In the past week I've seen all this craziness on Twitter about Teen Mania, The Honor Academy and that ministry in general. I've been researching MSNBC and the other news sources who have done articles on this whole "Mind Over Mania" program.
I want to begin by stating that I love Teen Mania Ministries. I spent a year there as an intern at The Honor Academy <The Honor Ring!> and it was a wonderful, pivotal and essential part of my maturing in Christ and as an individual who was set on living my life for Jesus Christ. I think the people coming against this ministry are coming against something that God has established and would do well to back off now. The fruit of TMM far outweighs the handful of disgruntled individuals and I think that alone speaks for itself enough. Ron Luce, David Hasz and the other leaders involved at TMM are some of the most integrity filled, honorable men of God that I have ever had the privilege of learning under even for just a short season of my life.
I understand that people get hurt. It's a normal part of life, as hard as that may be for some people to cope with and handle. No ministry is perfect, and unfortunately no one can stop ill effects that certain situations have upon people. I have personally been in ministry for the past 5 years since I graduated from The Honor Academy. I know firsthand that no ministry is perfect, but that when the hearts of the leaders are set on God and HIS best for their mission, good comes from it.
It is the responsibility of the hurting individual to seek out restoration and reconciliation with those who offended, BIBLICAL TRUTH. And from what I am reading, and from the integrity I know resides in the leadership at TMM I know they have done all they can do to make things right; and I am only saddened by the unresponsive hearts of those coming against TMM.
I pray this all ends well, and I will only continue to uplift the ministry that God began through Ron Luce and I pray that the general reaction to all of this would be of the same nature. I also pray for those who have been hurt, and I sincerely hope that they find forgiveness within their hearts and that they would be restored to right relationship with TMM and its leadership.