Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I've gone through a lot of phases in life [as I'm sure most people do] as I tried to figure out what I was placed on this earth for. You know, what my destiny and purpose was. However through each phase there was always the one common thing, the binding core to what I knew I was here to do; I've always known I am here simply to devote my life to God and to His purposes.

It started off in my younger years, thinking that all I wanted to do was be "a youth pastors wife" [whatever I thought that meant!]....I think I probably just thought it was the only thing to do if you wanted to be in "ministry"! Haha, so it sounded good to me! :)

Then at 16, I went on my first missions trip to Jamaica [which I received ridicule for, btw, just cuz it's Jamaica doesn't mean they don't need Jesus!! ;)] That trip opened up my "American-suburban" mind to a whole new world, which I am sure I never knew existed previous to this trip. At which point, I got all fired up about missions for a season, and went an another trip during High School before going to an internship straight out of HS.

At that point, I don't know what I wanted to do with my life, I can't remember. I know mixed in there though that I thought being a counselor sounded really cool, then I thought of being a lawyer [after seeing Legally Blond one or two many times!]...

Thennnn I got pretty involved with the whole "prayer room" movement and I don't think I ever thought that it was what I was called to for a life long calling, I couldn't handle the thought of being stuck in one room for that long! Regardless, it was a great season!

That season pretty much brings us up to the present where I finally have decided to go to college....to get an English degree. I never would have pinned myself as this major 4 or even 3 years ago, but like always, God literally directs out paths, he directs our feet. And after allllll of my pondering and scheming, this is where I've arrived, and it seems like it's basically right where I began.

After graduating college, I will be able to teach English as a second language in essentially any country I want to be in, to minister the gospel through this profession! And when I am not overseas, I can be a teacher where ever I live, and have a cute little class of 2nd and 3rd graders! :) I am sooo very excited, and I can't wait for the next three years to be finished [that's how much more school I have left!]!

I can't wait to get overseas, or just onto another country for a substantial amount of time.
I know it is partially why I am on this earth...it is definitely a piece of this destiny of mine.

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