Hello whoever might be reading this! I haven't posted in so long!! Miss being on here and I've decided I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things!

I'm currently 31 weeks pregnant with our
baby boy, Samuel. At our 29 week check-up my OB had me
get an ultrasound to measure babies growth, and in that appointment they
found some abnormalities with his umbilical cord. An "umbilical vein
varix" is what they called it. Essentially they explained to me it meant
there was a dilation (enlargement) in part of his umbilical cord right
in his abdomen. I was immediately moved to the status of a "high risk
pregnancy" and sent to a perinatologist (a doctor who follows women who
have high risk pregnancies, I'm sure for multiple reasons, including
the diagnosis they had just informed me of with our son). I remember my
OB sharing vaguely in the appointment why I needed to see the specialist,
but for some reason it didn't register with me immediately that what she
was sharing was potentially scary, even life threatening stuff in
regards to Sam's well-being and the rest of my pregnancy.
I digested what she told me, did a little googling (never a good
idea!) and I then messaged her on myChart and asked a few more solidly formed
questions. Her nurse messaged me back shortly after and simply stated
that the doctor would call me directly to address the questions; which
she did not long after. Basically she explained to me that when they see
this UVV (umbilical vein varix) in babies cords it can mean a lot, it
could be nothing, or it could lead to something really very serious. It
was just the facts she shared, and regardless of how ambiguous the
explanation felt, it was just the truth.
She said when
she sees this condition along with other factors, it could point to
genetic abnormalities or chromosomal abnormalities in baby, it could
point to the baby becoming anemic because of the malfunction in the cord, not
giving baby the nutrients he needs to thrive, and in the worst case it
could cause things as scary as death in the womb before birth or
stillbirth. She then reassured me that Sam's growth has been perfect up
till now, and she's had absolutely no other reason to be concerned for
his well-being, and that there have been no other signs of chromosomal
or growth abnormalities in him. However, watching the cord was extremely
important, because if it continues to dilate it could cause blood clots to
form ultimately which could lead to him being still born.
waited patiently for about 5 more days when I was scheduled to see the
specialist, at which appointment they did confirm the UVV and also
echoed essentially all that my OB said in that there were no further
reasons to worry or be concerned about Sam's well being/development as
of right now. Just that he wanted to see me on a weekly basis from now
until delivery to monitor the cord and make sure it doesn't do anything
we wouldn't want it to do (grow), and that baby did continue to do what
he needs to do (grow!)
So, we're definitely playing the
waiting game right now. My husband and I opted against genetic
screening for our various reasons, and ultimately as strong believers in
God and in His plans for our lives, we know that however our child is
born (whether a baby with some type of syndrome or abnormality, or a
baby who is born developmentally "normal" having no special needs) we
would feel blessed and know Sam is meant to be ours forever, and we love
him so beyond unconditionally regardless of any of that. The waiting
game for me feels like watching this cord in his belly, making sure our
boy is growing and thriving in the womb, and trusting the care of the
Doctors in our lives for the next 9 weeks, and trusting God to nudge
them if he needs to come sooner than his due date, and just for Him to
give my mind and body peace so the little one isn't feeling my stress
and concern for him as we go through this last leg of pregnancy.
wanted to blog about it for 2 reasons. Reason 1, it's healthy for me.
It's a space to process and lay my thoughts, fears and anxieties
down, regarding all of this-- and to leave it here and not in my head. Reason
2, as horrible as it is to search google when any medical condition is
involved, I know I do it, and I also know a million other people do to!
Ultimately I know people are looking for answers, reassurance, or just
someone to commiserate with when tough times come; and the only things
online I could find regarding ANY of this were old (like 10+ years old)
case studies done, and a few threads between Mamma's on the Baby Center
web site.
So, I thought, if anything, I could fill the
gap for one of those reasons for some Mom out there, who is pregnant
with her little love and facing this challenge. I feel you sister!! It's
stressful!! It's a lot of uncertainty. And my hope is to just update
periodically as I continue my weekly appointments with the specialist
and OB, and obviously I want to be optimistic that at the end of all of
this, I'll be sharing a photo of our beautiful, healthy and perfect baby
boy! I know not everyone who has dealt with this has had a happy
outcome, and while I'm believing that 100% for our little Sam, the truth
is I don't know what the outcome will be. No one ever can know. That's
literally just life. But, I'm hoping to be a beacon of hope to someone
out there who needs it, whether it's today, or if someone googles and
finds this post in the year 2029. (Although by then I think there'll be a
lot more medical technology/information and maybe this won't be a
concern to anyone then! Ha!) but, you know what I'm saying.
sweet boy is due to come between now and December 23rd! And I
absolutely cannot wait to snuggle this beautiful boy & introduce him
to the best big sister he'll ever know and welcome him into our home!
We love you so much little guy!!