Pretty much in exactly one month I'll have my car loaded up, Jonah secured in the front seat & the gas tank full--heading north on Rt. 41!! I can hardly believe it's coming so soon. Honestly the overall theme I feel as this approaches is one of bittersweet excitement. I've lived in this sweet little town for 4 years. This place has become a part of me; I feel like I went through the most molding seasons of my life right here. There are sooo many people who I just love with all of my heart and the thought of them not being in my everyday life any longer just seems surreal. Like it can't even be true.
At the same time--the life & friends I just picked up and left 4 years ago [almost to the day!!] have been a huge something that I've missed in these years. It's just so crazy. Life can be so unpredicable--and in moments I truly don't know where the wind will blow me next. I've learned though--it usually takes you somewhere good--somewhere that changes your life forever.
Therefore. In this moment--I don't know what to expect. All I know is that there's a deep excitement inside of me--and I know there are so many good things to come. I can't wait to taste them all--and see what precious moments God will bring me into next.
Such a beautiful place & full of beautiful people!
God it's been a beautiful journey.
I already miss it.
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