Hi Everyone!! One of my closest friends has an amazing chance to go to Africa! So, I wanted to post her update letter to help her raise awareness of her trip! :) Read up!!
“Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
and the ends of the earth your possession.” -Psalms 2:8
Friends & Family,
I couldn’t have more joy, excitement, and awesome expectation as I write this! In August of 2008 I fell in head over heels in love with Jesus and decided to totally live my life for him. It was and is the best decision I’ve ever made, and I haven’t looked back since. The Lord has given me such a heart for missions, orphans, widows (James 1:27), and to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19).
The Lord was very specific with me that I was to wait until after I graduate from college before I was to travel internationally. The six year wait has been one of much preparation and eagerness. However I am ecstatic to announce that September 26th 2014 I’ll be graduating with honors with my nursing degree. Very shortly after on October 12th 2014 I have been given the opportunity to go to the nation God has set my heart ablaze for…Africa!
My church- The Father’s House International- is stationed in Henderson, Kentucky. It has created and sustained a feeding station and has developed several divine connections in the country of Zimbabwe. I can honestly say ever since I was a child I have desired to go to Africa. God promises that if we delight ourselves in Him then He will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalms 37:4).
I can confidently say that this mission trip to Zimbabwe is a door that the Lord has opened, and it is for the glory of His kingdom and in His time. I always say, “If it’s His will then it’s His bill.” I know that the Lord will make provision in regards to finances and prayer according to His will. Therefore, all I ask is that you would be obedient to the Lord if He speaks to you about further advancing His kingdom through this opportunity. This isn’t just about finances but I earnestly ask for your pledge of prayer. D.L. Moody said this, “Prayer doesn’t prepare us for the greater work. Prayer IS the greater work.”
With all of that being said, I ask that you prayerfully consider supporting me on this journey as I follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. I believe He has a very specific and divine plan for me as I step out and begin taking the nations for Him.
I thank and bless each of you with all my heart.
How to Donate:
Send donations to 2614 Zion Rd Apt. 107 Henderson KY 42420
Make payable to Yolanda Alexis Cabell
If you would like to donate online please visit http://www.thefathershouseint.com/donateonline.html
If you donate online please inform me that you have done so. This way I can verify your donation goes towards my mission funds and not the church. Its tax deductible. Thanks again.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Do you know what I mean?
As I continue to "grown up" more and more, a lot of understanding about life and other human beings comes into focus more and more clearly. The single most important bit of information that has been collected to date is this, HUMANS ARE EXTREMELY COMPLICATED BEINGS! :)
I'm not saying that in a bad way, at all!! However, it is something that is very true. There are so many factors that go into what makes people tick, and the way they go about their individual days, plans and rituals. As a person who wants to make her profession that of a Therapist, these things are really interesting to me!
I love to know people, and for them to feel known also. It's such an innate desire in people to have that connection with other people. To feel understood. To feel valued. To feel a sense of belonging. The closer (relationally) I am to others, the more I want to know them, and to understand the things that bother them, make them happy or upset, etc.
I also continue to see how bad I am at those things in moments! How I fall short in conveying my care, compassion and love for those around me at all moments. I mean, no one is perfect, and that is fine. However, truly knowing people within my sphere of influence, and having a heart full of mercy, grace and love is something that is on the "top 3" of my life goals...so when I see myself not living up to the standard in that, it's easy to be disappointed.
Thankfully, I have this example set before me. One who has done these things to perfection, time and time again. This man has just set the bar for me, and I know for many others. He defined love, and continues to define it. He is the one who invented it! And embodies it! He thought of relationships, and knew the dynamics that humans would struggle with in family units, relationships and friendships. Undaunted by the selflessness love requires, still goes into the deepest places in hearts, setting people free, and empowering us to love and live these lives he wants us to live. I'm thankful for this man and his love and how it has altered (and daily still alters) my life.
Jesus is and will always be the most beautiful man in my life. The most amazing and comforting thing I've ever encountered or ever will. I pray that my life continually becomes more and more like him and what his heart looks like. It is hard. It is SO hard in moments, but I know that it is something that can happen as I seek him with all of my heart and soul.
He brings that meaning and understanding that each person longs for, and searches for in their highs and lows. I am ever thankful that he found me, holds on to me and never lets me go.
I'm not saying that in a bad way, at all!! However, it is something that is very true. There are so many factors that go into what makes people tick, and the way they go about their individual days, plans and rituals. As a person who wants to make her profession that of a Therapist, these things are really interesting to me!
I love to know people, and for them to feel known also. It's such an innate desire in people to have that connection with other people. To feel understood. To feel valued. To feel a sense of belonging. The closer (relationally) I am to others, the more I want to know them, and to understand the things that bother them, make them happy or upset, etc.
I also continue to see how bad I am at those things in moments! How I fall short in conveying my care, compassion and love for those around me at all moments. I mean, no one is perfect, and that is fine. However, truly knowing people within my sphere of influence, and having a heart full of mercy, grace and love is something that is on the "top 3" of my life goals...so when I see myself not living up to the standard in that, it's easy to be disappointed.
Thankfully, I have this example set before me. One who has done these things to perfection, time and time again. This man has just set the bar for me, and I know for many others. He defined love, and continues to define it. He is the one who invented it! And embodies it! He thought of relationships, and knew the dynamics that humans would struggle with in family units, relationships and friendships. Undaunted by the selflessness love requires, still goes into the deepest places in hearts, setting people free, and empowering us to love and live these lives he wants us to live. I'm thankful for this man and his love and how it has altered (and daily still alters) my life.
Jesus is and will always be the most beautiful man in my life. The most amazing and comforting thing I've ever encountered or ever will. I pray that my life continually becomes more and more like him and what his heart looks like. It is hard. It is SO hard in moments, but I know that it is something that can happen as I seek him with all of my heart and soul.
He brings that meaning and understanding that each person longs for, and searches for in their highs and lows. I am ever thankful that he found me, holds on to me and never lets me go.
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–adjective [wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe. ] [leading an unsettled ...
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