It's so strange how something so simple can bring so much life into our physical beings. I mean, literally, reading the Word of God physically nourishes our bodies. I know that sounds a little crazy, but it is true.

There have been seasons where I am so faithful to reading the Word. In those seasons I constantly feel
encouraged, my emotions are balanced and full of joy, and life just seems so great. Then there are those seasons where I've allowed my heart to be distracted be any number of things, and stray from my daily time in the Word. It's during those seasons when I feel the most dissatisfied with life, and unhappy with where I am and where I am going. It's like I just lose my sight of Him and the perspective that He gives me when I stay close to His words.
I strikes me as odd too, that I even have these ups & downs when the key to being in that satisfied place is so simple. I know life has it's seasons, however, when it's something as essential and basic as this I know that I have the ability to choose to remain in a place where I am overflowing with life constantly.
I do not want to be simply a hearer of the Word, I am going to be one who acts upon it.
.Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22.
And in order to do that, I need to be in the Word I can see what it says.