Getting to the point...
I don't like clones. You know, like little sub-cultures of people who are defined by what they wear, or the music they listen to, how they cut their hair, stuff like that. I want to wear what I want to wear, cut my hair how I like it and be who I am darn it!! ;)
I don't want to be like anyone else. I actually think I've been pretty successful so far too. I'm a little weird honestly! But here's the thing, I like who I am better when I am just being myself then when I'm in a situation where I feel a little awkward or kind of just blend into the surroundings because I don't feel comfortable.
I think I began realizing this in the last few months- and I honestly like who God made me. I'm still learning to be comfortable in that at all times, because there are still a few remnants of F.O.M. [fear of man!] in me that say if I want friends or whatever, I've got to be a certain way, act a certain way, dress a certain way or...[blah, blah, blah]. It is all nonsense. [Now I am not saying I want to be a bum or not dress nicely and all that...] I just don't want to be defined or categorized by those things or to have the shallow judgement that those things make up who I am inside.
One thing that brought all this thought on is that I am moving back to my hometown [or pretty close] in May. I'm going to get to spend some time with friends who I haven't really been around in like 4 years [some of them not as long...] & it got me thinking like all self-consciously for some reason. Like, oh my gosh. I hope I'm well liked, I hope I don't feel awkward hanging out with all these people who hardly know my anymore....[blah, blah, blah...more nonsense]. I just began to really stress over it. I've changed a lot since I've lived in Kentucky and have become so confidant as a leader in this sphere here but it was like I felt incapable of having that new found confidence go with me where I went, which is just so silly.
I know who I am and I know my Father well, and I know He created me with such an amazing destiny and purpose--and when it comes down to it, even if someone along the way doesn't really think I'm all that [;)] then that is okay. Just like my clothes & hair-- that [
My confidence will continue to be more deeply grounded in Christ as I keep walking this path of life--and I can at least rest in the fact that I know He will never throw anything at me that I can't handle. Which is awesome! :)
So be free to BE YOU! You're the only one---so you've got to do it well and to the fullest! The world will be missing out if you don't!
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