Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just Do Something!!

Breaking news!! I just found the book that explains the every thought process I have muddled through in the last couple years of my life! "Tinkerers". That's what they call people [like me] who are prone to certain ridiculous understandable thought processes about the future, and the "will of God" in ones life; which have been quite misleading to many people who love the Lord and want His will in their lives. The content was so interesting as I was devouring the pages of this tiny but profound book. I feel as though many people have been taught to over-spiritualize so many things in our lives, myself included! This book so blatantly pointed out the many flaws of this type of thinking; and I think this Mr. Kevin DeYoung is right! Not only do I think he is right, I think he's ingenious for putting all these inspiring revelations in one, tiny, pocket sized bundle of wisdom!

He addresses so many issues straight to the point, points that I am positive many 20-something year old persons have gone through in their heads when they're at a crossroads in life. I think the most profound thing I've read yet [I'm only 1/2 way through it!] is, many young people are so desperate to do the will of God that it immobilizes any action that they may take, because of fearing that they're doing the wrong thing, or being worried they'll be tied down to something that they don't really want, or...worse, that they'll be stepping out of the "will of God". All pretty valid concerns, however, not so much trusting in Gods' sovereignty over our lives. I think that God has created each person so different and unique and placed such diverse desires and callings over each of our lives; and if one's heart is submitted to God, and listening to the God given desires in one's heart [along as they're Godly!!], there's nothing to fear. In the book He says, "God doesn't take risks, so we can." And I think by that he meant, don't be afraid to just do something, and trust that God is big enough to handle your life. I mean He did plan every day of it before you were even born. We don't need to be immobilized. We need to be free people. Free to love and live and pursue the dreams God has placed in our hearts. I'm definitely choosing this way to live my life! It's going to be an amazing adventure. It already has been.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Girl Meets World

I always find myself impatiently wishing I were 5, 7 or 10 years down the road in life. There are so many things that I just wish I knew the answer to or could see how it all turned out. I know it's silly. I never wish I knew all the answers immediately though, because then I am aware that it would take all of the adventure out of the pilgrimage. And even though I don't want to know everything now, I still want to know where I am going! I just don't want to take all of the fun out of it!

I liken it to my favorite show in the world, "Boy Meets World". It's really quite a beautiful little world that the writers of that show created. These three friends that go through life together, through everything; and they always have Mr. Feeney there to give them epic guidance at any moment!

Once you get to the last episode in Season 7 it all comes to one grand closure. There they are, all together, and they've all decide to venture off into the world like they've always been, together. You feel like you've become part of their lives as you've watched them struggle through life, it's joys & heartbreaks. I mean Cory & Toganga break up like a million times, but at the end you always know everything is going to be alright. So, what am I getting at? I don't even know. I think what it is though, is that life is beautiful. Life is a process; and even though sometimes I wish I had the picture perfect "Boy Meets World" kind of life, I know that what I have is even more beautiful, really. I know I don't have some awesome writers in Hollywood writing the script for my life [thank God!!!] as to assure a wonderful ending; but this I do have;

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
      you formed me in my mother's womb.
   I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking!
      Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
      I worship in adoration—what a creation!
   You know me inside and out,
      you know every bone in my body;
   You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
      how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
   Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
      all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
   The days of my life all prepared
      before I'd even lived one day.  [psalm 139:13]

and...on top of that I am promised this;

      I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home.
         I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you,
     not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. [jeremiah 29:11]

Therefore, whenever my heart begins to grow weary or impatient, it is refreshing when I simply remind myself of the truth spoken over my life; when I remind myself to let go & trust in the one who cares more about my life than I even do. When I remember that. I can truly just rest.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Eat those fruits & veggies!

Did you know that...

today, health care professionals know more than ever about the relationship between good nutrition and good health. In simplest terms, healthy eating is about getting back to basics - by following the latest USDA guidelines at
Eating the recommended 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables every day is the best way to get the whole food nutrition you need to stay healthy. But healthy eating takes time and planning - and can cost a lot of money - and with today's busy lifestyles it's easy to miss out on the nutrients you need. That's why adding Juice Plus+ to your diet is an important step for you and every member of your family. It's a simple, affordable way to fuel your body with good nutrition.
[taken from]

Hey, it's me now!! You know my last whole post about goals [yada, yada, yada!!]...I think I have found it!
That perfect second job and won't completely strangle my already dismal vibrant and exciting social life!! In fact, this job is so great, that part of it would consist of  simply mingling with people!! [How exciting!!]

