Breaking news!! I just found the book that explains the every thought process I have muddled through in the last couple years of my life! "Tinkerers". That's what they call people [like me] who are prone to certain ridiculous understandable thought processes about the future, and the "will of God" in ones life; which have been quite misleading to many people who love the Lord and want His will in their lives. The content was so interesting as I was devouring the pages of this tiny but profound book. I feel as though many people have been taught to over-spiritualize so many things in our lives, myself included! This book so blatantly pointed out the many flaws of this type of thinking; and I think this Mr. Kevin DeYoung is right! Not only do I think he is right, I think he's ingenious for putting all these inspiring revelations in one, tiny, pocket sized bundle of wisdom!
He addresses so many issues straight to the point, points that I am positive many 20-something year old persons have gone through in their heads when they're at a crossroads in life. I think the most profound thing I've read yet [I'm only 1/2 way through it!] is, many young people are so desperate to do the will of God that it immobilizes any action that they may take, because of fearing that they're doing the wrong thing, or being worried they'll be tied down to something that they don't really want, or...worse, that they'll be stepping out of the "will of God". All pretty valid concerns, however, not so much trusting in Gods' sovereignty over our lives. I think that God has created each person so different and unique and placed such diverse desires and callings over each of our lives; and if one's heart is submitted to God, and listening to the God given desires in one's heart [along as they're Godly!!], there's nothing to fear. In the book He says, "God doesn't take risks, so we can." And I think by that he meant, don't be afraid to just do something, and trust that God is big enough to handle your life. I mean He did plan every day of it before you were even born. We don't need to be immobilized. We need to be free people. Free to love and live and pursue the dreams God has placed in our hearts. I'm definitely choosing this way to live my life! It's going to be an amazing adventure. It already has been.