Sometimes I sit back and think about the body of Christ. The relationships that are formed and sometimes sadly broken in this environment. As I've journeyed on this path of life, I've realized how volatile relationships (acquaintances, friendships, romantic relationships--all forms) can be. They are these living, breathing organisms that can flourish or be broken by such small events. When I think about the kind of person I want to be, the words of one of the disciples come to mind. I actually can't remember where this scripture is found, or who specifically wrote it (haha, sorry!!) but he talks about making sure, as much as you possibly can that there is peace between you and everyone else. Essentially, make sure you're tying up all the loose ends that are around you as well as possible. Don't leave things hanging in the balance if you're aware of an issue or something that may result in hurt feelings or bad relationship.
I don't think this disciple wrote the scripture meaning that we should run around being these "people pleasers" and feeling the need to be amazing friends with every person we encounter, but to be loving and compassionate with all of our interactions, whether that person is close with you or not. I realize not every person that comes into my life is meant to be a close friend, and I am okay with that- but I do feel the responsibility to leave a good, kind and loving impression on each person God allows to come into my life. And I feel that Christians as a whole we charged with the same responsibility.
My heart in this entire subject is to be a person who always chooses love. Regardless of circumstances, I always want to choose love and acceptance of my brothers and sisters in Christ. One of my life goals is to master the art of being a person who knows how to interact with all types of people and develop true and meaningful relationships with all sorts of people--even if they're in my life for only a moment in light of eternity. So, I guess those are all my thoughts for now :)
Merry Christmas to everyone who is reading!!
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Fall Break!!
I've been trucking away at school for quite some time now! Changed my major almost more times than I can remember. I find myself now though in the center of my hearts calling, and on the path to fulfilling that dream. It's such a sweet place to be when you feel the direction and perfect timing of God on your life. It's not something I've felt in every season of life, but I truly am feeling it now. It makes me so thankful!
God is faithful in the hurrying around in our lives and He's faithful as we seek our times of rest. I've been in the hurrying around lately, with moving, finishing up my first fall term, and have been so blessed to be surrounded by great friends in the process...and now I am ready for a break! And, I must say, fall break pretty much came at the perfect time this year! :)
So, not many more thoughts than that this morning, but, Happy Autumn to everyone! It's my absolute favorite time of the year!! And I hope for each of you it's filled with beauty, rest and God's sweet presence!
God is faithful in the hurrying around in our lives and He's faithful as we seek our times of rest. I've been in the hurrying around lately, with moving, finishing up my first fall term, and have been so blessed to be surrounded by great friends in the process...and now I am ready for a break! And, I must say, fall break pretty much came at the perfect time this year! :)
So, not many more thoughts than that this morning, but, Happy Autumn to everyone! It's my absolute favorite time of the year!! And I hope for each of you it's filled with beauty, rest and God's sweet presence!
Monday, September 22, 2014
I have a [LOT] of thoughts...
Having been a Christian for "my whole life" many things have been observed and many conclusions have been drawn. I'm not claiming that my conclusions are always accurate, or even that my observations should be put under a microscope to be analyzed...but, I'm just saying; I think a lot, I watch people's words and actions a lot, and I try to read my Bible a lot and find the pure gold by which I should run after in my heart in order to live a life reflecting Jesus.
When the rubber meets the road--I realize that most of us make mistakes, judgment calls that aren't Godly or accurate, we all put certain people in a box and assume their hearts aren't right with God based off of a few interactions---the list could go on and on. After seeing this over and over though, I know I want to be that one who looks past the outside, past the façade that people put up to defend themselves from hurt and rejection, I want to be the one who learns how to love purely and without reserve. It isn't my job to decide who needs a touch from the love of God. It isn't my job to convict a heart, or to even feel like I understand others perfectly. It isn't my job. I want to love. I want to be a true friend. I want to hug someone when they need a hug. Be there to support someone when no one else is around. I want a life that impacts deeply even if it's only a small number of people. I want to make a difference in the sphere of influence that God has given me. And by His grace, I hope I am, and will continue to do so.
