Sometimes I sit back and think about the body of Christ. The relationships that are formed and sometimes sadly broken in this environment. As I've journeyed on this path of life, I've realized how volatile relationships (acquaintances, friendships, romantic relationships--all forms) can be. They are these living, breathing organisms that can flourish or be broken by such small events. When I think about the kind of person I want to be, the words of one of the disciples come to mind. I actually can't remember where this scripture is found, or who specifically wrote it (haha, sorry!!) but he talks about making sure, as much as you possibly can that there is peace between you and everyone else. Essentially, make sure you're tying up all the loose ends that are around you as well as possible. Don't leave things hanging in the balance if you're aware of an issue or something that may result in hurt feelings or bad relationship.
I don't think this disciple wrote the scripture meaning that we should run around being these "people pleasers" and feeling the need to be amazing friends with every person we encounter, but to be loving and compassionate with all of our interactions, whether that person is close with you or not. I realize not every person that comes into my life is meant to be a close friend, and I am okay with that- but I do feel the responsibility to leave a good, kind and loving impression on each person God allows to come into my life. And I feel that Christians as a whole we charged with the same responsibility.
My heart in this entire subject is to be a person who always chooses love. Regardless of circumstances, I always want to choose love and acceptance of my brothers and sisters in Christ. One of my life goals is to master the art of being a person who knows how to interact with all types of people and develop true and meaningful relationships with all sorts of people--even if they're in my life for only a moment in light of eternity. So, I guess those are all my thoughts for now :)
Merry Christmas to everyone who is reading!!
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