I can't handle. Which is awesome! :)
So be free to BE YOU! You're the only one---so you've got to do it well and to the fullest! The world will be missing out if you don't!
Getting to the point...
I don't like clones. You know, like little sub-cultures of people who are defined by what they wear, or the music they listen to, how they cut their hair, stuff like that. I want to wear what I want to wear, cut my hair how I like it and be who I am darn it!! ;)
I don't want to be like anyone else. I actually think I've been pretty successful so far too. I'm a little weird honestly! But here's the thing, I like who I am better when I am just being myself then when I'm in a situation where I feel a little awkward or kind of just blend into the surroundings because I don't feel comfortable.
I think I began realizing this in the last few months- and I honestly like who God made me. I'm still learning to be comfortable in that at all times, because there are still a few remnants of F.O.M. [fear of man!] in me that say if I want friends or whatever, I've got to be a certain way, act a certain way, dress a certain way or...[blah, blah, blah]. It is all nonsense. [Now I am not saying I want to be a bum or not dress nicely and all that...] I just don't want to be defined or categorized by those things or to have the shallow judgement that those things make up who I am inside.
One thing that brought all this thought on is that I am moving back to my hometown [or pretty close] in May. I'm going to get to spend some time with friends who I haven't really been around in like 4 years [some of them not as long...] & it got me thinking like all self-consciously for some reason. Like, oh my gosh. I hope I'm well liked, I hope I don't feel awkward hanging out with all these people who hardly know my anymore....[blah, blah, blah...more nonsense]. I just began to really stress over it. I've changed a lot since I've lived in Kentucky and have become so confidant as a leader in this sphere here but it was like I felt incapable of having that new found confidence go with me where I went, which is just so silly.
I know who I am and I know my Father well, and I know He created me with such an amazing destiny and purpose--and when it comes down to it, even if someone along the way doesn't really think I'm all that [;)] then that is okay. Just like my clothes & hair-- that [
My confidence will continue to be more deeply grounded in Christ as I keep walking this path of life--and I can at least rest in the fact that I know He will never throw anything at me that I can't handle. Which is awesome! :)
So be free to BE YOU! You're the only one---so you've got to do it well and to the fullest! The world will be missing out if you don't!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
California love!
I've been in the lovely state of California for 5 days now, and it's been glorious! I can't imagine living in a place like this. Waking up to such epic beauty every day would be so insane!
Even though it's been a vacation I feel like I've gotten some things accomplished! I went and saw a school I'm interested in a few days ago and toured the breathtaking campus! How could I not transfer out here?? was my question once the tour was over!
I took ton of great pics which I will upload once I get home!! So there's no shortage in that department!!
I also got some tanning in... in my complimentary Concordia t-shirt that I received! :)
We went to the beach too, and sorry to say I got burnt to a crisp one day! Ha! I won't put that pic up though! I'll wait till it fades to a lovely tan!
It's been such a good time though, and I'm so thankful that I've been able to take this time to get away and just relax.
I am so excited for this next season. God has been stirring up so many things within me and I just feel them on the brink of exploding. He has so many good things for His children. He is so amazing and creative and awesome and we have the capability to walk in all of that in such huge ways because we are His children! We need to pick up this new way of living and run with it! I'm definitely unsure of where this new season will take me and I am definitely in a season of stepping out in faith more drastically than I've ever been in before; but I feel like He's taken me by the hand and prepared every little thing so that I come to the place where I know I can do anything with Him. I really believe that too.
There's something new that is about to be unleashed in this world and we're a part of it. A huge part.
Oh Jesus I can't wait for all that you have planned. Prepare our hearts, minds and spirits God.
Even though it's been a vacation I feel like I've gotten some things accomplished! I went and saw a school I'm interested in a few days ago and toured the breathtaking campus! How could I not transfer out here?? was my question once the tour was over!
I took ton of great pics which I will upload once I get home!! So there's no shortage in that department!!
I also got some tanning in... in my complimentary Concordia t-shirt that I received! :)
We went to the beach too, and sorry to say I got burnt to a crisp one day! Ha! I won't put that pic up though! I'll wait till it fades to a lovely tan!
It's been such a good time though, and I'm so thankful that I've been able to take this time to get away and just relax.
I am so excited for this next season. God has been stirring up so many things within me and I just feel them on the brink of exploding. He has so many good things for His children. He is so amazing and creative and awesome and we have the capability to walk in all of that in such huge ways because we are His children! We need to pick up this new way of living and run with it! I'm definitely unsure of where this new season will take me and I am definitely in a season of stepping out in faith more drastically than I've ever been in before; but I feel like He's taken me by the hand and prepared every little thing so that I come to the place where I know I can do anything with Him. I really believe that too.
There's something new that is about to be unleashed in this world and we're a part of it. A huge part.
Oh Jesus I can't wait for all that you have planned. Prepare our hearts, minds and spirits God.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Officially official!