When the rubber meets the road--I realize that most of us make mistakes, judgment calls that aren't Godly or accurate, we all put certain people in a box and assume their hearts aren't right with God based off of a few interactions---the list could go on and on. After seeing this over and over though, I know I want to be that one who looks past the outside, past the façade that people put up to defend themselves from hurt and rejection, I want to be the one who learns how to love purely and without reserve. It isn't my job to decide who needs a touch from the love of God. It isn't my job to convict a heart, or to even feel like I understand others perfectly. It isn't my job. I want to love. I want to be a true friend. I want to hug someone when they need a hug. Be there to support someone when no one else is around. I want a life that impacts deeply even if it's only a small number of people. I want to make a difference in the sphere of influence that God has given me. And by His grace, I hope I am, and will continue to do so.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Are we becoming [Zombies]?
I am going to preface this post with the fact that I literally cannot stand the whole "zombie" fad happening right now. I just can't get into it. However, it was the only word that I could come up with to accurately convey the point I am trying to get across.
Our culture [from my perspective] has become so saturated, infatuated, consumed, perhaps even toxic- with social media, electronics--and just a lifestyle lived in front of a screen of some sorts. And I know it seems incongruent with what I'm saying considering the fact I am composing this little diatribe from my laptop...but hey! Whatever.
I am among the ones I am referring to; perhaps the only difference is I am realizing that and intend to live differently henceforth.
You (or I) could walk into any building- a classroom, church, restaurant or store (wherever really)- and notice the overwhelming majority of people with their faces to a screen. What they're doing on that screen is irrelevant...however it is something that is beginning to make me sad. I miss how it was when I was growing up.
This technology saturation is something that I feel has occurred literally just in my lifetime, and I see it only getting worse. I didn't even have a phone till I was 16 or 17, and I most likely was given one simply because I got my drivers license and my parents wanted to make sure I could get help if I needed it. And that phone wasn't a phone like all these 9 year olds are receiving from their parents today!
<<< I mean this is literally the phone I had!! And, honestly when I look at it in this moment, I kind of want the exact same one again. Even thought I somewhat doubt it is even being produced any longer.
So why am I ranting about all this??? Okay, I will attempt to make my point... I remember a time when friends actually CALLED other friends to catch up, make plans and talk about life. When people actually had solid, meaningful conversations at a local coffee shop uninterrupted by facebook notifications, instagram updates, or any other app on your phone that alerts you when anything at all has happened in the world.
Again, I say, these are all things I have become accustomed to in my own life. I'm just seeing it's such a distracted way to live. I hate that I wake up and one of the first actions of my day is to scroll through my news feed, and to check who posted on instagram over the night. It's not that those things are inherently wrong or bad in themselves; but I do believe it's wrong to be consumed by anything that has no eternal value.
I feel that relationships have been strongly diluted with time, as we all depend on these forms of social media to connect with people and actually convince ourselves it's something meaningful. I want real friendships, meaningful connection with people that has nothing to do with whether we are friends or not on facebook.
I know life can get busy, and sometimes shooting a text is really the easiest way to say hello, or ask how someone is doing, that is fine! But I miss people's voices. I don't want to lose the ability to have a real conversation with a person, and engage with them as we talk about life, and what God is doing. And while there are a lot of really useful things on my iPhone, part of me does just want to smash it and buy a $30 flip phone again so that I don't spend all my idle time on it.
I don't want a world like this for my future kids either. I had an amazing childhood, and basically only a tiny fraction of it was spent in front of any kind of screen (thanks to my parents!!). It was spent playing outside, being creative with my siblings and neighborhood friends, pretending the swing-set was a pirate ship, digging holes in the prairie and coving it up with sticks so that random hikers would fall in (haha, terrible, I know--but true!! don't worry tho, the holes weren't all that big!). We make forts in the house underneath the coffee table, played football in the boys room and using stuffed animals as the padding! Playing school and house, and all sorts of fun things that kids today might be like (???? WHAT!?)...and when we did sit down to watch a movie, it was something like The Sound of Music, and it was a really special, fun family event! And it was meaningful!
Anyhow, I think I'm done ranting. I am just committed to making some changes in my lifestyle. I don't want to live life in front of a screen, and miss out on real life. Any maybe this post seems true to you, and will cause you to think things over also. Either way, I know there's this amazing, beautiful world that God has created, and it's filled with wonderful people and places. I don't want to miss out!
I don't want you to miss out either :)
Our culture [from my perspective] has become so saturated, infatuated, consumed, perhaps even toxic- with social media, electronics--and just a lifestyle lived in front of a screen of some sorts. And I know it seems incongruent with what I'm saying considering the fact I am composing this little diatribe from my laptop...but hey! Whatever.
