I used to feel like blogging was something I did to pass the time when I didn't have as much going on in my life; and now that life has become full of so many things--I miss it!! Writing is something I enjoy doing when I feel like I have something at least somewhat useful to say :)
But life---Ohhh life. It is something that passes us by far too quickly when we don't take every moment and use it to the fullest. I have noticed an increasing tendency for my days and weeks to just fly by, filled with work, school, friends and just life...and a month will go by and I won't even know where the time went. I think sometimes I get so caught up in what is to come in my life (like--5 years from now) that I just try to hurry through and fast forward the now in my life to get to the part that I am really excited for. But living this way makes me afraid that I am missing out on so much, on all the little things that could mean so much today.
I get caught up in thinking about all the things I need to take care of in life, from finances to relationships, to finishing my degree then finding a real job in the field I feel called to be in--and it becomes such a whirlwind. It really just makes me want to curl up in a little ball on my bed and cry- then fall asleep. And hopefully when I would wake up have more clarity and peace about the future.
But in church today- my Pastor was so strong on emphasizing the fact that Jesus is the answer to everything!!! He is the ANSWER! He is the cornerstone on which I need to make a priority to build my life upon! I know beyond a shadow of doubt that I will not have success in my life, relationships, career family---anything---unless it is my priority to make Christ the cornerstone, the solid foundation for this life. And that is my heart---it is so deeply in my heart to make that what my life is all about. It stresses me out when I am not sure if every single thing in my life is exactly how Jesus would want it to be, but then He just teaches me to rest in Him and trust the process of life and how He continually unfolds things before our eyes and works all things together for my good. I am so thankful for my wonderful Savior. I'm thankful for those in my life who remind me to put Him first, and to trust in His plan and process and encourage me on in those things.
So--I think that's about all for now! :) Maybe I won't wait 5 months to blog again this time!
Blessings to you all!! Happy December!!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
BB&G Enterprises!
This is exciting news! A new business is in the family!! My brother Jon was fortunate enough to make some great connections with a really successful real estate agent here in Kentucky- and they have decided to be partners in business!! Their business is called BB&G Enterprises!!
Be sure to go to their Facebook page and check it out!!
BB & G
Be sure to go to their Facebook page and check it out!!
BB & G
Monday, September 23, 2013
Nothing but the Blood of [[Jesus]]
I know we've all experienced life becoming so busy- like we're caught
up in a whirlwind and before we know it--a few days, weeks,
months...have gone by before we even realize it!
I've been seeing my own life in this pattern lately and I decided to do something about it. If there is anything I know in this life beyond any shadow of doubt-- it is that I love my Lord and Savior more than life itself. I know that I was made to love Him, and to live a life that serves Him and those around me. So--I decided to make a scheduled time each week for me to just hang out with Jesus! I know that might sound kind of silly! But, I'm extremely excited about it! Just one night a week were I know I can get away and be with Him! Turn my phone off, make no plans with the outside world, and just tuck myself away in my room and rest. Rest. Pray. Enjoy my time of peace with Him.
I know for me, time like this on a regular basis is so healthy. Not only healthy but I'd even say needed. I mean, I love getting up in the morning and drinking my coffee and reading the word [[coffee and the worddd!!]] but nothing compares to a time set aside, no limitations, or demands from an outside schedule...
Just time with Jesus. It can even lead to me writing a little blog post :) And there's nothing wrong with that...it's just time set aside for me and Him!
I feel like that's all I really have to share at the moment! But, Jesus is so beautiful guys. He is the only one who makes this life worth living. He brings the only true source of joy, hope, peace, destiny, and beauty in our lives. If this friendship with Him isn't first and foremost--nothing else in life will work out.
It even says so in Matthew 6:33: "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." I'm pretty sure the bit about "all these things" refer to all the little things in life that can so easily consume us. But, we have it backwards if those are the things that have our ultimate attention. Seek first THE KINGDOM OF GOD & HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS....thennnnnnn....everything else.
It's a process. It's a journey. I'm still on it...just like everyone else! But, I know for sure that I love this sweet Jesus more than anything on this earth.
