As I was about to board my first flight from Evansville, I got a text from Alex saying, "Here it comes!! :)" And I had no idea what to expect or what this "it" was going to become as I moved forward on this journey!
SEVVVVERAL hours (or days, I can hardly recall) we arrived in Yangon! Quickly dropped out luggage off at the hotel and immediately set off for the orphanage, Love Childrens Home--and were greeted by some of the sweetest faces I may ever meet!

The majority of our days were spent going through a VBS program with the children and then for the larger portion of the afternoon, had the opportunity to just hang out with the kids and play with them, watch volleyball, swing, they braided all our hair (a lot :) and just be together, and show them love one on one, which is a major need for children who have been orphaned and who don't often get that personal attention and affection. I found though that these kids had a deeper capacity to love, nurture and serve than I do! Not that I felt like I had all these amazing "powers" of the fruit of the Spirit in perfect control in my life, but certainly more than a child, right?! WRONG. Haha! I absolutely feel like I was served, loved and touched as deeply, if not more deeply than the kids I went there to serve. It was amazing. Here are a few more little shots from the trip:
This trip was truly a gift to me, in every aspect. I want to thank every person that supported me. Whether it was financial, in prayer in any way at all. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity and life experience. I ABSOLUTELY want to go back! And soon! And not to sound all "mission trip emotional high" or anything, but.....................

So, again, thank you to everyone who helped me get here---and I cannot wait to go back!
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