I am among the ones I am referring to; perhaps the only difference is I am realizing that and intend to live differently henceforth.

This technology saturation is something that I feel has occurred literally just in my lifetime, and I see it only getting worse. I didn't even have a phone till I was 16 or 17, and I most likely was given one simply because I got my drivers license and my parents wanted to make sure I could get help if I needed it. And that phone wasn't a phone like all these 9 year olds are receiving from their parents today!
<<< I mean this is literally the phone I had!! And, honestly when I look at it in this moment, I kind of want the exact same one again. Even thought I somewhat doubt it is even being produced any longer.
So why am I ranting about all this??? Okay, I will attempt to make my point... I remember a time when friends actually CALLED other friends to catch up, make plans and talk about life. When people actually had solid, meaningful conversations at a local coffee shop uninterrupted by facebook notifications, instagram updates, or any other app on your phone that alerts you when anything at all has happened in the world.
Again, I say, these are all things I have become accustomed to in my own life. I'm just seeing it's such a distracted way to live. I hate that I wake up and one of the first actions of my day is to scroll through my news feed, and to check who posted on instagram over the night. It's not that those things are inherently wrong or bad in themselves; but I do believe it's wrong to be consumed by anything that has no eternal value.
I feel that relationships have been strongly diluted with time, as we all depend on these forms of social media to connect with people and actually convince ourselves it's something meaningful. I want real friendships, meaningful connection with people that has nothing to do with whether we are friends or not on facebook.
I know life can get busy, and sometimes shooting a text is really the easiest way to say hello, or ask how someone is doing, that is fine! But I miss people's voices. I don't want to lose the ability to have a real conversation with a person, and engage with them as we talk about life, and what God is doing. And while there are a lot of really useful things on my iPhone, part of me does just want to smash it and buy a $30 flip phone again so that I don't spend all my idle time on it.
I don't want a world like this for my future kids either. I had an amazing childhood, and basically only a tiny fraction of it was spent in front of any kind of screen (thanks to my parents!!). It was spent playing outside, being creative with my siblings and neighborhood friends, pretending the swing-set was a pirate ship, digging holes in the prairie and coving it up with sticks so that random hikers would fall in (haha, terrible, I know--but true!! don't worry tho, the holes weren't all that big!). We make forts in the house underneath the coffee table, played football in the boys room and using stuffed animals as the padding! Playing school and house, and all sorts of fun things that kids today might be like (???? WHAT!?)...and when we did sit down to watch a movie, it was something like The Sound of Music, and it was a really special, fun family event! And it was meaningful!
Anyhow, I think I'm done ranting. I am just committed to making some changes in my lifestyle. I don't want to live life in front of a screen, and miss out on real life. Any maybe this post seems true to you, and will cause you to think things over also. Either way, I know there's this amazing, beautiful world that God has created, and it's filled with wonderful people and places. I don't want to miss out!
I don't want you to miss out either :)
Monday, August 18, 2014
Mission's Opportunity!
Hi Everyone!! One of my closest friends has an amazing chance to go to Africa! So, I wanted to post her update letter to help her raise awareness of her trip! :) Read up!!
“Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
and the ends of the earth your possession.” -Psalms 2:8
Friends & Family,
I couldn’t have more joy, excitement, and awesome expectation as I write this! In August of 2008 I fell in head over heels in love with Jesus and decided to totally live my life for him. It was and is the best decision I’ve ever made, and I haven’t looked back since. The Lord has given me such a heart for missions, orphans, widows (James 1:27), and to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19).
The Lord was very specific with me that I was to wait until after I graduate from college before I was to travel internationally. The six year wait has been one of much preparation and eagerness. However I am ecstatic to announce that September 26th 2014 I’ll be graduating with honors with my nursing degree. Very shortly after on October 12th 2014 I have been given the opportunity to go to the nation God has set my heart ablaze for…Africa!
My church- The Father’s House International- is stationed in Henderson, Kentucky. It has created and sustained a feeding station and has developed several divine connections in the country of Zimbabwe. I can honestly say ever since I was a child I have desired to go to Africa. God promises that if we delight ourselves in Him then He will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalms 37:4).