I know the Bible says [somewhere] to not boast about tomorrow or say that you will go here or there, instead say if it is the Lords will, then we will do this or that, for no one knows what the future holds...
Soooo...with that in mind. It's officially official that I am aiming [walking towards with the understanding that God can turn my any way at any moment!] to be back up in the Chicago-land area at the end of my semester here at school!
This picture is kind of a falsification, since I am aiming to live in the suburbs, quite close to where I grew up!
I am excited! It's time for a new season and a new adventure. I honestly feel like this stop in the north will just be a little resting post until God reveals the bigger plan. Until He does though, I am happy to be spending time with friends who I have not been with in 4 years.
I honestly sometime can't figure out this life of mine. Sincerely. I have like no clue where I could be in a few years. There is an exciting aspect to that along with a slightly nervous feeling! I know though, that in all things God works together all things for my good. He will lead and guide me exactly where I need to be at the exact moment I need to be there. I guess I am just on the portion of my journey where I get to really test that faith department out! I know He won't let me down, because He never has before :)
I know the Bible says [somewhere] to not boast about tomorrow or say that you will go here or there, instead say if it is the Lords will, then we will do this or that, for no one knows what the future holds...
Soooo...with that in mind. It's officially official that I am aiming [walking towards with the understanding that God can turn my any way at any moment!] to be back up in the Chicago-land area at the end of my semester here at school!
This picture is kind of a falsification, since I am aiming to live in the suburbs, quite close to where I grew up!
I am excited! It's time for a new season and a new adventure. I honestly feel like this stop in the north will just be a little resting post until God reveals the bigger plan. Until He does though, I am happy to be spending time with friends who I have not been with in 4 years.
I honestly sometime can't figure out this life of mine. Sincerely. I have like no clue where I could be in a few years. There is an exciting aspect to that along with a slightly nervous feeling! I know though, that in all things God works together all things for my good. He will lead and guide me exactly where I need to be at the exact moment I need to be there. I guess I am just on the portion of my journey where I get to really test that faith department out! I know He won't let me down, because He never has before :)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
7 Days!
In exactly one [1] week I will be on my way to Nashville, to spend the night there then board my plane the next morning! I am soo excited!! won't be to much longer now! :) won't be to much longer now! :)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My Vineyard
I don't know what inspired this within me, but one of the "top [let's say] 20" accomplishments that I want to achieve in my life is to own a Vineyard. You know, like, grow grapes, make wine out of them, and create a label then sell it to the masses :) It just sounds like fun to me!
I am partially Italian, so maybe that bit of Italian blood in me is calling out to its roots, or something!
Just picture it; a gentle warm breeze, and the smell of earth and a hint of sweetness in the air from the fruit. Perfectly even lines of grape vines almost as far as your eyes can see...and a vintage villa in Tuscany or Napa California! [with all the modern stuff inside, of course!!] in the back drop. It sounds like such a peaceful existence. I really haven't always been one to dream in this realm of actually enjoying my life here on earth. I've been around a lot of groups who say it's just going to be chaos on this planet till Jesus comes back, and that I should just be content to live a humble life. I am fine with that option too though, to be honest. I just don't know if I want to live in the shadow of impending doom. Aren't we supposed to take dominion over the world? Conquer the land and take over the "mountains"? I say we are! But I also say we do it from a different approach than maybe we've seen in the past.
Here's a little example. I have a good friend out in California at the moment and he's an awesome dude, loves God and is serving him with his whole heart. He's an incredibly talented musician and he is definitely [in my opinion] called to dominate the media/arts industry and claim it for our Lord and King. He does things slightly unconventionally at times though, and it may rub people the wrong way, but I know he's getting places where most Christians wouldn't even think of going, cuz they judge it as wrong. But I believe he is doing exactly what God has called him to do.
Now, what's that have to do with a vineyard? Not much I guess. I mean, maybe it would be slightly weird if the best selling wine on the face of the earth was manufactured and produced by a person who loves Jesus. But that doesn't seem wrong to me, even though it's different. I know this isn't ALL I am called to. I don't even know if I can say "I'm called" to do this--I just know that it's a very real desire in my heart. Up there with meeting the man God has for me, being a mommy and serving God and loving the people in this world until the day I die. Maybe it'll happen, and maybe it won't. I know if it does though it's going to be a refuge for my family and for the body of Christ.
On top of all of that, it's just fun to dream with God :)
Try it sometime and see where He takes you!
The possibilities are endless, and possible.
I am partially Italian, so maybe that bit of Italian blood in me is calling out to its roots, or something!
