The Money Tree.
Did you watch the link up there?! You kind of have to if you want any of this post to make sense. [just so you know!]
My pastor [Tooty!] showed this video this morning at church and I found it to be quite profound. There was a free gift placed before each and every person that walked by that tree. Some people simply looked and moved on, other laughed shook their heads and moved on, some stopped and read the message and walked away...others walked right on by with out even noticing the money was there for the taking. Thus I liken this here "money tree" to the Kingdom of Heaven, like I suggested in my little notes' title. I feel as though the in the same manner that some people treated this tree filled with $100 of cash...they treat the Kingdom of Heaven.
I don't really think I have anything too profound to say currently. Other than that I felt a revelation as I watched this clip today. I want to be starving for the things of God. This is easily one of my favorite quotes from a sermon that John G. Lake delivered in his day;
Blessed is he who regards the interests of the Kingdom of Heaven as paramount to every other interest in the world, paramount to his own personal interests. Blessed is he whose interest in life, whose interest in the world is only used to extend the interest of the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed is he who has lost his own identity as an individual and has become a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. blessed is he who sees the Kingdom of Heaven as the ultimate, to be possessed. --John G. Lake
Let's not miss the simplicity of loving Jesus & the recieving of His free gift of life. And let's not grow weary, but let the fire burn within [and out] for all to see and know who our God is.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The [Honor] Ring...
Let me begin by giving you a little background info;
Straight out of High School, I packed up my bags and hit the road! Sixteen [felt more like a million!!] hours later I arrived at my new home for the year; Garden Valley, Texas. Yes, Texas. An interesting place, with interesting inhabitants! I was finally at Teen Mania Ministries about to undergo my new adventure at their internship called, "The Honor Academy"! I had known since I was in grade 9 I wanted to go to The Honor Academy after High School. It wasn't even a question in my mind. At this point, all of my siblings have gone there actually [and no, our parents didn't make us!]. It was such a pivotal year in my life. I looking back on that year somewhat remorsefully, however, at this point knowing how much more I could have put into it...but hey, let's not live in the past! All in all, it was a life changing year! Upon graduation of this internship we got this!!
The Honor Ring! [Well, not this one exactly, because, you see...I lost the one they gave me somewhere along the way....and got this new one yesterday!]
The point of this ring though was to symbolize the "brotherhood", "sisterhood" of believers that you had just journeyed on with through the past year of your life; and also joining you with all the others who had gone before us, or who were to come after; and by taking this ring you were saying, my house, my heart, my life is open to my Honor Academy family at all some massive networking system [kind of how the Body of Christ is supposed to be anyways!] We had this Ring Banquet when they gave us all the rings and we all in unison said this pledge [I know, sounds a little sketchy!! Haha!], and then got to proudly were our Honor Rings.
Here's the thing though; I don't think I ever took all of this that seriously until I began thinking about it in recent weeks. One of the main things we were taught at this academy was honor [hence, The Honor Academy.] The thing that began my thought process on all of this recently was a sermon I heard a few weeks ago about honor. How we need to honor our forefathers, honor our parents, honor our pastors, honor fellow brothers and sisters...and to esteem them more highly than we do ourselves. It was refreshing to hear such a relevant and impacting teaching, in a body of Christ were I don't think many people truly understand the concept of Honor, or how to operate in it. Then I began thinking of all of the things I learned my year in Texas, and everything I have learned since; and began feeling a certain level of ownership over this whole situation, because you're responsible for what you know. I am responsible to be an example of a God fearing, righteous, honorable young lady...because I know that I should be. I then began to feel distressed knowing I had so carelessly misplaced the ring I had originally been given; thus frantically contacting Teen Mania by way of calling the Guard Booth repeatedly until I heard back from someone!
Now that I think about it I am glad I lost the first ring, and then have been able to go through this whole thought process now...and come to a deeper and more meaningful understanding that perhaps I would not have come to otherwise. I look at this new ring now though, and honor Teen Mania for the vision of excellence and Godly character that they [and my parents before then!] had instilled so strongly in me. However, I wear this ring now reminding myself of the sole fact that this is how the body of Christ is to function, not just my Teen Mania comrades. I want to love, respect and value each individual I come across, and be open to them regardless of anything; and to show them honor. I want to show this to all people, not even just followers of The Way.