I can confidently say that this mission trip to Zimbabwe is a door that the Lord has opened, and it is for the glory of His kingdom and in His time. I always say, “If it’s His will then it’s His bill.” I know that the Lord will make provision in regards to finances and prayer according to His will. Therefore, all I ask is that you would be obedient to the Lord if He speaks to you about further advancing His kingdom through this opportunity. This isn’t just about finances but I earnestly ask for your pledge of prayer. D.L. Moody said this, “Prayer doesn’t prepare us for the greater work. Prayer IS the greater work.”
With all of that being said, I ask that you prayerfully consider supporting me on this journey as I follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. I believe He has a very specific and divine plan for me as I step out and begin taking the nations for Him.
I thank and bless each of you with all my heart.
How to Donate:
Send donations to 2614 Zion Rd Apt. 107 Henderson KY 42420
Make payable to Yolanda Alexis Cabell
If you would like to donate online please visit
If you donate online please inform me that you have done so. This way I can verify your donation goes towards my mission funds and not the church. Its tax deductible. Thanks again.
“Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
and the ends of the earth your possession.” -Psalms 2:8
Friends & Family,
I couldn’t have more joy, excitement, and awesome expectation as I write this! In August of 2008 I fell in head over heels in love with Jesus and decided to totally live my life for him. It was and is the best decision I’ve ever made, and I haven’t looked back since. The Lord has given me such a heart for missions, orphans, widows (James 1:27), and to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19).
The Lord was very specific with me that I was to wait until after I graduate from college before I was to travel internationally. The six year wait has been one of much preparation and eagerness. However I am ecstatic to announce that September 26th 2014 I’ll be graduating with honors with my nursing degree. Very shortly after on October 12th 2014 I have been given the opportunity to go to the nation God has set my heart ablaze for…Africa!
My church- The Father’s House International- is stationed in Henderson, Kentucky. It has created and sustained a feeding station and has developed several divine connections in the country of Zimbabwe. I can honestly say ever since I was a child I have desired to go to Africa. God promises that if we delight ourselves in Him then He will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalms 37:4).
I can confidently say that this mission trip to Zimbabwe is a door that the Lord has opened, and it is for the glory of His kingdom and in His time. I always say, “If it’s His will then it’s His bill.” I know that the Lord will make provision in regards to finances and prayer according to His will. Therefore, all I ask is that you would be obedient to the Lord if He speaks to you about further advancing His kingdom through this opportunity. This isn’t just about finances but I earnestly ask for your pledge of prayer. D.L. Moody said this, “Prayer doesn’t prepare us for the greater work. Prayer IS the greater work.”
With all of that being said, I ask that you prayerfully consider supporting me on this journey as I follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. I believe He has a very specific and divine plan for me as I step out and begin taking the nations for Him.
I thank and bless each of you with all my heart.
How to Donate:
Send donations to 2614 Zion Rd Apt. 107 Henderson KY 42420
Make payable to Yolanda Alexis Cabell
If you would like to donate online please visit
If you donate online please inform me that you have done so. This way I can verify your donation goes towards my mission funds and not the church. Its tax deductible. Thanks again.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Do you know what I mean?
As I continue to "grown up" more and more, a lot of understanding about life and other human beings comes into focus more and more clearly. The single most important bit of information that has been collected to date is this, HUMANS ARE EXTREMELY COMPLICATED BEINGS! :)
I'm not saying that in a bad way, at all!! However, it is something that is very true. There are so many factors that go into what makes people tick, and the way they go about their individual days, plans and rituals. As a person who wants to make her profession that of a Therapist, these things are really interesting to me!
I love to know people, and for them to feel known also. It's such an innate desire in people to have that connection with other people. To feel understood. To feel valued. To feel a sense of belonging. The closer (relationally) I am to others, the more I want to know them, and to understand the things that bother them, make them happy or upset, etc.
I also continue to see how bad I am at those things in moments! How I fall short in conveying my care, compassion and love for those around me at all moments. I mean, no one is perfect, and that is fine. However, truly knowing people within my sphere of influence, and having a heart full of mercy, grace and love is something that is on the "top 3" of my life when I see myself not living up to the standard in that, it's easy to be disappointed.
Thankfully, I have this example set before me. One who has done these things to perfection, time and time again. This man has just set the bar for me, and I know for many others. He defined love, and continues to define it. He is the one who invented it! And embodies it! He thought of relationships, and knew the dynamics that humans would struggle with in family units, relationships and friendships. Undaunted by the selflessness love requires, still goes into the deepest places in hearts, setting people free, and empowering us to love and live these lives he wants us to live. I'm thankful for this man and his love and how it has altered (and daily still alters) my life.
