I've been told about Jesus for my whole life. I've had the immense blessing of growing up in a home where my Mom and Dad loved the Lord and taught their children the Way since birth basically. Something that I do not take for granted as I've gotten older and seen how every one's faith journeys differ.
Along with hearing of Jesus, I've always been told of His deep love for me. How He went to such great lengths for me to never have to be separated from Him on this earth or after death. I've always felt His love, peace and presence in my life. I never quite grasped what it meant though to love without reserve, or without condition even though I knew it to be true and very real of His love towards me.
As a Believer I'm always looking for parallels of my faith to my everyday life. I love when a light-bulb goes on in my head and connects to something deep in my heart. It's just an incredible feeling, even further confirming in me the fact that Jesus is alive in me and moving in the world and in my life.
Even further, I think that relationships (anything from friendships to romantic relationships, even though in romantic relationships the parallel of love seems to run deepest) are a means to such a deeper realm with God. It is like a doorway in life; and on the other side of that doorway labeled "relationships", is a cavern of so many deep and amazing revelations of how the first love story ever told is still evident today and in our lives all the time.
I've been in a relationship with a wonderful young man, who has become literally my best friend, for almost 2 years now. And we have journeyed through some intense stuff and also through some amazing times together- and through it all it's like I've seen these little (sometimes not so little!) glimpses of the way that God loves me, and the way we were meant to love each other in light of His first step of love. Like every relationship here on earth, and even in our relationship with Jesus, there are these ups and downs. There are always valleys and there are always mountain-tops! But, the sweetness of seeing God shine through in the midst of valleys, and the peace of knowing His presence on the mountain-tops is unlike anything I've ever experienced in any other relationship that what I experience in my life now.
There is nothing that can replace the love that God has poured on us, but I'm seeing that there are avenues in our lives where we will see this love played out before our very eyes as we strive for God's will and love in our relationships on the day to day. It's an amazing encouragement and a deep sense of peace knowing how He is in everything around me, and holds my life and heart in the palm of His hand. He is a beautiful God.
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