We sing a song at church and the chorus says, "Let go my soul and trust in Him, the winds and waves still know His name..." It's such a beautiful song, and this past Sunday as our worship team proclaimed this modern hymn I could just feel that freedom that Jesus wants for me and for all of us to just let go and to trust.
I don't know why trusting God can seem so difficult in moments. Life can definitely throw some curve balls, so to say, that we weren't expecting, and in moments like that the appropriate response seems to be trust. What does trust even mean though?
The dictionary says this:
"Trust: noun
1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2. confident expectation of something; hope.
3. confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goodsreceived; credit:
to sell merchandise on trust.
4. a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust."
Reliance on the integrity, strength and ability of a person or thing. Confident expectation... Aren't we told in the Word, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, confidence in what we don't currently see? (The answer to that is yes :) Hebrews 11:1)
So I guess trust is interchangeable with faith. Let go my soul and have FAITH. Let go and TRUST. He who loves us has a plan. He has a purpose.
What if we truly approached every circumstance with this confidence? What if we approached our relationships with this faith and trust, not because people always deserve it, but maybe because that higher faith, hope & trust is built truly on God. And knowing that in all things, He is working out things for our good. We can have rest and let go, and trust...no matter the outward circumstances because things are being worked out...Our job is to let go, trust, to understand that the one who holds the universe literally in the palm of His hand has got all of this figured out.
Sure sometimes things happen that are hard to explain, rationalize or really wrap our natural minds around, but I think if we chose to respond by trusting...those moments might not seem so daunting.
Let go my soul, trust in Him...
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