Jesus is and will always be the most beautiful man in my life. The most amazing and comforting thing I've ever encountered or ever will. I pray that my life continually becomes more and more like him and what his heart looks like. It is hard. It is SO hard in moments, but I know that it is something that can happen as I seek him with all of my heart and soul.
He brings that meaning and understanding that each person longs for, and searches for in their highs and lows. I am ever thankful that he found me, holds on to me and never lets me go.
I'm not saying that in a bad way, at all!! However, it is something that is very true. There are so many factors that go into what makes people tick, and the way they go about their individual days, plans and rituals. As a person who wants to make her profession that of a Therapist, these things are really interesting to me!
I love to know people, and for them to feel known also. It's such an innate desire in people to have that connection with other people. To feel understood. To feel valued. To feel a sense of belonging. The closer (relationally) I am to others, the more I want to know them, and to understand the things that bother them, make them happy or upset, etc.
I also continue to see how bad I am at those things in moments! How I fall short in conveying my care, compassion and love for those around me at all moments. I mean, no one is perfect, and that is fine. However, truly knowing people within my sphere of influence, and having a heart full of mercy, grace and love is something that is on the "top 3" of my life when I see myself not living up to the standard in that, it's easy to be disappointed.
Thankfully, I have this example set before me. One who has done these things to perfection, time and time again. This man has just set the bar for me, and I know for many others. He defined love, and continues to define it. He is the one who invented it! And embodies it! He thought of relationships, and knew the dynamics that humans would struggle with in family units, relationships and friendships. Undaunted by the selflessness love requires, still goes into the deepest places in hearts, setting people free, and empowering us to love and live these lives he wants us to live. I'm thankful for this man and his love and how it has altered (and daily still alters) my life.
Jesus is and will always be the most beautiful man in my life. The most amazing and comforting thing I've ever encountered or ever will. I pray that my life continually becomes more and more like him and what his heart looks like. It is hard. It is SO hard in moments, but I know that it is something that can happen as I seek him with all of my heart and soul.
He brings that meaning and understanding that each person longs for, and searches for in their highs and lows. I am ever thankful that he found me, holds on to me and never lets me go.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
There is a time for [everything].
Sometimes we find ourselves in seasons of unanswered questions, hopes, promises and prayers. It seems like all is lost in moments and that nothing will make the situation better, aside from hunkering down and hoping for the best as the storm passes by.
I'm pretty sure these are those "valley's" that we hear about in church & in the Bible. You know, the opposite of the "mountains". We are told these are the times of true testing, and true growth in our character and in our lives in general.
But let's be perfectly honest.
Times like this suck.
Straight up.
They are hard. They are filled with tears, pain, questions and wondering if you'll really ever make it through. I find when I am in seasons like this, I go into "survival mode". I make sure I do what I need to do; get to my job on time, do my school work, attend church, and try to hang out with people once in a while so I don't become a complete hobbit in the process. But when I get back home I just go deep into the thoughts and questions of life I need to ponder in order to process the things I need to deal with.
And of course, having the faith I do, I understand that I am never truly alone. I have that One who sticks closer than a friend through it all. And I am thankful. So thankful. Because sometimes all I really can do it just sit here, and wait for God. And sometimes that is the best thing to do. It doesn't make all the struggle disappear by any means, but sometimes it does give me the perspective I need to understand that He holds my life in His hands. To learn to trust the process and trust Him with the inner and outer workings of everything going on around me. And, I am learning to do that.
And along with that, the encouragement I've gotten along the way has always come at the exact moment I've needed it. Like, the kind of encouragement that when you hear it, it simply makes you cry because it's literally exactly what you needed to hear in that second. Those moments have been sweet. He knew I needed them.
When I step back though and look at the big picture, and the amazing scope of life, love and happiness in general, I see how every person goes through these things, seasons that try the soul-- and also, most people come out of them, more beautiful, strong, brave and compassionate.
And through it all, I know that Jesus truly does make all things beautiful in it's time. He also cares about the dreams in our hearts, and as we seek Him with all of our hearts, He is happy to make those things happen in our lives.