All in all. I am very thankful for and honor the heritage my parents have began for my siblings and I and our future families, I am thankful for my year in Texas, and I am even more thankful for everything that has come since then, teaching me yet more invaluable lessons in my character and in living for my beautiful Lord.
Straight out of High School, I packed up my bags and hit the road! Sixteen [felt more like a million!!] hours later I arrived at my new home for the year; Garden Valley, Texas. Yes, Texas. An interesting place, with interesting inhabitants! I was finally at Teen Mania Ministries about to undergo my new adventure at their internship called, "The Honor Academy"! I had known since I was in grade 9 I wanted to go to The Honor Academy after High School. It wasn't even a question in my mind. At this point, all of my siblings have gone there actually [and no, our parents didn't make us!]. It was such a pivotal year in my life. I looking back on that year somewhat remorsefully, however, at this point knowing how much more I could have put into it...but hey, let's not live in the past! All in all, it was a life changing year! Upon graduation of this internship we got this!!
The Honor Ring! [Well, not this one exactly, because, you see...I lost the one they gave me somewhere along the way....and got this new one yesterday!]
The point of this ring though was to symbolize the "
Here's the thing though; I don't think I ever took all of this that seriously until I began thinking about it in recent weeks. One of the main things we were taught at this academy was honor [hence, The Honor Academy.] The thing that began my thought process on all of this recently was a sermon I heard a few weeks ago about honor. How we need to honor our forefathers, honor our parents, honor our pastors, honor fellow brothers and sisters...and to esteem them more highly than we do ourselves. It was refreshing to hear such a relevant and impacting teaching, in a body of Christ were I don't think many people truly understand the concept of Honor, or how to operate in it. Then I began thinking of all of the things I learned my year in Texas, and everything I have learned since; and began feeling a certain level of ownership over this whole situation, because you're responsible for what you know. I am responsible to be an example of a God fearing, righteous, honorable young lady...because I know that I should be. I then began to feel distressed knowing I had so carelessly misplaced the ring I had originally been given; thus frantically contacting Teen Mania by way of calling the Guard Booth repeatedly until I heard back from someone!
Now that I think about it I am glad I lost the first ring, and then have been able to go through this whole thought process now...and come to a deeper and more meaningful understanding that perhaps I would not have come to otherwise. I look at this new ring now though, and honor Teen Mania for the vision of excellence and Godly character that they [and my parents before then!] had instilled so strongly in me. However, I wear this ring now reminding myself of the sole fact that this is how the body of Christ is to function, not just my Teen Mania comrades. I want to love, respect and value each individual I come across, and be open to them regardless of anything; and to show them honor. I want to show this to all people, not even just followers of The Way.
All in all. I am very thankful for and honor the heritage my parents have began for my siblings and I and our future families, I am thankful for my year in Texas, and I am even more thankful for everything that has come since then, teaching me yet more invaluable lessons in my character and in living for my beautiful Lord.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Girly girl!
I just want to say that I love being a girl!! When I get to have a pedicure, manicure, massage at at spa, people playing with my hair...really anything where I'm getting pampered, it's a good day for me :)
I love beauty! I love embracing the joyous fact that God made me a lady!
I think there is a process though of growing into being comfortable in your own skin though. You know? Like really becoming the most beautiful version of you, and loving it with a confidence. Some women are afraid of beauty, they're afraid to be noticed for one reason or another. I can relate though, completely. I remember numerous times when there was a formal, banquet or whatever at which all the girls had an excuse to get completely decked out and looking fabulous; my resounding thought process and state of emotions would be, "Gosh, I am so uncomfortable." [Not because of wearing a dress and heels, and not because I am more comfortable in my AE Jeans, hoodie and flip flops any day either!!] It was because I was afraid to be noticed, afraid to be seen as lovely and beautiful...for some ominous reason. Thus whatever grace and poise I could have walked in those evenings, was not the first thing on my mind. I was not looking to be the Cinderella of the night, I was just hoping that a cute boy wouldn't ask me to dance; causing me to be 75% more awkward than I already felt. [Haha!] Granted, of course I wanted Prince Charming to come along and sweep me off my feet, but there was a deeper emotion running through my heart that rang more true in those moments. The fear that I was not really what Mr. Charming wanted. I was not pretty enough, or skinny enough, or cool enough...the list could go on; and does go on in many young ladies hearts' and minds' daily.
