Saturday, July 26, 2014

There is a time for [everything].

Sometimes we find ourselves in seasons of unanswered questions, hopes, promises and prayers. It seems like all is lost in moments and that nothing will make the situation better, aside from hunkering down and hoping for the best as the storm passes by. 

I'm pretty sure these are those "valley's" that we hear about in church & in the Bible. You know, the opposite of the "mountains". We are told these are the times of true testing, and true growth in our character and in our lives in general.

But let's be perfectly honest.
Times like this suck.
Straight up.

They are hard. They are filled with tears, pain, questions and wondering if you'll really ever make it through. I find when I am in seasons like this, I go into "survival mode". I make sure I do what I need to do; get to my job on time, do my school work, attend church, and try to hang out with people once in a while so I don't become a complete hobbit in the process. But when I get back home I just go deep into the thoughts and questions of life I need to ponder in order to process the things I need to deal with.

And of course, having the faith I do, I understand that I am never truly alone. I have that One who sticks closer than a friend through it all. And I am thankful. So thankful. Because sometimes all I really can do it just sit here, and wait for God. And sometimes that is the best thing to do. It doesn't make all the struggle disappear by any means, but sometimes it does give me the perspective I need to understand that He holds my life in His hands. To learn to trust the process and trust Him with the inner and outer workings of everything going on around me. And, I am learning to do that.

And along with that, the encouragement I've gotten along the way has always come at the exact moment I've needed it. Like, the kind of encouragement that when you hear it, it simply makes you cry because it's literally exactly what you needed to hear in that second. Those moments have been sweet. He knew I needed them.

When I step back though and look at the big picture, and the amazing scope of life, love and happiness in general, I see how every person goes through these things, seasons that try the soul-- and also, most people come out of them, more beautiful, strong, brave and compassionate.

And through it all, I know that Jesus truly does make all things beautiful in it's time. He also cares about the dreams in our hearts, and as we seek Him with all of our hearts, He is happy to make those things happen in our lives.

So, to anyone in a season of testing, hold on! Hold on to God! Have hope! He will bring the breakthrough in the moment you need it, and until then, trust Him, pray, take the time you need to process and heal. Don't fully allow others to tell you what you need to process the things you've been through. You figure that out with God, and then go for it. Of course God places very key people in each of our lives for these seasons, and when those deep conversations happen that change our hearts, and compel us to think differently & encourage our spirit, that's amazing! But don't downplay the time it takes to internally process things between just you and the Lord. Those times are sweet, and sometimes bring more healing and peace than you could imagine.

Even though this season I'm walking through isn't super fun, what it all boils down to is that everything will be okay. I don't know when, or what it will look like exactly. But it will be okay. Actually probably better than okay, because most of the time God has way more epic thoughts and plans than we can comprehend!

...He makes all things beautiful in their time...