Friday, July 21, 2017

Half Way There!

In a couple days here I will be at the 20 weeks pregnant mark! Meaning pregnancy is already 1/2 way over!!! And also meaning in approximately 140 days my husband & I will be learning a whole new way of life with our tiny little daughter!! Thinking of that time, and how it truly is rapidly approaching fills my heart with so many emotions! Excitement, joy, anticipation, a few nerves, and just the general questions of the unknown in how Alex & I will each handle and cope with the new seasons flying through our lives just in this calendar year alone. For some reason, with our baby coming close to Christmas totally romanticizes the experience for me! Christmas is such a wonderful time of year, surrounded by family, warmth, and just those great holiday feelings- and adding a new member to our family just before the holiday makes me really happy! (Hopefully she'll feel that way sharing a birthday close to a major holiday the rest of her life! LOL!)

Our little girl at 19 weeks and 2 days 
Pregnancy has been an interesting journey so far. The first trimester was filled with me swearing I would never do this whole thing again due to feeling sick 24/7 for weeks on end. (Lots of fun!) And having this season begin literally right after marriage was-- although anticipated-- a lot to take in all at once. However, being past all of that morning sickness and yucky-ness & feeling more like myself, I can see how having more children after this one would be fine, and even welcomed!

In a lot of ways, it has brought my husband and I together in a new and really awesome way. There's nothing quite like the feeling of having the 2nd trimester anatomy scan of the baby, and us sitting there together like kids on Christmas waiting to see if our baby is a boy or girl & seeing her precious little hands, feet, face and body developing perfectly how God is making her. It was just a wonderful moment & creation is such a miracle.

A lot of people have told us how much of a blessing it is to have a baby, and others have said it brings a new level of chaos into life and marriage, making it more challenging than ever. And, while I am sure both statements have elements of truth in them, more than anything, my hope for us is that it brings our marriage and new family into an even more wonderful, selfless, loving place than ever before. Of course there will be learning curves thrown at us to get to that place together, but that's what I am aiming for in this transition, and I know he aims for that as well. I am a big believer in timing of events in life, and in knowing when God is accomplishing his destiny in each of us individually & as a couple... and I just know without any shadows of doubt that this is the exact journey God has prepared for us-- which leads me to believe He will more than equip both Alex & I to not only survive it together, but to thrive. I can't wait to see how our family continues to grow, and all of the amazing blessings God's got for us ahead! He is a good Father, and will teach us to be good parents as we follow Him.

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