I've been seeing my own life in this pattern lately and I decided to do something about it. If there is anything I know in this life beyond any shadow of doubt-- it is that I love my Lord and Savior more than life itself. I know that I was made to love Him, and to live a life that serves Him and those around me. So--I decided to make a scheduled time each week for me to just hang out with Jesus! I know that might sound kind of silly! But, I'm extremely excited about it! Just one night a week were I know I can get away and be with Him! Turn my phone off, make no plans with the outside world, and just tuck myself away in my room and rest. Rest. Pray. Enjoy my time of peace with Him.
Just time with Jesus. It can even lead to me writing a little blog post :) And there's nothing wrong with that...it's just time set aside for me and Him!
I feel like that's all I really have to share at the moment! But, Jesus is so beautiful guys. He is the only one who makes this life worth living. He brings the only true source of joy, hope, peace, destiny, and beauty in our lives. If this friendship with Him isn't first and foremost--nothing else in life will work out.
It even says so in Matthew 6:33: "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." I'm pretty sure the bit about "all these things" refer to all the little things in life that can so easily consume us. But, we have it backwards if those are the things that have our ultimate attention. Seek first THE KINGDOM OF GOD & HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS....thennnnnnn....everything else.
It's a process. It's a journey. I'm still on it...just like everyone else! But, I know for sure that I love this sweet Jesus more than anything on this earth.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Yangon, Myanmar
As I prepared to leave for my mission trip to Myanmar on May 15th, I had so many mixed emotions in my heart. There were some last minute changes to the trip which effected only me personally, not the team, but the situation was weighing on my heart. I still moved forward though, attempting to keep a positive attitude and in my heart knowing that God still had deep purpose and meaning for me to be exactly where I was at that very moment.
As I was about to board my first flight from Evansville, I got a text from Alex saying, "Here it comes!! :)" And I had no idea what to expect or what this "it" was going to become as I moved forward on this journey!
SEVVVVERAL hours (or days, I can hardly recall) we arrived in Yangon! Quickly dropped out luggage off at the hotel and immediately set off for the orphanage, Love Childrens Home--and were greeted by some of the sweetest faces I may ever meet!
The little girl in the purple shirt whose name is Na Haw Mawi, was in particular one that stole my heart! THe first step I took off of the bus she picked me! And by that I mean, she immediately grabbed my hand, and from that moment on through the rest of my trip, she was there every single morning, waiting for me, to hug me, to hold my hand, to hang out with me, just anything. She is just the sweetest thing ever. The beautiful face in the yellow shirt is named Pine Tha Linn (who by the end of the trip, I affectionately referred to as Pine Pine!) And she is also one who I just fell in love with. These children are so wonderful and full of such amazing LOVE and JOY of the Lord. It was such a beautiful thing to be a part of.
The majority of our days were spent going through a VBS program with the children and then for the larger portion of the afternoon, had the opportunity to just hang out with the kids and play with them, watch volleyball, swing, they braided all our hair (a lot :) and just be together, and show them love one on one, which is a major need for children who have been orphaned and who don't often get that personal attention and affection. I found though that these kids had a deeper capacity to love, nurture and serve than I do! Not that I felt like I had all these amazing "powers" of the fruit of the Spirit in perfect control in my life, but certainly more than a child, right?! WRONG. Haha! I absolutely feel like I was served, loved and touched as deeply, if not more deeply than the kids I went there to serve. It was amazing. Here are a few more little shots from the trip:
This trip was truly a gift to me, in every aspect. I want to thank every person that supported me. Whether it was financial, in prayer in any way at all. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity and life experience. I ABSOLUTELY want to go back! And soon! And not to sound all "mission trip emotional high" or anything, but.....................
<<<<< THIS FACE is one I FOR REALLLL plan on adopting one day when adoption opens up on their side! :) Haha, she is amazing!
So, again, thank you to everyone who helped me get here---and I cannot wait to go back!
As I was about to board my first flight from Evansville, I got a text from Alex saying, "Here it comes!! :)" And I had no idea what to expect or what this "it" was going to become as I moved forward on this journey!
SEVVVVERAL hours (or days, I can hardly recall) we arrived in Yangon! Quickly dropped out luggage off at the hotel and immediately set off for the orphanage, Love Childrens Home--and were greeted by some of the sweetest faces I may ever meet!

