I just want to say that I love being a girl!! When I get to have a pedicure, manicure, massage at at spa, people playing with my hair...really anything where I'm getting pampered, it's a good day for me :)
I love beauty! I love embracing the joyous fact that God made me a lady!

I think there is a process though of growing into being comfortable in your own skin though. You know? Like really becoming the most beautiful version of you, and loving it with a confidence. Some women are afraid of beauty, they're afraid to be noticed for one reason or another. I can relate though, completely. I remember numerous times when there was a formal, banquet or whatever at which all the girls had an excuse to get completely decked out and looking fabulous; my resounding thought process and state of emotions would be, "Gosh, I am so uncomfortable." [Not because of wearing a dress and heels, and not because I am more comfortable in my AE Jeans, hoodie and flip flops any day either!!] It was because I was afraid to be noticed, afraid to be seen as lovely and beautiful...for some ominous reason. Thus whatever grace and poise I could have walked in those evenings, was not the first thing on my mind. I was not looking to be the Cinderella of the night, I was just hoping that a cute boy wouldn't ask me to dance; causing me to be 75% more awkward than I already felt. [Haha!] Granted, of course I
wanted Prince Charming to come along and sweep me off my feet, but there was a deeper emotion running through my heart that rang more true in those moments. The fear that I was not really what Mr. Charming wanted. I was not pretty enough, or skinny enough, or cool enough...the list could go on; and does go on in many young ladies hearts' and minds' daily.
Bethany Dillon wrote a song and the chorus goes like this,
"Gaze into my eyes And let me know you'd fight thousands, for my love...Slip your hand in mine, ask me to dance with you tonight-- just ask me for my love"
It's such a bold statement. So confidant. And I know that it touches a deep chord inside of most women I know. It's the perfect ending to all our fairy tale dreams.
I know this above a lot of things. I was made for love; and so were you. There's a deep heart cry in each person to experience love at it's richest and deepest moments, for ladies and gentlemen. God put that desire there, undoubtedly. And one thing I've learned that goes so deep is you can't really even
love wholly, until you've learned to be loved...and until you've learned to love yourself! Not in a conceited way, but in a manner of understanding God created YOU. Which a. means He likes you how you are & b. means He did it that way on purpose, and He makes good- no,
great things. Once you embrace that; you are ready to embark on the journey of truly loving others, selflessly; the way that love was made to be given.
I can't wait to have this full understanding. I feel far most days; sometimes inching closer, but I always know that,
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
And that really is the ultimate goal. I know that some people think I am very beautiful, and I am aware that others may not find me as [outwardly] beautiful as I might hope. But that's just life and it's just the journey we all go on. I believe I am saying alllll of this to say...when you know your value and worth and
beauty in the eyes of our Lord and Saviour; it instills a confidence that the worst day ever [broke a nail, realized you've gained 3 lbs, found out your dream guy likes
someone else not you, whatever it may be] couldn't shake. And it's very cool to not be shaken because you know no matter what God has totally got this whole thing covered, and there really is nothing to fear.