Here's the deal. My Mom & my Aunt have been selling this product called "Juice Plus" for a while now. And they're fanatics! I used to just look at them in bewilderment and came to the conclusion that they had just lost it. Buuuuut. Today I went to Louisville, KY with my Mom and some friends to a Business Presentation of this little [actually quite booming] Nutritional Industry. The moment I heard them say, "Wellness is the next trillion dollar industry!" I knew I had come to the right place; and now  I dwell among the "fanatics" that I so recently scoffed at! 

Really though. It's an amazing product. And let's face it, we all need as much help as we can get eating healthy and living good lifestyles with all the business around us. I'll admit that I don't think this is the "fix-all" kind of solution that some may try to make it out to be; but I absolutely think it is a very beneficial step in the right direction. Email me if you want more info!! Even if you don't think health is something you need to think about in this moment of your life, it's time to think again. Today you're building your body for tomorrow. Make today count! :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Work, work [play?] and more work.

I am interviewing for a second job tomorrow. Uhh...the agony. Two whole jobs?! When will I have time to do...anything?! I mean, I know I could definitely use the extra change in my purse...but really, two jobs?!

Now that I think about it I've had a really posh life. You know- never had to work two jobs, always had my parents to rely on if I reeaaallly needed something. I've had it easy.
However this morning I woke up with a resolve I have not felt in the past.
I declared publicly [to my brother Jon & my Mom], "I have goals!" To which my brother laughed, and mocked back, "Goals?!".

Yes. I have goals.

I've never really been the 5 year plan kind of person.
I hardly have a plan for my day.
I am seeing fit a time for having goals though, and I believe that time is now! It says there is a season for everything in the Bible, right? So, before was my season to be irresponsible, free spirited, and move where ever the wind may blow me...but, now is the season for direction. For clarity. For dedication to something! For...a slight risk of being bored. But, alas. I shall prevail. And, hopefully come out of this new season more refined, maybe even a little more "grown up". So, I went out and applied for another job today as a sign for all to see. The seriousness of the announcement I had made earlier this day needed to be noted!
And...I knew if I didn't do it today, I'd probably just change my mind by tomorrow! [haha!]

Without a vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18

Yes. It's time for vision.
I hope I make it through this!! ;)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

True Life.

God, you bring TRUE life. You're so cool, cuz you're not "religious" & you're not mad at me for anything, you just straight LOVE me & you aren't the way most people say you are...

& since i know that i feel FREE to love you how my heart was designed to & i don't have to feel bad about it. there's no formula & there's no right or wrong way either.

you are love. & if i love you, then i have real love in me.

i am so sick of people trying to put condemnation on hearts that don't need it. i am tired of people talking about "god" or "religion" and they don't even know the One who truly loves them and saved them and who died for them. They know this image they have built up in their minds and they base their relationship with the real God off of that image. it makes for a really whacked out religion and it is based on a lie.

God i want to know you, i want to know truth. to know who you really are,
not who people just say you are.

 i want your word in ME and i want the truth of your word in me, not just what my mind perceives of what i am reading. all i want is what is REAL.

i want to throw all the other crap out of the door and out of my mind because all i want is YOU and all i want is the TRUTH. and if that TRUTH is found in me laying down my life and simply LOVING the people who you put in my life or if that truth is found in me laying out in my back yard on my hammock gazing at the stars just thinking of how amazing you are, then that is what i want to do!

i just want YOU!!

i am tired of who people have made you and i am sick of satan using that lie against your children...and i am not going to hold it back and deny giving that truth to others! and we're all going to know who we are and we're going to be free thru the name of more bondage, no more lies.

i literally refuse to settle for any less now. and nothing is going to stop me. cuz God is bigger than the boogie man, he's bigger than godzilla or the monsters on TV... ;)

so, if my GOD  is for me that who can EVER stop me? absolutely no one.

we are going to begin living free. and i am starting now! who want's to come?! ;)

How exciting!

This may seem a little silly, but I am so excited to have a blog of my own!! I'm not necessarily doing this to get a "following" or anything, but more as a creative outlet for me. I've always written stuff, all my life. Whenever there was something I wanted to communicate and couldn't really find the words, the second my pen hit my journal it all came pouring out! This leads me to believe I am meant to write, least. And I follow a few blogs and am so amused and inspired by some of them, and just hope I'm able to eventually find my "sweet spot" for writing.
Therefore, this is my first attempt aside from a few "notes" I've written on facebook to improve in this interest of mine! I guess we'll see how this goes! (I'm glad there is spell check on here!) I mean, see ya next time! :)