The majority of our days were spent going through a VBS program with the children and then for the larger portion of the afternoon, had the opportunity to just hang out with the kids and play with them, watch volleyball, swing, they braided all our hair (a lot :) and just be together, and show them love one on one, which is a major need for children who have been orphaned and who don't often get that personal attention and affection. I found though that these kids had a deeper capacity to love, nurture and serve than I do! Not that I felt like I had all these amazing "powers" of the fruit of the Spirit in perfect control in my life, but certainly more than a child, right?! WRONG. Haha! I absolutely feel like I was served, loved and touched as deeply, if not more deeply than the kids I went there to serve. It was amazing. Here are a few more little shots from the trip:
This trip was truly a gift to me, in every aspect. I want to thank every person that supported me. Whether it was financial, in prayer in any way at all. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity and life experience. I ABSOLUTELY want to go back! And soon! And not to sound all "mission trip emotional high" or anything, but.....................

So, again, thank you to everyone who helped me get here---and I cannot wait to go back!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
the heart [breaking] makes a sound...
The heart breaking makes a sound
I never knew could be
So beautiful and loud
Fury filled and we, collide
So courageous until now
Fumbling and scared
So afraid You'll find me out,
Alone here with my doubt
Here it comes, a beautiful collision
Is happening now.
There seems no end to where You begin
and there I am now
You and I collide
:David Crowder Band:
I never knew could be
So beautiful and loud
Fury filled and we, collide
So courageous until now
Fumbling and scared
So afraid You'll find me out,
Alone here with my doubt
Here it comes, a beautiful collision
Is happening now.
There seems no end to where You begin
and there I am now
You and I collide
:David Crowder Band:
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Hi everyone!! :)
Okay, so today I wanted to talk about something that has been really close to my heart since I was a young person! ....and that is mission trips!! I was first opened up to Global Expeditions through a wonderful place called Teen Mania Ministries! I went on my first mission trip with them to Jamaica when I was just 16 years old! Then a few years later, I did an in country trip to New Orleans. Both trips were very impacting on my life in regards to my relationship to God and also on understanding the part I have to play in the fulfillment of the great commission as a Christian. Moving ahead to when I was 20 years old, my sister and I did an independent mission to Oaxaca, Mexico to a missions base called Roca Blanca where we had the opportunity to reach out to many different people in the month we spent there! Then...even further down the road I was connected to a wonderful ministry in Henderson, Kentucky called The Father's House with whom I have been on two major trips with. One to Israel and one to Guatemala!
So, bottom line. I LOVE MISSIONS! :) I love being out of country. I love loving people and telling them about how much Jesus loves them!! I love seeing new cultures and new life and new ways of doing life! There's just a lot of love! Haha! But.....now. For my next en-devour! I have recently (through my boyfriend!) been connected to a missions organization in Evansville, IN called Uncharted International and am going on a trip with them this coming May!! It's going to be so amazing! I will be in the country of Myanmar for 10 days and I couldn't be more excited!! It will be my first time to Southeast Asia and it'll be my first trip out of the country in quite some time! So, I feel ready!! I'm still raising money for the trip, and I made a donation page if you want to check it out! My Fundraising Page!! :D But mostly I just wanted to blog about missions!! Cuz I love it!! And I can't wait to be boarding the plane in about 55 days!!!!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
I think know that before I was ever in a "serious" relationship (and by serious I mean, you legitimately could be looking in the future- marriage, a family etc. with a certain person) I had a lot of flowery views on what it meant to have a significant other.
Before I just blog about my feelings & thoughts, you should know that I DEFINITELY do not think I am qualified to give all sorts of advise or even that I think I have all these things figured out- because I know that I do not. I am basically just talking about my own experiences up till now & what God has taught me through these things. He speaks to each person individually, and I don't really believe in generalizations about certain things. So. With all that said...let us march onward!
Alex & I have been dating for [5 months!] Which to us is awesome--even though we know it's nothing compared to a lifetime! But still, we're excited about it!