So, to anyone in a season of testing, hold on! Hold on to God! Have hope! He will bring the breakthrough in the moment you need it, and until then, trust Him, pray, take the time you need to process and heal. Don't fully allow others to tell you what you need to process the things you've been through. You figure that out with God, and then go for it. Of course God places very key people in each of our lives for these seasons, and when those deep conversations happen that change our hearts, and compel us to think differently & encourage our spirit, that's amazing! But don't downplay the time it takes to internally process things between just you and the Lord. Those times are sweet, and sometimes bring more healing and peace than you could imagine.
Even though this season I'm walking through isn't super fun, what it all boils down to is that everything will be okay. I don't know when, or what it will look like exactly. But it will be okay. Actually probably better than okay, because most of the time God has way more epic thoughts and plans than we can comprehend!
...He makes all things beautiful in their time...
I'm pretty sure these are those "valley's" that we hear about in church & in the Bible. You know, the opposite of the "mountains". We are told these are the times of true testing, and true growth in our character and in our lives in general.
But let's be perfectly honest.
Times like this suck.
Straight up.
They are hard. They are filled with tears, pain, questions and wondering if you'll really ever make it through. I find when I am in seasons like this, I go into "survival mode". I make sure I do what I need to do; get to my job on time, do my school work, attend church, and try to hang out with people once in a while so I don't become a complete hobbit in the process. But when I get back home I just go deep into the thoughts and questions of life I need to ponder in order to process the things I need to deal with.
And of course, having the faith I do, I understand that I am never truly alone. I have that One who sticks closer than a friend through it all. And I am thankful. So thankful. Because sometimes all I really can do it just sit here, and wait for God. And sometimes that is the best thing to do. It doesn't make all the struggle disappear by any means, but sometimes it does give me the perspective I need to understand that He holds my life in His hands. To learn to trust the process and trust Him with the inner and outer workings of everything going on around me. And, I am learning to do that.
And along with that, the encouragement I've gotten along the way has always come at the exact moment I've needed it. Like, the kind of encouragement that when you hear it, it simply makes you cry because it's literally exactly what you needed to hear in that second. Those moments have been sweet. He knew I needed them.
When I step back though and look at the big picture, and the amazing scope of life, love and happiness in general, I see how every person goes through these things, seasons that try the soul-- and also, most people come out of them, more beautiful, strong, brave and compassionate.
And through it all, I know that Jesus truly does make all things beautiful in it's time. He also cares about the dreams in our hearts, and as we seek Him with all of our hearts, He is happy to make those things happen in our lives.
So, to anyone in a season of testing, hold on! Hold on to God! Have hope! He will bring the breakthrough in the moment you need it, and until then, trust Him, pray, take the time you need to process and heal. Don't fully allow others to tell you what you need to process the things you've been through. You figure that out with God, and then go for it. Of course God places very key people in each of our lives for these seasons, and when those deep conversations happen that change our hearts, and compel us to think differently & encourage our spirit, that's amazing! But don't downplay the time it takes to internally process things between just you and the Lord. Those times are sweet, and sometimes bring more healing and peace than you could imagine.
Even though this season I'm walking through isn't super fun, what it all boils down to is that everything will be okay. I don't know when, or what it will look like exactly. But it will be okay. Actually probably better than okay, because most of the time God has way more epic thoughts and plans than we can comprehend!
...He makes all things beautiful in their time...
Friday, April 18, 2014
There is a certain joy that begins to bubble up in my heart when I realize I am not like anyone else. The part that causes me even more joy as that revelation unfolds is this: I love who I am, and I am inexplicably happy that my journey can't, won't and shouldn't ever look like anyone else's.
I feel like I've known this about myself for a long time. When I was younger it made me sad, and caused me to feel left out in certain instances. Other times, it just made me feel uncomfortable with who I was, so I wanted to be more like everyone around me and ignore who I truly was inside. I know all of that is generally part of growing up, and as we all mature, we understand how individualistic God has created each of us...
Within the human scope, there is such a rich diversity in gifts, talents and heart-strings-- so unique and amazing that if each of us simply embraced who we were meant to be, and stopped being so concerned with "fitting in" or living up to the "status quo" that someone, somewhere invented, and just dove into who we are in GOD...I would venture to say this world would be a different place. At least I think the church would be.
I don't want to be a person who looks at someone else's journey of life with a judgmental heart. And initially, I think I felt that way because my motivation was that I didn't want someone else to look at me or my life with that same judgment. I've changed though. Life, God, love, people He's brought into my life, have all factored into how I have changed and not changed in a bad way, but more that these things have brought out in me who I really am. I know that I cannot rightly look at another persons life and gauge it off of anything I might think I know about "living right" or being "Godly" or any of those things that I've placed such high value on.