Bethany Dillon wrote a song and the chorus goes like this,
"Gaze into my eyes And let me know you'd fight thousands, for my love...Slip your hand in mine, ask me to dance with you tonight-- just ask me for my love"
It's such a bold statement. So confidant. And I know that it touches a deep chord inside of most women I know. It's the perfect ending to all our fairy tale dreams.
I know this above a lot of things. I was made for love; and so were you. There's a deep heart cry in each person to experience love at it's richest and deepest moments, for ladies and gentlemen. God put that desire there, undoubtedly. And one thing I've learned that goes so deep is you can't really even love wholly, until you've learned to be loved...and until you've learned to love yourself! Not in a conceited way, but in a manner of understanding God created YOU. Which a. means He likes you how you are & b. means He did it that way on purpose, and He makes good- no, great things. Once you embrace that; you are ready to embark on the journey of truly loving others, selflessly; the way that love was made to be given.
I can't wait to have this full understanding. I feel far most days; sometimes inching closer, but I always know that,
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
And that really is the ultimate goal. I know that some people think I am very beautiful, and I am aware that others may not find me as [outwardly] beautiful as I might hope. But that's just life and it's just the journey we all go on. I believe I am saying alllll of this to say...when you know your value and worth and beauty in the eyes of our Lord and Saviour; it instills a confidence that the worst day ever [broke a nail, realized you've gained 3 lbs, found out your dream guy likessomeone else not you, whatever it may be] couldn't shake. And it's very cool to not be shaken because you know no matter what God has totally got this whole thing covered, and there really is nothing to fear.
I love beauty! I love embracing the joyous fact that God made me a lady!
I think there is a process though of growing into being comfortable in your own skin though. You know? Like really becoming the most beautiful version of you, and loving it with a confidence. Some women are afraid of beauty, they're afraid to be noticed for one reason or another. I can relate though, completely. I remember numerous times when there was a formal, banquet or whatever at which all the girls had an excuse to get completely decked out and looking fabulous; my resounding thought process and state of emotions would be, "Gosh, I am so uncomfortable." [Not because of wearing a dress and heels, and not because I am more comfortable in my AE Jeans, hoodie and flip flops any day either!!] It was because I was afraid to be noticed, afraid to be seen as lovely and beautiful...for some ominous reason. Thus whatever grace and poise I could have walked in those evenings, was not the first thing on my mind. I was not looking to be the Cinderella of the night, I was just hoping that a cute boy wouldn't ask me to dance; causing me to be 75% more awkward than I already felt. [Haha!] Granted, of course I wanted Prince Charming to come along and sweep me off my feet, but there was a deeper emotion running through my heart that rang more true in those moments. The fear that I was not really what Mr. Charming wanted. I was not pretty enough, or skinny enough, or cool enough...the list could go on; and does go on in many young ladies hearts' and minds' daily.
Bethany Dillon wrote a song and the chorus goes like this,
"Gaze into my eyes And let me know you'd fight thousands, for my love...Slip your hand in mine, ask me to dance with you tonight-- just ask me for my love"
It's such a bold statement. So confidant. And I know that it touches a deep chord inside of most women I know. It's the perfect ending to all our fairy tale dreams.
I know this above a lot of things. I was made for love; and so were you. There's a deep heart cry in each person to experience love at it's richest and deepest moments, for ladies and gentlemen. God put that desire there, undoubtedly. And one thing I've learned that goes so deep is you can't really even love wholly, until you've learned to be loved...and until you've learned to love yourself! Not in a conceited way, but in a manner of understanding God created YOU. Which a. means He likes you how you are & b. means He did it that way on purpose, and He makes good- no, great things. Once you embrace that; you are ready to embark on the journey of truly loving others, selflessly; the way that love was made to be given.