Through this relationship I feel like I have learned so much about genuinely caring for another human being in a very new way. Understanding someones heart and knowing them for who they are at that heart level, not just who others may perceive them to be. I've seen God's love for me in a new way, and understood His grace and unconditional-ness towards me while I am still working through "growing-up" and becoming a real adult!
I mean, I've had friends before who I have seen and known their hearts, clearly...but to me it's been such a different journey than just a friend. For obvious reasons, like, we are in a relationship...and we are genuinely seeking God and seeing what He has for us long-term, if He has something for us long term.
It's been so amazing though for me to see the process in our relationship of growing closer and how we have genuinely come to love each other amidst weaknesses and strengths; and still being excited about what the future could bring with that person. Ultimately knowing that God is the one who orchestrates our lives. He gives and takes away, He guides and leads us in every way. So to me it's been a journey of trusting my Heavenly Father just as much as it's been a journey of trusting Alex with my heart.
In a way, I truely feel like a relationship that is going to be successful for the long run simply needs to be based off of a few things. First, a love and devotion to God for both people, so that He is in the center of that relationship. Secondly, knowing that everyone has weaknesses. It's a choice to love through those things, and to pray for each other through those things as God brings healing to hearts. And lastly, to have fun & laugh together! :)
I think I am realizing that no matter what, there will always be valleys- and there will always be mountains. It's a choice to stick it out with someone if they are the person that God has designed you for. And, let's not jump to any conclusions, we haven't sealed the deal yet---but, I could definitely see this working out for the long run :)
Soo, those are my thoughts right now about relationships. Immature or uninformed as they might be, it's where the Lord has led me thus far, and I know that as I grow, God's plan will unfold more clearly to me...and He has got my life in His hands.
And for now, I'm very excited about the guy in my life! He seems like a keeper :)
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The Calm...
I have t-minus four days before my new life/schedule begins! I am soaking in every moment of it too! :)
I mean, trust me, I am so excited for my new job!!
I'm going to be a bank teller!!
And, even though right now I'm kinda dreading it...I am attempting to get myself excited about hitting the books again!!
I'm super excited though for the fact that my boyfriend and I are on the same schedule now, because he got an amazing new job [super proud of him!!], and we're both going to have evenings and [most] every weekend free! Aaaand, he's someone I'm becoming pretty fond of, if I do say so myself ;) So, I can't wait to have so much free time with him!
All in all, 2013 is starting off amazingly, and I basically expect it to get even better! :)
God is so good to me, and to those around me! I am very thankful!!
And, til it all begins, I am enjoying myself, drinking coffee, watching Boy Meets World and getting stuff done around the house! It's a good life!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
As we [Journey] on this Path of Life.
I love life! I always have! I feel like God has blessed me incredibly in this life through my family and the friends He has brought around me. Each season brings its new friends, lessons, challenges and opportunities to grow up a little more. I think that for someone who is 26, in moments I feel like I don't have too much life experience & need quite a bit more of growing up to happen in my mindsets, and just in the way I view life, the world, and my relationship with God. The thing is though, is that there is always grace for that process. Which makes me happy, and it also lets me chill out for a second every now and then...realizing that I don't have to have every little step figured out before I get there. I can trust the Lord to lead me and guide me in the way of righteousness, and I know He will teach me and show me everything I need to know for life and Godliness in it's time. The word of God even says so! :)
2 Peter 1:3
[ Confirm Your Calling and Election ] His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence...
I am thankful for this season in life that I've come to. I am thankful for the new friends and the old friends, and I am excited to see what is in store for this coming year. I know that I can rest and trust in the plans that my Lord has for me...and that alone is enough for me to have the assurance and peace I need for this life.
2 Peter 1:3
[ Confirm Your Calling and Election ] His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence...
I am thankful for this season in life that I've come to. I am thankful for the new friends and the old friends, and I am excited to see what is in store for this coming year. I know that I can rest and trust in the plans that my Lord has for me...and that alone is enough for me to have the assurance and peace I need for this life.
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–adjective [wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe. ] [leading an unsettled ...
mis·sion·ar·y [mish-uh-ner-ee] Show IPA noun, plural -ar·ies, adjective noun Also, mis·sion·er. 1. a person sent by a church into an are...