Yes, within myself, I desire to live right before God, and be a Christ follower in this generation. I want to be a person who is full of compassion & love and who is able to see past the outside of those around me and look into the heart, where things really matter on a deep level. That is who God has made me to be. And that desire in my life is so strong.
I feel in my heart that I'm so past the fake watered down Christianity, and the smiles and hand-shakes at church when everyone acts like their lives are just fine, but on the inside they're screaming and dying to just be held, loved and heard. This is a reality. I can't be that type of person anymore. I won't be. Real life isn't this perfectly scripted thing where we know all the right answers at every little turn, and there's no formula for love & for allowing God to change those around me through that love he has put in my heart. It's just the bottom line.
And the more the Holy Spirit shows me these things in my heart, the more confidence I have in him to really step into who I am. I am a person who wants to sacrificially live. I want to pour out my life to those he brings to be until I have nothing left. Living this way is the thing that brings meaning and destiny into my heart. I am NOTHING without love. And I know that when I pour out all I am for my brothers and sisters around me, it isn't something God will take lightly. I know it will invoke change, a movement, in the hearts of people and in the heart of God. I believe that my prayers and actions touch God's heart. I believe that with ALL of my heart. I know that when my heart is being spent up, and poured out on the things that he has placed before me and I am faithfully listening to him and obeying, his attention is on my situation and His solution is on its way.
I know this might sound cocky or prideful or whatever, but I am truly seeing I have this boldness in me to approach my God. He LOVES ME. He cares for the things my heart cares about and I believe that this relationship with him and I is something that is going to change history. I really do.
Even if in moments it makes no sense to anyone but me...
It's an amazing knowing in my heart, and I know it is something that will only grow and mature as I do...but this is just the raw, somewhat unfiltered version of this revelation in my heart. And it is good.
I feel like I've known this about myself for a long time. When I was younger it made me sad, and caused me to feel left out in certain instances. Other times, it just made me feel uncomfortable with who I was, so I wanted to be more like everyone around me and ignore who I truly was inside. I know all of that is generally part of growing up, and as we all mature, we understand how individualistic God has created each of us...
Within the human scope, there is such a rich diversity in gifts, talents and heart-strings-- so unique and amazing that if each of us simply embraced who we were meant to be, and stopped being so concerned with "fitting in" or living up to the "status quo" that someone, somewhere invented, and just dove into who we are in GOD...I would venture to say this world would be a different place. At least I think the church would be.
I don't want to be a person who looks at someone else's journey of life with a judgmental heart. And initially, I think I felt that way because my motivation was that I didn't want someone else to look at me or my life with that same judgment. I've changed though. Life, God, love, people He's brought into my life, have all factored into how I have changed and not changed in a bad way, but more that these things have brought out in me who I really am. I know that I cannot rightly look at another persons life and gauge it off of anything I might think I know about "living right" or being "Godly" or any of those things that I've placed such high value on.
Yes, within myself, I desire to live right before God, and be a Christ follower in this generation. I want to be a person who is full of compassion & love and who is able to see past the outside of those around me and look into the heart, where things really matter on a deep level. That is who God has made me to be. And that desire in my life is so strong.
I feel in my heart that I'm so past the fake watered down Christianity, and the smiles and hand-shakes at church when everyone acts like their lives are just fine, but on the inside they're screaming and dying to just be held, loved and heard. This is a reality. I can't be that type of person anymore. I won't be. Real life isn't this perfectly scripted thing where we know all the right answers at every little turn, and there's no formula for love & for allowing God to change those around me through that love he has put in my heart. It's just the bottom line.
And the more the Holy Spirit shows me these things in my heart, the more confidence I have in him to really step into who I am. I am a person who wants to sacrificially live. I want to pour out my life to those he brings to be until I have nothing left. Living this way is the thing that brings meaning and destiny into my heart. I am NOTHING without love. And I know that when I pour out all I am for my brothers and sisters around me, it isn't something God will take lightly. I know it will invoke change, a movement, in the hearts of people and in the heart of God. I believe that my prayers and actions touch God's heart. I believe that with ALL of my heart. I know that when my heart is being spent up, and poured out on the things that he has placed before me and I am faithfully listening to him and obeying, his attention is on my situation and His solution is on its way.