I can't wait to have this full understanding. I feel far most days; sometimes inching closer, but I always know that,
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
And that really is the ultimate goal. I know that some people think I am very beautiful, and I am aware that others may not find me as [outwardly] beautiful as I might hope. But that's just life and it's just the journey we all go on. I believe I am saying alllll of this to say...when you know your value and worth and beauty in the eyes of our Lord and Saviour; it instills a confidence that the worst day ever [broke a nail, realized you've gained 3 lbs, found out your dream guy likes
Thursday, October 7, 2010
There are no words...
On October 5, 2010 my sweet friends' the Ausdemore's lost a precious member of their family. Luke went home to be with Jesus that night. This family is so amazing, and I am so blessed to have them in my life. My heart is broken with them during this time, and I pray that Jesus comforts them so deeply and tangibly in these coming weeks. We know that Luke is with Jesus this very minute, but our hearts grieve at the loss of a loved one. And I know that there are no words to ease the passing of such a beloved son & brother, but Lord I just lift this family up to you right now...

Bless this dear, sweet family Jesus. Bless them deeply with your presence right now.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
It's time to be faithful!
The consistent theme of my church-going today was the parable in Luke 19, when this guy of noble birth gave a few servants some [minas] old school money, and said to them, "Here, I'm giving you this, now, go and put this money to work until I come back." The Nobleman returns and each servant had done something with the minas; from gaining far more than they'd originally been given, to hiding their minas away because for fear they wouldn't succeed at the task; therefore, not even trying. The Nobleman then rewarded each according to their work for him, the faithful ones gaining great authority and reward; and the unfaithful one being scolded and having the mina he had possession of taken away and given to a faithful one.
What I am gathering from all of this is this; God has given each of us a very specific set of gifts, skills, talents, etc. to use to expand the Kingdom of Heaven. The choice to invest in these things is completely up to us though. The more that we would sow into each thing, the more we would get a return to say. It makes perfect sense actually; and this parable is so clearly parralleling our lives in Christ. I want to invest and take risks on things God has given me, to expand the Kingdom of Heaven. It's time to be faithful. It's time to begin getting returns on all that we're pouring out our lives over in all of this, and not because we want a return, but because we hunger to pour out all we are for the sake of God's name. We need to get hungry for the things of Heaven and begin pulling them down here on earth, and living like we mean it.
Blessed is he who regards the interests of the Kingdom of Heaven as paramount to every other interest in the world, paramount to his own personal interests. Blessed is he whose interest in life, whose interest in the world is only used to extend the interest of the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed is he who has lost his own identity as an individual and has become a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. blessed is he who sees the Kingdom of Heaven as the ultimate, to be possessed. --John G. Lake
It's time to get hungry and it's time to be faithful with what God has already given us to work with.
What I am gathering from all of this is this; God has given each of us a very specific set of gifts, skills, talents, etc. to use to expand the Kingdom of Heaven. The choice to invest in these things is completely up to us though. The more that we would sow into each thing, the more we would get a return to say. It makes perfect sense actually; and this parable is so clearly parralleling our lives in Christ. I want to invest and take risks on things God has given me, to expand the Kingdom of Heaven. It's time to be faithful. It's time to begin getting returns on all that we're pouring out our lives over in all of this, and not because we want a return, but because we hunger to pour out all we are for the sake of God's name. We need to get hungry for the things of Heaven and begin pulling them down here on earth, and living like we mean it.
Blessed is he who regards the interests of the Kingdom of Heaven as paramount to every other interest in the world, paramount to his own personal interests. Blessed is he whose interest in life, whose interest in the world is only used to extend the interest of the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed is he who has lost his own identity as an individual and has become a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. blessed is he who sees the Kingdom of Heaven as the ultimate, to be possessed. --John G. Lake
It's time to get hungry and it's time to be faithful with what God has already given us to work with.
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–adjective [wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe. ] [leading an unsettled ...
mis·sion·ar·y [mish-uh-ner-ee] Show IPA noun, plural -ar·ies, adjective noun Also, mis·sion·er. 1. a person sent by a church into an are...