Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Way.

Situations concerning the church have always been really important to me. First, because I love Jesus and want the church body to represent Him well. And second, because it's a place I've always called home-- no matter where my congregation was in one season or another.

One of the things I love about the body of Christ is the diversity it has from one congregation to another. But, all of them (I'm speaking about bodies of believers who profess and believe in Jesus as our Savoir) are gathered for this ONE purpose: To worship our Lord and Savior.

We are all part of this epic line, this beautiful ancestry, of humans who have been enlightened and had our eyes opened to The Way. We have seen Jesus move in our own lives, in our own ways, and know without a doubt He is the only way. I've met so many amazing believers through my life, and through the years of my life where I was in full time ministry. Had the privilege to learn from some of the most anointed and radical people- and that has deepened the love and faith in my heart even more solidly.

I think one thing that makes me a little sad with all of this, and wish for growth to come (starting with myself), is to see unity across the board with all believers. This is what I mean. All Christians realizing we are all PART of this larger body. Even though we might meet in different buildings, or different days of the week, or maybe have slightly different expressions of worship and teaching-- that heart and purpose isn't different. I would love to see congregations supporting each other spiritually, financially or even with material things if needs are learned of. I feel like we may have fallen into the thinking that we are lone wolves out there in the world, or maybe that one congregation has to out-do another congregation, and we have lost sight of the unity that was meant to carry the entire body of believers through this life and into eternity with Jesus.

[Unity and Diversity in the Body] Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

There is power in unity.

We were never meant to do faith, life, friendships, marriage, family or getting to maturity in Christ alone. And of course our immediate body of believers is vital, as we are also told in the Word to not forsake the gathering together, to worship and fellowship. I just also can't shake the feeling that it was also meant to extend further. I know I personally have been made better through EACH & every church body I've ever belonged to, and sometimes I am just like, "Man, if we could just get all these amazing people, from ALL of these different churches into one building, and working together to change our communities, cities and spheres' of influence... what a powerful picture and place that would be."

Make every effort to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the bond of peace [each individual working together to make the whole successful]. Ephesians 4:3

There is power in unity.


  1. Very true. Isolation/No true community, is one of the main reasons I see so many people fall away, move, grow bitter, etc etc.

    I definitely agree unity and community is so vital for the body corporately and outside of the church. Aka intentionally gathering in the home. The typical Sunday church is literally a starting point, it shouldnt be an isolated greenhouse.

    1. Yasss. Agree. Thanks for the comment Nikkie!