Just picture it; a gentle warm breeze, and the smell of earth and a hint of sweetness in the air from the fruit. Perfectly even lines of grape vines almost as far as your eyes can see...and a vintage villa in Tuscany or Napa California! [with all the modern stuff inside, of course!!] in the back drop. It sounds like such a peaceful existence. I really haven't always been one to dream in this realm of actually enjoying my life here on earth. I've been around a lot of groups who say it's just going to be chaos on this planet till Jesus comes back, and that I should just be content to live a humble life. I am fine with that option too though, to be honest. I just don't know if I want to live in the shadow of impending doom. Aren't we supposed to take dominion over the world? Conquer the land and take over the "mountains"? I say we are! But I also say we do it from a different approach than maybe we've seen in the past.
Here's a little example. I have a good friend out in California at the moment and he's an awesome dude, loves God and is serving him with his whole heart. He's an incredibly talented musician and he is definitely [in my opinion] called to dominate the media/arts industry and claim it for our Lord and King. He does things slightly unconventionally at times though, and it may rub people the wrong way, but I know he's getting places where most Christians wouldn't even think of going, cuz they judge it as wrong. But I believe he is doing exactly what God has called him to do.
Now, what's that have to do with a vineyard? Not much I guess. I mean, maybe it would be slightly weird if the best selling wine on the face of the earth was manufactured and produced by a person who loves Jesus. But that doesn't seem wrong to me, even though it's different. I know this isn't ALL I am called to. I don't even know if I can say "I'm called" to do this--I just know that it's a very real desire in my heart. Up there with meeting the man God has for me, being a mommy and serving God and loving the people in this world until the day I die. Maybe it'll happen, and maybe it won't. I know if it does though it's going to be a refuge for my family and for the body of Christ.
On top of all of that, it's just fun to dream with God :)
Try it sometime and see where He takes you!
The possibilities are endless, and possible.
Friday, February 18, 2011
dwell in the midst of us...
In a church where resolve is slowly leaking out of the half hearted life styles of some "American Christians" I am so encouraged when I walk into a church and hear a message that is not watered down.
I was still laying in bed this morning, and pondering the sermon I had heard the night before; and I thought to myself,
"Somewhere along the way the sermons that are supposed to make you feel all "good inside" but bring no conviction to the heart- now make me frustrated; and the sermons that come down hard and convict have become a comfort to my heart."
And I truly mean that with all of my heart. I remember being the phase where I liked going to church, cuz I liked the atmosphere, it made me feel good. I liked sipping my Cinnamon Dolche Latte as I listened to whatever speaker teach on whatever God was showing them...but it's like it was so surface. I didn't even realize it at the time. I thought I was a really good and "spiritual" person [or whatever] and thought I was doing a good thing by always going to conferences and being in houses of prayer and in worship services. But if you're going about life and doing all of these things and it doesn't change you it is for nothing.
I am in NO way saying I've arrived anywhere high or lofty, but I am saying that when God opens up a revelation to someones heart, it's busted wide open. And I know that He's shown me the difference between being a Christian because it's "in style" [perhaps in certain groups] and because you just want to tame the evil within, or being a Christian because your eyes and your heart have been enlightened and awakened to Jesus Christ and you know that you absolutely cannot live without Him. Upon that revelation, you progressively realize that you can't even exist daily without being with Him.
It's an indwelling, not a meeting.
It's a permanent residence, not just a visit.
He's here to stay.
And He is changing everything.
He is shaking everything.
And He is fierce, but He is good.
I was still laying in bed this morning, and pondering the sermon I had heard the night before; and I thought to myself,
"Somewhere along the way the sermons that are supposed to make you feel all "good inside" but bring no conviction to the heart- now make me frustrated; and the sermons that come down hard and convict have become a comfort to my heart."
And I truly mean that with all of my heart. I remember being the phase where I liked going to church, cuz I liked the atmosphere, it made me feel good. I liked sipping my Cinnamon Dolche Latte as I listened to whatever speaker teach on whatever God was showing them...but it's like it was so surface. I didn't even realize it at the time. I thought I was a really good and "spiritual" person [or whatever] and thought I was doing a good thing by always going to conferences and being in houses of prayer and in worship services. But if you're going about life and doing all of these things and it doesn't change you it is for nothing.
I am in NO way saying I've arrived anywhere high or lofty, but I am saying that when God opens up a revelation to someones heart, it's busted wide open. And I know that He's shown me the difference between being a Christian because it's "in style" [perhaps in certain groups] and because you just want to tame the evil within, or being a Christian because your eyes and your heart have been enlightened and awakened to Jesus Christ and you know that you absolutely cannot live without Him. Upon that revelation, you progressively realize that you can't even exist daily without being with Him.
It's an indwelling, not a meeting.
It's a permanent residence, not just a visit.
He's here to stay.
And He is changing everything.
He is shaking everything.
And He is fierce, but He is good.
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–adjective [wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe. ] [leading an unsettled ...
mis·sion·ar·y [mish-uh-ner-ee] Show IPA noun, plural -ar·ies, adjective noun Also, mis·sion·er. 1. a person sent by a church into an are...