I know this might sound cocky or prideful or whatever, but I am truly seeing I have this boldness in me to approach my God. He LOVES ME. He cares for the things my heart cares about and I believe that this relationship with him and I is something that is going to change history. I really do.
Even if in moments it makes no sense to anyone but me...
It's an amazing knowing in my heart, and I know it is something that will only grow and mature as I do...but this is just the raw, somewhat unfiltered version of this revelation in my heart. And it is good.
Monday, February 24, 2014
[Love] Stronger than Death
I've been told about Jesus for my whole life. I've had the immense blessing of growing up in a home where my Mom and Dad loved the Lord and taught their children the Way since birth basically. Something that I do not take for granted as I've gotten older and seen how every one's faith journeys differ.
Along with hearing of Jesus, I've always been told of His deep love for me. How He went to such great lengths for me to never have to be separated from Him on this earth or after death. I've always felt His love, peace and presence in my life. I never quite grasped what it meant though to love without reserve, or without condition even though I knew it to be true and very real of His love towards me.
As a Believer I'm always looking for parallels of my faith to my everyday life. I love when a light-bulb goes on in my head and connects to something deep in my heart. It's just an incredible feeling, even further confirming in me the fact that Jesus is alive in me and moving in the world and in my life.
Even further, I think that relationships (anything from friendships to romantic relationships, even though in romantic relationships the parallel of love seems to run deepest) are a means to such a deeper realm with God. It is like a doorway in life; and on the other side of that doorway labeled "relationships", is a cavern of so many deep and amazing revelations of how the first love story ever told is still evident today and in our lives all the time.
I've been in a relationship with a wonderful young man, who has become literally my best friend, for almost 2 years now. And we have journeyed through some intense stuff and also through some amazing times together- and through it all it's like I've seen these little (sometimes not so little!) glimpses of the way that God loves me, and the way we were meant to love each other in light of His first step of love. Like every relationship here on earth, and even in our relationship with Jesus, there are these ups and downs. There are always valleys and there are always mountain-tops! But, the sweetness of seeing God shine through in the midst of valleys, and the peace of knowing His presence on the mountain-tops is unlike anything I've ever experienced in any other relationship that what I experience in my life now.
There is nothing that can replace the love that God has poured on us, but I'm seeing that there are avenues in our lives where we will see this love played out before our very eyes as we strive for God's will and love in our relationships on the day to day. It's an amazing encouragement and a deep sense of peace knowing how He is in everything around me, and holds my life and heart in the palm of His hand. He is a beautiful God.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Well, good morning out there world :)
I write to you this morning from a temperature confused little town in Kentucky! It has been up and down and all over the place lately. One week we're having a blizzard then an ice storm, then the next week I'm sitting in the living room watching the radar from the local news showing us where the tornado's are! Ha! One thing I can say with certainty is that SPRING IS COMING! This winter is almost over! Thank God!
I love Spring so much! As you know (if you are reading this and know me personally) I love Narnia. And I love the part where the kids are walking through Narnia and winter is ending and spring begins to bloom because the white witch begins losing her hold on the land--and because Aslan is on the move! Spring reminds me of this. Winter has its moments of beauty--sure. But overall in my opinion, winter just seems bleak, sad and I usually get to the point where I'd do just about anything to move to California with my sister to escape the frozen tundra, and begin a new life in a place where it never gets below 50 degrees!
But, comes so softly...first you begin to hear little birds chirping, who had previously evaded our town for somewhere with more decent living conditions, and then the sun begins to come and warm the ground and you can smell the dirt (which might be weird but I love that smell!) and everything in nature just seems to come alive! It's such a happy time! And along with nature, I feel like I begin to come alive again! I'm an outdoorsy kind of person to begin with--so when I am indoors for so long through the cold months, I just have the need to get out of buildings!!! And Spring provides that opportunity in the most wonderful ways!
So, I hope everyone has had an amazing start to 2014! I know it has been good, but busy for me! And I am excited to see all that the Lord has in store for this new year-- like always--He has such good things awaiting for those who love and serve Him!
Blessings to you today!
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–adjective [wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe. ] [leading an unsettled ...
mis·sion·ar·y [mish-uh-ner-ee] Show IPA noun, plural -ar·ies, adjective noun Also, mis·sion·er. 1. a person sent by a church into an are...